Was it really that bad.
Was it really that bad
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Just as bad as the developers being sex offenders
no it's better than psx pixel art
>slow mo backflips over a missile
Isn't that par for the course in Metal Gear Solid?
>t. brainlet
Go back to your bing bing wahoo
Didn't have to deal with stiff controls especially during the sniper wolf fights and liquid fist fight. Couldn't just shoot everyone and have them disappear. AI would call in reinforcements and check for bodies. Kino cutscenes. Worse music. Tonally off voice acting.
No, it really isn't.
Play the other games.
Not until 4 with cyborg Raiden
There are acrobatic, ninja-like characters regularly, but even at its worst the action never gets that dumb.
Rising is not mainline.
Come on, the series got pretty silly as early as MGS2.
Example? For the life of me I can't remember anything as silly as the shit in the Twin Snakes. 2 had Raiden doing cartwheels naked but that's not nearly as stupid
Vamp and the cyborg ninjas are really the only ones on that ridiculous of a level. Snake's abilities are supposed to be more grounded yet versatile to put emphasis on the tactical part of the gameplay.
Needs more time jannies.
Not at all.
The slow mo in the cutscenes was the only bad part. The rest of it was a solid remake of the original.
I liked it when it came out and still liked it when I replayed it about 6 years ago. Really solid remake, but it did introduce the stupid acrobatic dog shit that plagued the series since.
What are you talking about?
Manta ray mechs.
Anti-bullet forcefields.
Liquid's ghost hand.
Solidus turning into Dr. Octopus out of nowhere.
Vamp running on water and up walls.
>one developer out of a hundred employees
so you agree Twin Snakes is pretty fucking good
Resident Evil 4 sucks, too, then, huh?
>Manta ray mechs.
>Anti-bullet forcefields.
These aren't really silly
No, it's a thousand times worse than that
Naked Raiden
Big Shell being Arsenal Gear
Everything is a simulation
Fission Mailed
Snake having infinite ammo
I enjoyed it because of how over the top it was. First person controlled like such ass though, and I wish they had just kept the original score instead of the one we ended up getting. I do think it is the overall better MGS1 experience, but I'd still recommend playing both.
Resident Evil 4 was an original game in a series of goofy games.
Twin Snakes has a generally serious tone and added superfluous acrobatics where in the original it was a lot more grounded.
Kojima is a hack this serious was never supposed to be taken serious.
Every one of those save for the mech is the trait of a character that clearly embodies them. Snake/Raiden are the everyman-type that are supposed to contrast against the batshit craziness around them. Snake can't act surprised at the presence of supernatural bullshit if he himself can suddenly participate in such like in Twin Snakes. Him being so relatively grounded makes this all work.
The only people who don't like it are Sonyfags since Twin Snakes is the only Metal Gear not put on a Sony system.
Unless you count the NES version of metal gear and snake's revenge.
You realize MGS1 did in fact have a cyborg ninja, a mystic shaman who swings an a-10s cannon around, and a psychic who can literally fly.
The series has *always* been a bit bonkers. It's the overall tone of the series that changed.
>a series of goofy games.
just because many of them had shit translations and voice acting in the West doesn't mean they were goofy, you idiot. way to bungle any point you were trying to make.
Didn't they fuck it up by putting in first-person aiming and other MGS2 mechanics but not redesigning other stuff around it?
I played it recently and it was really hard to get used to the shitty Gamecube controls after decades of playing with the superior Playstation controls.
>Implying Code Veronica is not goofy as hell
The only serious game in the original RE games was RE2
No you're just parroting unsubstantiated meme opinions. Don't worry it happens to everyone at some point or another.
In the original you can just run around with a silenced socom and shoot enemies in the back with auto aim and they disappear. In TTS they will at least investigate like in MGS2. The meat of the game is actually more cumbersome in TTS due to the MGS2 AI system. The boss fights are easier because of less shit controls.
>a psychic who can literally fly
Or perhaps that is just what Snake/Meryl were seeing. You could easily make him a Scarecrow-type villain.
I will now buy their game if true
So capeshit? Yeah not silly at all.
Kill yourself, TTS fucks up on nearly every front.
Controls are worse because they've mindelessly stole the model from MGS2 without accounting for MGS1 level design so guard AI can literally break. All of the atmosphere that 1 had is straight up gone, most voice actors are fucking up, like Hale. The music is awful. It barely does anything new to actually put a good spin on the original's formula. Briefings in the original actually make you feel like you're sitting naked and are being briefed, in TTS it looks like fucking claymation. The weird noscopes and backflips in the air are just the cherry on top of a shit pile.
Controls in the original were never shit, retard.
An obese man on roller skates throwing bombs is not silly to you?
it's a massive tonal shift when compared to the original.
Also the OST and SFX are worse, and the guards weren't replaced and reworked to mesh with 2's engine, resulting in total loss of balance.
It's literally not worth playing.
Yeah the voice acting was great...
>Controls are worse because they've mindelessly stole the model from MGS2 without accounting for MGS1 level design so guard AI can literally break.
Talking out your ass. The MGS2 AI can be dropped into any environment and works the same. This is obvious.
>hurr aiming with a dpad is not shit!
>360 degree movement is better on a dpad than a stick
Yes but for some reason incels on Yas Forums pretend to hate it. RULES OF NATURE DUDE XDDD
One of the few remakes better than the original.
Objectively wrong on every front since everything you said was just your opinion.
>Talking out your ass.
I'm not and you haven't refuted shit with your retarded argument.
>hurr aiming with a dpad is not shit!
Boo fucking hoo I have to use a dpad and actually have some skill in my video game, woe is me. The bosses and enemies are designed so that dpad movement is perfectly serviceable if you aren't a shitter.
My opinion = objective truth, in this case. Now fuck off.
Twin Snakes sucks, but Vamp is easily just as egregious, and Gray Fox is a cyborg ninja.
It's a remake influenced by The Matrix. If that's your thing then more power to you. But if there was one thing MGS didn't need it was to make it even more cringy and over the top.
AH YES, le classic moving le goalpost, le kill yourself, my man.
Not even RE2 was all that serious. Remember that game had a playable block of tofu.
You haven't proven shit in the first place.
>the game is perfect you're just shit
Nope the game is actually easy and the only difficulty in it at all comes from bad controls during gimmick boss fights.
how is he moving the goalposts? It's shit.
Everything is worse. No it does not gel well with the rest of the series.
Your reductivism can make everything sounds silly, but fans hate it for a reason.
>the developers being sex offenders
holy shit, i LOVE TWIN SNAKES NOW!