What does Yas Forums think of Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale?

What does Yas Forums think of Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale?

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The cast was pretty abysmal, but it was pretty much wasted potential: the game
All they had to do was clone Smash instead of trying to put an extremely shitty spin on things

Cool concept, poor execution. I still want to see Sony try the idea again on PS5.

Game with a great concept, a flawed gameplay system, made by a cobbled-together studio full of driven devs with little-to-no help from Sony and blasted by the public as simultaneously being "just a smash bros. clone" and "too different from smash lul"

I and alot of other people really want them to try again, but I know deep down they're not. And what makes it the most infuriating is it's Sony's fault that it failed.

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>Have Capcom, Konami and Namco on board
>Doesn't include Resident Evil, Gene, Amaterasu, Alucard, Pyramid Head and Klonoa,
>Soulless Jak
>Infamous twice
>Raiden instead of Snake
>So little to choose from they had to dig up Sir Fortesque and Parappa
Snoy is retarded, no one this game failed.

It proves that characters that come from too mature games doesn't fit in a party fighting gane. Note: Dante does fit, but not Donte.

Sony's non-involvement is exactly the reason the third party selection is absolute shit. Apparently Superbot did all of the negotiations themselves and the corps. just ran rough-shot over them.

spikat is best

As much as I love Jak, he was pretty soulless in All-stars
>needle lazer nerfed until its not the same weapon
>arc wielder also nerfed until its useless
>cant do the long jump or high jump
>all of his attacks so slow that it doesnt feel like jak at all
>crouch attack is literally him jumping in the air and doing the same attack as down square
>light jak not doing the same attack he did in the first jak
>no mike erwin
>no references to daxters attacks in the psp game

how did they fuck up jak so much.

Better than Smash

Also a reminder that the developers of ICO and Shadow of the Colossus were approached by Superbot to use their characters and they just said "No."

Because apparently you can just do that even if you work directly for Sony.

Even they knew the game is shit.

I can't remember the specifics of their game modes, but I think it had some weird gimmick to the scoring that I didn't like

pretty awful.
its like they took the digimon battle games and made them shit with a godawful roster, visual direction, music and everything pretty much

Might be the only person on Yas Forums who liked alot

You could only kill with supers which you get by landing regular attacks. It gave huge advantages to characters that could combo easily into a level 1 super (Raiden) and held back characters that couldn't (Jak)

The original roster was better also Dart and Abe were going to be DLC.

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Nah, I bought it full priced the day it came out and played it all day with my friends at my house. I'll fully admit to loving the shit out of it, but I will acknowledge glaring issues.

>but I think it had some weird gimmick to the scoring that I didn't like

You could only get points by hitting people with super moves. Problem was that the super moves were unbalanced as fuck and the system also caused people to play like faggots.

I like it as an example of how shitty and unmemorable playstation characters are

Not to mention some stages actively fucked some supers. Just try getting a kill with Sir Dan's Lvl 3 on the Ape Escape/Killzone Stage.

I mained Sweettooth in that game. It was an alright game years ago.

My only real issue is the roster

>Melee came out 11 years prior and had much more content
No excuses Snoy.

Oh right that was definitely the thing I didn't like about it. Can't remember much else about the game so I'm not sure if I had other problems with it outside of that

>Ape Escape/Killzone Stage

If there's one thing that Smash should rip off from this game, it should be the mash-up stages. LocoRoco getting fucked up by a Metal Gear RAY was god damn amazing.

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I'm genuinely curious. What was your main issue(s) with the roster?

My main gripe was going full bore with the "we really need 3rd parties no matter what!" the devs went with despite not having any leverage with negotiations.

It would have been much better if they stuck with 1st parties, at least for the first entry.

All they had to do was copy Smash. What a shame.
I really hope they try again and redeem themselves.

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They tried harder to make it not smash than trying to make an actually good game, the combo system and super kills only really dont mesh with the platformy nature

>It would have been much better if they stuck with 1st parties, at least for the first entry.
This right here

Sony's sad attempt at gaining the Smash audience. They forgot they don't have mascots or memorable IPs anymore.

Not just that, but the ost was bomb as fuck. Since they were all mash up stages that means all new remixes for the stage music.

I don't even care for Twisted Metal, but this is probably the best remix in the game and gives me nostolgia like a motherfucker when it gets to the Haven City drop.


I can understand that and agree mostly. I still love the alot of the characters (Sly, Jak, Ratchet) and will still love them even if they never receive a new entry.

Sony properties tend to have a "problem" when it comes to making a game like this in that most of their IPs are story focused and can't continue on indefinitely, taking away recognizability after a certain amount of time has passed.