ITT: Yas Forums fixes FF7 Remake

ITT: Yas Forums fixes FF7 Remake

>step 1: delete Roche

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step 2: delete everything else

step 3: kill this man child

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just make it a comedic reinterpretation. fixes all the problems.

The REMAKE title doesn't so much apply to Final Fantasy getting a remaster, as it does to a huge spoiler concept in the game. That is the real reason for the title.

TL;DR: Nomura fucked with the script to make sure everyone remembers that he is Kojima Jr.

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Make it an actual tamale rather than some alternate timeline story that covers the first 5 out of 60+ hours of the original game’s story

Delete nothing because it is pretty good already

And this thing

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just remove time jannies
i'm fine with expanding the world and characters but the time travel horseshit is so unbelievably retarded that it causes me genuine pain
everyone agrees the game is great until the story starts shitting itself with the ghost fuckery- so just fucking remove it. get it out of there. nobody earnestly wants the dumbass KH shit. its a alright game that rams its own head up its ass and becomes a ouroboros of eating its own feces

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how do you fix something that is already too late to be fixed?

>delete the "you saved me x person!" trope that they use over 2 dozen times

>step 1: filter ITT: Yas Forums fixes FF7 Remake threads

>ITT: Yas Forums fixes FF7 Remake
>1 to 1 exactly the same game as the original, shitty translation and pacing included, with the only change being HD GWAFFIX!!!!!11!11!!!

If you wanted a HD port there's one on steam of FF7 right now, user.

da fuck is dis

Here's the easy way: the new multiple timelines concept means you can pick events, including bringing Aerith and Zack back to life, letting meteor fall etc. That's why they went through the trouble to destroy the Whispers and free the story from its destined course.

But, that means then we can just pick all the events from the original and play it like the original plot.


they could have ended it with a scene of sephiroth rawdogging it with cloud and you shills would still be defending it by saying "well you wanted a 1:1 remake, so play the original"

step 1: delete the whole fucking game

deadass thought retard roche was added so the final fight would be against him

You tortanic fags could've given Square-Enix a 500 page document describing to the exact detail everything you wanted in the game, they could've delivered on every point, and you would still bitch and whine.

>step 1: cancel the remake
>Step 2: Make Nomura ceo of Square Enix
>Step 3: Allocate all budget and studios to the development of Verum Rex.

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Replace the writers with Rick and Morty writers.

>coping how shitty the remake is by calling everyone tortanic

>You tortanic fags could've given Square-Enix a 500 page document describing to the exact detail everything you wanted in the game, they could've delivered on every point, and you would still bitch and whine.
you know, if you actually did this, if you asked every single FF7 fan to create their own version of what they wanted, and read through every single 500 page document they created I bet not a single person would have asked for the story we got.

>coping with how good the remake is by calling everyone who liked it(ie everyone not on Yas Forums) a shill

>FF7 Remake is genuinely fantastic
>you're not allowed to like it, not even a little

>No time jannies
>No Sephiroth
>No flashforwards
>No Zack
>Make classic costume free DLC

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perfection doesn't need fixing.

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>not liking Roche

Completely and utterly unbased

I think BOTW was mediocre but FF7R is a fucking travesty in comparison.

you're allowed to like it, just don't be a shill that mindless defends the story changes. Modern square is incapable of story telling, but it's still a good game, and the characters are fun.

Re-release it wihtout the added alterations of the main story, fire Nomura and then just make a visually upgraded version of the original like the majority of people wanted.

Two-hour cutscene of Nomura jerking off and screaming about how he's deriving actual sexual pleasure from rewriting the original game past Midgar so that all of the screeching fucking fanboys would actually have a reason to complain that wasn't bad.

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Nomura's own words were that if they had any intention of the game just being an HD version he wouldn't have been put onto the project at all

You are the most reasonable response I've gotten yet. Thank you.

I'm brutally honest now guys. This isn't a joke. This isn't me trying to get (You)s or some shit. I am just being real with you now: If Nomura ran in front of my car, I would not apply the brake. I know it's petty but it's the truth.


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>introduce SOLDIER who fights you on a bike in a new chase sequence
>instead of reappearing during the finale motorcycle chase and piloting Motorball to act as the final boss, he never shows up again

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Aerith will now live because of time travelling ghost fuckery.

His corporate overlords say otherwise

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No, Aerith needs to die to go back to the lifestream to stop the planet being pummeled by the meteor

remove timeghosts
remove sephiroth showing up before he's supposed to
remove filler shit
remove part 2 and 3
add the rest of the original game to part 1

How sad is it that people need to invent reasons to hate this game

He's gonna be that guy you fight once per game

I'd much rather that be Rufus after his transformation into Gun Vergil.

CHADley who provides challenges and rewards completing those with materia

They picked him for name recognition and literally no other reason. They thought that the remake was such a save bet that nobody was capable of fucking it up so they put in the guy who was involved with the original as part of the marketing. That's it.

Roche is noticeably pointless. It feels like he had some content cut.

The only issue with the game really is how much padding there is. Some more cuts and it's amazing

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Read that post out loud and think about what a stupefying asspull of an explanation it is, and precisely how unlikely that entire scenario is. "Let's put a complete nobody that isn't actually a nobody in charge!"

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