Remake happening, not only is it pretty shit...

Remake happening, not only is it pretty shit, but it's probably gonna be the last multi-plat Sonic game you're gonna see for a long, loooooooong time

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Oh but I will admit that the graphics are actually really pretty, and it's surprisingly really fucking well optimized across the board. Announcement on Monday

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, LAST thing I fucking neglect to mention, there's two Perfect Chaos's now? Not like separately, he has two separate forms like a fucking DBZ character

I mean, the first game IS kinda shit. I like it and I've played it more than I care to admit, but it's a very rudimentary 3D game with a shitton of levels nobody actually wants to play (Big the Cat, Amy)

And I should believe you because...?

Are you replying to yourself again op ?
Fuck off coronafag no one cares you fucking underage fuckstick

I don't care. Coronavirus ruined everything now they won't even reveal the game until 2021.

I swear to God almighty it's completely impossible to please sonic fans

An Adventure remake sounds like a good idea because it is a bad game.
It would be hard to make it worse than the original.

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Is this dry spell the longest ever? Not a Sonic expert.

Who the hell cares, they're Sonic fans

>deliver decidedly negative news as a stealth source insider, yet have no proof
>but be doing this for weeks, never giving proof
>perplexed when people respond either incredulously at your sourceless claims or dejected at the content of said claim being negative in aspect
??? you retarded son?

oh my god nintendo finally bought sonic

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No, it was 4 years between Lost World and Forces, we haven't even reached 3 yet. The wait just seems longer than that one because we had Sonic Boom inbetween to make fun of.

They just said they're not announcing the next game any time soon. Fuck off.

Attached: sonicannouncementdelay.jpg (585x379, 64.37K)

>Sega literally JUST said the next game isn't being announced until Corona-chan fucks off
>It's being announced MONDAY guize!
I will never understand you LARPing faggots

Why are Sonic fans so sexy, Yas Forums?

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stop tryna make me sad

>Classic Sonic fangame makers are all chads
>Modern Sonic fags are all cringy ugly autists who do nothing of value

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The only thing that MAY be announced is a Sega Ages Sonic 3(probably including Knuckles if they don't want to be maximum Jews) and that's only if you believe there's a reason for the new Sonic Station Live preview screenshot having Sonic 3's opening scene on it.

I thought the Sega Ages series was dead.

>deny greenlighting Sonic 3K Taxman for years
>avoid all the MJ team zone tracks like the plague
>but Sega AGES Sonic 3 is okay
Doesn't make sense to me

Sega Ages Sonic 2 released just this year. You sure you aren't mistaking it for something else? Sega Ages is the Switch releases with some minor extra bits like the drop dash and some little challenges.

Christian looks so goofy with his big hair, he's great. I was surprised to find out out Tyson Hesse is a legitimate, unironic, full-blown Chad.

And that's why I'm saying the only possibility is if you believe that they picked that scene for the preview shot for a reason. No idea if anything will come of it, probably nothing again. All I'm saying is there's a tiny possibility that something Sonic 3 related will be announced. Might just be merch though.

Yeah, last time they talked about it, they said the sales were poor in Japan so they might not continue the series unless sales pick up.

What the fuck is a sonic? I'm really hoping 343i doesn't make us wait too much longer on Halo 2 for the MCC on steam.

Well... Then I dunno. Like I said, it's only if you believe they picked the screenshot for a reason.

literally IRL level boosters who got their awkward edgy/anime/furshit phases out of their systems extra early, thanks to Sonic, and moved on to bettering themselves

doesnt matter, sonic gets reworked every 3 games anyway, people here talk about mario having no lore but sonic doesnt have a consistent lore either

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right, because the FF and RE fans totally aren't currently going nuclear? Or do I need to mention the butthurt DOOM fans while I'm at it?

It used to have consistent lore until they soft rebooted the series twice in a row with 06 and then Unleashed.

No proof, give us the sauce or stop larping.

>consistent lore
Literally shut the fuck up, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

Do you know if they've ever announced a new game or port on this Sonic Station show?