Jill seems to be best RE girl

But which Jill is best Jill ?

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3 is lame, 4 is coomer shit. 1 or 2 are best.

why Marvel vs Capcom Jill of course

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Obsessed sopa de macaco phoneposting appletard and his discord butt buddies.

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I think you mean... Wong.

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Fucking awful.

Your taste?yep

Fucking correct

All are good except for RE5 Jill.

>dude just lather her in grease and give her FAS, shitters will love it

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nuJill is better than Voth it’s not even up for debate

I pick blonde Jill.

Wesker has good taste :)

>Come at me, Vothfags!

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The real one

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>4 is coomer shit
not even. she looks like a shitty Nina Williams

For me, it’s Inezh

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>Implying Grease is not my fetish
>Implying making up bullshit makes you right.
Voth is dead longe live Zotova!

>athletic toned waifu with defined facial features
>bad tits
It's always a tradeoff isn't it

My wife of course

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never understood how people could like those really weird dead bug eyes and huge potato nose voth ill has. It makes it by default any other version that isn't voth better

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All of them because they are all based on Voth's face.

nuJill is cute!

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Step aside, virgins

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It's hot

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This. So glad I married her!

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Haggard eyes are hot. It means she spent a long hard day drinking coffee and being productive, has the determination to take what she wants, and wants to unwind on your dick.

why is chris checking out his little sister's ass here?

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Good pic. Did you pose her yourself? Mind giving some tips?

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This one.

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I did not pose her myself.

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You got issues user

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Just started R3make and I don't remember Jill being such an insufferable asshole.

its not Chris?

Too bad, post more then!

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I wish Jill would shoot me

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Don't worry, she'll grow on you.

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