Best Chair for gaming?

My current chair is falling apart and destroying my back.

What do you use?

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Just replace the gas cylinder. I've already replaced it like 4 times through 6 year on my chair.
Still holding up my fat ass!

What kind is it? I need something that's comfortable for long sitting sessions and won't break within the first year

to be honest all computer chairs suck ass for gaming. We need recliners with ergonomic keyboard and mouse trays along with monitors that move with the chair. Unfortunately you have to build your own. pc gaming&client=firefox-b-1-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj7mdCNu-voAhUPS60KHUe1DksQ_AUoAnoECA0QBA&biw=1920&bih=976#imgrc=h7HqgRsRMs1F7M

You don’t have a chesterfield?

Corsair T2 Roadwarrior.

herman miller aeron, herman miller embody and steelcase leape v2

ordered this one, got it because it can recline and the armrest won't snag my headphone cord because it's connected to the back

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That would be nice. I'm gonna use that when I stream. People will see I'm classy and not some faggot in a brightly colored tacky piece of shit.

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>herman miller aeron, herman miller embody and steelcase leape v2

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unironically. seat cushions can't compare

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You're gonna have red shit everywhere for the next 2 years

user, you're asking to have your ass blasted

it's fabric, not faux leather

My chair has similar armrests and I hate to break it to ya but that headphone cord is gonna still get snagged. This time it's just gonna be at the bit where the black plastic connects to the seat.

Yeah I can see that, it's also gonna be all over your shit for the next 2 years.

What the fuck is so classy about a chesterfield? Just buy one from fucking ikea, everyone has a chesterfield in the house unless you’re some third worlder

still an improvement from giant hooks like pic related

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The closest IKEA is roughly 5 hours from me. IKEA is a backwards third world company that refuses to use functional delivering services, instead opting to employ and use their own in-house delivery service.

For this reason, my $229 computer desk (Fredde) would have cost me $500 for shipping alone, totaling $729 for a $229 desk. I got in my car and drove to IKEA at 6AM and got home at like 6PM. What fucking company refuses to use shipping services, resulting in a shipping cost that exceeds international importing of large furniture? I could have imported a desk from Europe for cheaper than that.

Bought this few days ago.

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To add to this, I spent about $55 on gas, vs $500 for shipping, it was worth it, aside from the time, all because IKEA insists on throwing furniture in their own truck and paying some employee to personally drive it to your home.

just start a small business that delivers IKEA furniture to people for a reasonable price...
call it a shipping company
(these already exist in some places btw )

AHAHAHAHAHA where the fuck are you from that shipping is $500?!?! Man I’m glad I’m not some euro poor. In the western world it’s normal for everyone to have a chesterfield, I don’t know where you’re from but I’m guessing Brazil or someplace like that. They usually sit on chairs instead of chesterfields

are all chesterfield owners as insufferable as you? calm down, it's just a chair

mesh back is still the best choice, but yeah i'd love some armrest improvements

>$600 for a chair

Attached: noget.png (510x346, 209.41K)

Overpriced shit.

>not getting softweave

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>get staples chair
>two years later
>a bolt has sheared from the bottom and I occasionally find little bits of metal on the floor
One day I'll be sitting at the front edge and it's gonna torque off the column.

>$600 for something that you'll use for thousands of hours over several years
got a problem poorfag animetard?

t. has never sat on a quality chair

how's the foam quality on this? Usually the staples chair ass padding gives out in a year. My Ikea markus has great foam for your ass tho...going on 2 years still firm

Uhhh it’s not a chair a chair fits on person a chesterfield can fit 4 people maybe houses there are too small to fit them but everyone in Canada has one

Out of the way casuals

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Are there any chairs on which the arm rest extend forward far enough to support just past the elbows when sitting with proper posture? It seems like, for pretty much every chair, if you keep your shoulders back like theyre supposed to be you can't actually reach your kb/m without the armrests hitting the desk. Fucking things go all the way up to the wrists. The fuck?

>t. has never sat on a quality chair

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user, why do you have multiple copies of the same wojak?

You're the casual.

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yes because you paid $300 for a brand name

Just whatever you do, don't buy into ergonomic mesh chairs. They are OK if you're just sitting down for an hour or 2, but after that they become painful and extremely uncomfortable.