I will now buy your game

I will now buy your game.

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Bara-Chads, rise up!

Attached: Ganon Evil vs More Evil.jpg (3495x1737, 488.61K)


wtf gigachad is a faggot?

The PC audience everyone

>being so desperate to get laid you turn gay


Attached: 309.jpg (720x697, 37.95K)

Male x Male love is the only true love since only men have actual feelings. Why do you think brotherhoods are always so strong in bonds?

Holy fuck, pc has fucking won

Hey, that rhymed

its over... resetera won again bros.......

I will now buy your game.

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My thoughts exactly.

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i want to rape volga

I will now buy your game.

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You can't rape the willing

wtf console bros we were too cocky
pc gaming fucking peaked

I will know buy youre game

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>Jill refused to be fucked by this
Nu-Jill confirmed bull dyke creatura.

Attached: Chad Carlos.jpg (711x658, 58.18K)

What game(s)?

>that dirty look spic goblino
Ok coomers.

t.pale wyt boi whose girl got LATIN'D by Fernando
Try getting a tan, ghostie.

Why is he so perfect

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>implying white isn't peak aesthetic
Now THIS is coping

I really liked the redheaded soccer player guy but all the other romances were pure shit and the protagonist is extremely unlikable.

It made me have constant fantasies about a redheaded swole boyfriend.

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Looks just like my teenage crush, do guys like that who bottom exist?

Kek tumblrtranny about to get banned. Faggot.


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Because his dark and powerful look.
You forgot to crop, user. See ya in three days.

Attached: 26bb15595daff4cd3d9d41f7556dfd36.png (600x720, 650.54K)

if you delete the file jannies will leave you alone
just crop it and repost it

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He bottoms if you choose to cuddle instead of rewarding him with sex for passing the test. He's built to be a top but I can see myself fucking him once in a while

Or I could just... like... turn the internet on and off, and avoid the ban like i've been doing it for months?

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