Will it be better or worse than Witcher 3?

Will it be better or worse than Witcher 3?

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Cyberflop 2020

worse, definitely


endlessly better simply on account of having a real setting to work with instead of Geralt Stu and the Gopnik Crew

probably worse because follow the red shit will be more extensive now that you can hadwave it with "cybervision"

hold shift to autodrive to destination, get out of Roach

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.


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imagine being this obsessed with the culture war

witcher 3 was made by people with passion who worked hard for a dream

Ciberpunk? half of the team are blue haried women and trannies

Over half of the development team left after Witcher 3 and they were replaced with Bioware rejects. This game has little hope at this point.

Is making DRM-free games the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than making DRM-free games. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are planning, programming and marketing a game for at least a year solely so it can be released and pirated without even having to be cracked by a hacker. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little game - the invested capital, optimizing the performance, making sure the console ports are working, paying your writers and programmers. All of it has one simple result: the gameplay is more enjoyable for the scumbags that will eventually download it for free.

Made the perfect game? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random neckbeard who likes it and donates you something for your affords. He gets to enjoy your product. He gets the benefits of it's recreational value and interesting story that came from the way you designed it.

As a game-developer without DRM, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least years of your life simply of game design and coding for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.



>they were replaced with Bioware rejects

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>The hands
It's allways the hands

it's all of "it"

>Those sideburns
>That posture
>Those arms
>Her look of fear

Not even worth a pirate.

So, it's just the guys doing the multiplayer backend? Quit wasting our fucking time.

>provide proof
hahahahaha you fucking faggot

it's not proof at all. it was claimed that the witcher 3 team was replaced with these guys, but they aren't even working at cdpr, they're just contractors for technical multiplayer stuff

It's a pasta but the core is true, fags loved them for releasing witcher 3 without DRM and act now suprised that they are cucked af.

>me pussy now
>u listen
>u no do good
>as a pussy i mean this from my hear, pussy to pussy
>u ned do better

how are they cucked? did they add drm?

>but they aren't even working at cdpr
here's your "dev working at cdpr" bro hahahaha

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I know this is a stale pasta, but I always took this shit to mean that they made it always a man explicitly for the demo, and that it wouldn't necessarily be that way in the full game. I have my own concerns with the game being annoying pozzed, but I think this is one of the many non-issues that gets blown up, which only hurts the case for the other complaints.

Wouldn't being a member of the LGBT+ also make you a supporter by default?

>I always took this shit to mean that they made it always a man explicitly for the demo
so they prioritize female v and faggot v over straight male v? like i been fucking saying? they didn't even put effort to develop straight male content? like i been fucking saying? all you shill attempts to defend this faggot shit just prove my fucking point for me

They are cucked for not adding DRM.
>A gamer please could you please pay ehh.. give me money as a compensation you now,,, because I already invested so much in the production and it would be good when you reward our afford a little bit please, i know you can just get it for free on release because we didn't want to upset you but please it would be good when you please give us some money please

No. There's plenty of people who are members that aren't active in the culture.
Not to mention that the fanatical progressives always need to keep "internalized bigotry" in their back pocket at all times. Meaning, they still need to be able to call you an Uncle Tom or whatever, just in case you speak out of turn.

I have always found it strange that a very very very very very small percentage of the population is being pandered to so much. If faggots of all kinds didn't buy their products they wouldn't lose much money at all.

I guarantee you are 12 years old.

No, you fucking homo. It read like they were showing off that gay relationships, in fact, exist in game. In other words, they were highlighting a feature. They weren't saying that you can't be straight or that there aren't going to be straight relationships. You're extrapolating far too much based on far too little.

Better, but I think Witcher 3 is very overrated. Not a bad game, but not a great either.

> It read like they were showing off that gay relationships, in fact, exist in game. In other words, they were highlighting a feature.
so only faggot v shit should be shown but not straight male v content? fucking moron every fucking time with you faggot cdpr shill apologists


Fuck off. Piracy keeps gaming healthy, and keeps devs honest. DRM is only used as a tool to wring money out of suckers, and only serves only to make games more difficult to play years after the fact. Supporting DRM is an unironic bootlicker move.

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Don't reply to bait

I think it will be worse than Witcher but still a good game, but I hope it's better

Hey I hate the cdfags like you, but look retarded here. They wanted to "show off" gay V, that's it. No one cares about lesbians because they can't have real sex(penetration) anyway, but gays are allways instictivly viewed as off or wrong.

It will be wholesome 100 epic keanu reaves big chungus

better but still not very good

Too early to tell. I think in terms of content it will be worse simply because it will just have less of it, but if they don't fuck up exploration then Night City will probably rip people's dicks off way better than anything in W3 did.

They don't even bother to protect their product from people getting it for free, now that they are AAA-tier and DRM-software is too much for the piratescene to handle it is KEKED.