Mass Effect

I have an important message from Asari Military Command for you, Yas Forums.

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what a strange thing for Asari Military Command to say

thanks yeoman chambers. report to my cabin immediately for cuddling.

>What is that even supposed to mean? I don't understand why you bother replying to me when you are unwilling to inject any creative ideas
Saying the Reapers weren't that smart to begin with is not a creative idea.

>You don't seem to understand how fiction works or how writing it works
I do. It needs to adhere to the lore. What you are suggesting is, again, lorebreaking.

>You are rigid about this and insist we must write the Reapers to be invincible and unbeatable. In that case, there is no story to tell. So what's the point?
Well, then perhaps you want to take your complaint up with the parameters set up by ME1.

>You are just plain wrong anyway but too stubborn and immature to admit it. Even in ME1, despite Sovereign's hubris, it is beaten. The only reason it is in a position to BE beaten is because they are NOT wholly beyond comprehension and are not infallible. They fucked up with the Protheans and Sovereign fucked up with its attacked. If the Reapers in ME1 had been written to be perfect then there would be no story to tell.
Alright, so we make Sovereign to be a liar, vulnerable and overplayed. In other words, he is an unreliable narrator and the Reapers aren't actually that big of a threat. Which begs the question, why does Shepard make that big of a deal of them? They aren't worth the attention or importance given to them.

>You. Are. Wrong. I don't care what your assumptions are because they are baseless and simplistic, and worst of all, they aren't USEFUL from a creative standpoint.
I am merely trying to adhere to the lore.

>Here is an ideal Reaper story JUST FOR YOU:
>The Reapers wiped out the Protheans and then wiped out the current galaxy 2000 years ago. The game begins with a paragraph explaining this and then the credits role.
>10/10 game of the year (idiot)
Exactly. This is the only plausible scenario ME1 leaves. And this is, in fact, the realization I needed you to come to. Unless we severely underpower the Reapers, there is no way out.

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Not that I am aware of.

You know, I wonder where was Drew going with certain themes. Asari use other species DNA to randomise their daughters and believe they can find useful traits that help them. Reapers harvest other species to create more Reapers and in his dark energy ending he implied that humans will be special and important (and asari and potheans were close but not quite there) just cause they are humans (which I don't really like, but whatever). What's with the theme of genetic material, so to speak?

Reapers are rogue janny AI (more like VI) with faulty logic. Change my mind.

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Someone convince me that Dark Energy wasn’t a dumb concept.

No, no, no. They are being PRESERVED. Not killed. Totally different.

That was not my question... Perhaps it could have been interesting, but from what little I seen of Drew talking about it didn't sound very good. Dark energy itself is not a problem though, not like eezo or biotics is not just a space magic, even if well written.
Just put them on the zoo. Or just kill synthetics when needed.

>Or just kill synthetics when needed.
What? So what are you going to do? Have the Reapers hanging around the galaxy and eradicate synthetics every time they rise up like a galactic police? Don't be stupid. That is sensible. And Mac doesn't do sensible.

Is it worth playing through this series if I've always wanted to?

>tfw your brother sold your copy of the first game way back when without telling you

The idea was pretty well explained
>Protheans evolve to the level that they reach the Citadel
>Humans, Turians, Asari, etc have started showing up but are still primitive
>Protheans might develop an AI that will end up killing everybody, including the primitive Humans, Turians, etc
>so the Reapers come back and kill the Protheans that put everything at risk
>this had been happening for billions of years back to when the Crucible first killed most of the Leviathans


Sure, if you like cover shooters.

His plot would make sense if the Rapers were actually elevating people to Godhood by entombing the race in a giant God machine but the Rapers are just AI that is still bound by the programming of the Astro Boy.

"We are each a nation" doesn't work because none of them are independent.

>cover shooters
Ehhh, I don't hate them but I will play them if there's more to the game than just whack-a-mole.

Honestly, I really want to play ME because I really want to immerse myself in a cool sci-fi world.

Why kill organics at all then? Just kill synthetics when they arise and tell organics to not do it or else they get wiped out as well. Not that organics vs synthetics is a good plot... Hell, you have Reapers (synthetics, but with DNA material or something) protecting organics form other synthetics. Ironings.

Well, give them a try then. If I were I would just pirate and see if I like them. And I would probably wouldn't buy anyway.

>Why kill organics at all then? Just kill synthetics when they arise and tell organics to not do it or else they get wiped out as well.
Getting to the citadel is just their litmus test of when that civilization is capable of creating those AIs.

They wouldn't be able to trust the organics to not do it (given that they knew they had the capability to do so) in secret, so it was best just to wipe them out and let organic life continue to evolve elsewhere.

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But at this point the Quarians had already created the Geth which the repears were not wiping out but instead taking advantage of them and using them as frontline soldiers???

>the thought pleased him and Leng was still smiling as he left
Was it autism?

The Reapers removed the Geth's free will so they were no longer AI, but simply tools.

Yes! Further proving the Reapers point that Synthetics will kill organics every chance they get. My name is Mac Walters. Aren't I brilliant?

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There's plenty of geth that still have free will that are genociding Quarians that the Repairs do SFA about.

dumb solution. Geth are proof their solution is dogshit, they have absolutely no desire to even involve themselves in people's lives. if anything the best option for them would be to tell Legion/Geth VI that they should delete the Reaper code and continue as normal in peace, problem solved because AI are not like organics and don't have natural desires or emotions so they can't be trusted to have true intelligence.

Love blue.

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if you dont like cover shooters just play vanguard class and it becomes a beat-em up

except for ME1. ME1 kind of stays a cover shooter

not if you have barrier + immunity on Soldier or Vanguard

The AI that came up with the solution doesn't care about whether an individual creation of AI will kill its organic creators. It only cares that the creation of AI will inevitably lead to the destruction of the organic creators.
>problem solved because AI are not like organics and don't have natural desires or emotions so they can't be trusted to have true intelligence.
Multiple species that were the servants of the Leviathans were wiped out by their AI creations, which is why the Leviathans created the Intelligence in the first place.
The harvest wasn't finished. The reapers needed to kill the quarians anyway, so it's better tactically to let them kill each other while they concentrate on other species; then they can come in and kill the survivors.

>The harvest wasn't finished. The reapers needed to kill the quarians anyway, so it's better tactically to let them kill each other while they concentrate on other species; then they can come in and kill the survivors.

This is the shittest answer I've ever seen to a huge logic hole in the shitshow that is the explanation of the Reapers. Truly, I thought Biodrones were dead and extinct but here you are, the last of your kind.

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the Geth are still just an approximation of intelligence, they're pretty much a bunch of VIs that pool together their intelligence to form something that closely resembles consciousness. just because AI exists doesn't mean it will kill off its creators, that's based on circumstance entirely. the Reapers' solution is stupid.
In fact, the Reapers meddling in people's lives has completely fucked technological advancement in ME. people can get to space and the Citadel without fully understanding the technology they discover on distant planets. they are basically hindering scientific development indefinitely by putting life inside of a box.
even in the hypothetical event that AI ALWAYS kills its creators, why work so hard to stop the inevitable? it's insanity, the Reapers are insane.

What's the scale of the setting? It keeps confusing me. Shouldn't there be trillions of citizens in the citadel? How the hell is humanity relevant at all with 20 billion at most?

>a civilization capable of FTL is likely, or soon will be, capable of creating AI that will eventually wipe it, and other organic life, out
>that civilization with FTL will probably run into one of the relays, which leads to the Citadel
>once the civilization gets to the Citadel, the Reapers come and wipe them out
I don't see what's so confusing about this. And just to reiterate
>the Intelligence/Catalyst doesn't care if already-created AI will wipe organic life out
>the only thing that matters is they have the capability to do so

who cares if they are capable? the Reapers solution is clearly flawed as evidenced by the Geth and the peace you can broker between them and the Quarians. AI is not destined to always kill its creators, that's dumb.

tons of the galaxy is unexplored ando/or has lots of primitive life that have not even had an industrial revolution or achieved the ability to begin space travel, examples are Yahg, Krogan, and Drell. The Krogan and Drell obviously were uplifted for different reasons by the Salarians and Hanar respectively.
the population hasn't exploded because the Reapers keep killing everyone