Play Blood.
Play Blood
I refuse
is there a sourceport for it
reminder that he's ducking because it bugs out the enemies AI and they wont shoot
yeah, wow, what a based game
I downloaded it this morning what the hell
shut the the fuck up already
I did and i'm fucking shit at it
What? They still shoot at you but you're harder to hit.
>Eternal is shi-
Everytime I see a webm of someone crouching around a corner with the stupid dynamite in their hands, it makes me want to play less
Too busy playing Duke3D
Refunded this shit. People pretend to like this game because they watched Civvie play it on YouTube, but it's genuinely one of the least fun Doom clones I've ever played. When you have to literally bug the game out to play it efficiently you know something is fucked up.
>repeated stops in the action just to show off some gore
Yeah cool game you've got there. No way that won't get annoying after the 2nd time.
Honestly it's a shame because the rest of that looked pretty fun.
You literally don't.
>Game is intentionally programmed for crouch to be a way to dodge fire
>Cultists even do it themselves to counter
"Better make some shit up so I can look retarded"
But I already am, I just finshed episode 2 a few hours ago, up to the hospital level of episode 3 now.
You're both retarded
>"Better make some shit up so I can look retarded"
This is fantastic bait.
>hurr having to crouch to avoid hit scanners is good gameplay
Nah ill just play shadow warrior
>Crouching to avoid damage in Blood is a bug
Now this is some of the most retarded shit I have ever seen. Why the fuck do you think cultists can go prone too?
What is it about blood thats making you willfully disinfo yourself?
Get owned blood fanshitters. Your game is cuckshit
All of these posts are me you got owned.
stay mad
Listen man the game gets fun after you memorize the entire map and enemy spawn locations and mash crouch like a schizo to avoid being hitscanned to death in 3 shots. The state of bloodshitters
Holy cope.
Wow you sure showed them
Or you could just throw one of the 75 grenades per level
That is some terrible gameplay right there. As someone who has played through the game on Nightmare, you absolutely do not have to stop that often to glory kill, especially if you're already good on health from all the pickups and the bonus health enemies drop when injured. Plus, you have flame belch/meat hook mastery to regenerate armor with zero effort, and armor in Eternal basically works like extra health.
Only kind of glory kill that is absolutely necessary is chainsaw killing, which you don't have to do often if you use more than two guns and can hit at least half of your shots.
I already did 5 years ago, thanks!
It and the Death Wish TC were awesome!
Fuck off Civvie you couldn't even beat Doom Eternal on UV
You haven't played the game, or you're shit at it
All that cinematic shit, and it's still slow, cramped, unfocused and underpopulated as fuck. Simply not fun.
>40 second clip
>literally a 4th of it is spent in canned execute animations
It literally isn't.
Get fucked and watch more civvie videos you retard cuckshit. I'll be playing a game that doesn't rely on bug abuse and laughing
who? Stay mad
i love Blood, played through it twice last month
theres so many different ways to kill everything
was gonna try that fan mission pack next time i feel like playin it
It literally is. You can count it your fucking self but the bastard spends 10 seconds stuck in executions.
Because when someone is shooting at you, you try to make as big of a target for the enemy to shoot at as possible.
This is Basic Combat Tactics 101, not some kind of developer oversight.
39/4 = 9.75, so it literally isn't.
>not saving the tesla cannon or the voodoo doll for this guy
never gonna making it
He does spend far too much time in glory kill animations, but that's just because the person playing doesn't understand that you don't have to glory kill literally every demon in the level.
Just throw dynamite around every corner this is the power of Blood: Fresh Supply on Steam for 7.99....
I know you probably didn't have the game as a kid to own the manual, but it explicitly says that flames and bullets do reduced damage to stone gargoyles. pretty much the only attacks you used that he isn't armored against were the 2 grenade throws. Voodoo doll, Tesla Gun gun are the hard counter & no levels with stone gargoyles is missing both. Grenades also do full damage for players who burn through either
>no, i swear crouching to avoid damage at point blank isn't a bug! it totally makes sense!
>the game is flawless and have no bugs! it's not like the fucking difficulty setting gets bugged everytime you die and load a savestate!
>this game was totally always fondly remembered like duke nukem and doom, i swear i'm not a contrarian who likes to pretend to be hardcore on anonymous internet imageboards!
>>no, i swear crouching to avoid damage at point blank isn't a bug! it totally makes sense!
>>the game is flawless and have no bugs! it's not like the fucking difficulty setting gets bugged everytime you die and load a savestate!
>>this game was totally always fondly remembered like duke nukem and doom, i swear i'm not a contrarian who likes to pretend to be hardcore on anonymous internet imageboards!
All of these but unironically.
Get fucked blood retards, nice cuckshit game where you throw dynamite around every corner. Awesome fucking game that needs to load you up with 100s of grenades just to be fucking playable. How the fuck am I supposed to have fun in an FPS where the only thing I'm allowed to do is make stuff fucking explode all the time. Stupid fucking cuckshit developers so fucking enamored with their retarded giblets and blood spatter. How about you GIVE ME A GUN that is FUCKING USEFUL
no one would remember this game of it wasn't for fagtubers
its ok to be delusional user
>using crouch
why are you playing like such a tryhard?
Watching people that do know how to play the game still has near a tenth of the gameplay spent in glory kills.
Lmao cuck blood players OWNED. go back to playing a shitty no name game that no one fucking remembers. Enjoy bug abuse just to make the game playable! Fucking retards lmao they actually will
Fucking boring
Get the fuck out of here cuck civvie watchers. Go back to your fagtube eceleb and stop posting shitty bug abuse games
>It's not a big I swear
No one's fucking fooled you KEKS
>Watching people that do know how to play the game still has near a tenth of the gameplay spent in crouch
idk what meme chart this is but it's always been widely known that blood is severely glitched. it says a lot when they couldnt even prevent the difficulty setting from getting glitched whenever you die; how could they not realize it? if they even play tested it a single time they should have noticed it.
Wow totally sick of this cucked big abuse flooding the board. Go back to watching civvie to get your flavor of the month kicks