Yas Forumsidya Drawthread

Previous Thread

>Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, or bumping requests. If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Have fun

Booru: vidyart.booru.org/
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content)
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:

Attached: CALL THE COPS.png (1800x2600, 1.04M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: Shy Pirate.png (2560x1950, 968.07K)

Requesting Mama Raikou and Shuten Douji from FGO doing a double buttjob with their yoga pants on.

Attached: 15605930420425.jpg (850x1118, 163.85K)

Requesting my character from the videogame "Mabinogi" on her Chichol Set, doing stuff related to dark gods like killing/fighting heroes, spreading dark mist of misery, sitting on a throne, reading ancient scrolls of forbidden magic, flying through the starry night, posing menacingly while bathing in moonlight, doing some sort of ritual or anything else you can think of.

Alternatively, spreading her wings and extending her hand to the viewer, inviting him/her to join the dark side.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: MarielChichol.png (3598x873, 3.96M)

requesting absolutely no one acknowledges mariel beyond this;
gonna pick up that stupid fuckin anime game
see you soon

Requesting Jill going shopping.

Attached: Jill finds out there's a different kind of zombie.png (824x744, 880.73K)

Requesting Rouge the bat doing this

Attached: 1586029407342.gif (600x850, 3.23M)

Requesting some art of Harry singing karaoke and Kim's reaction to it.

Attached: DE Karaoke.png (1600x900, 2.07M)

Real thread is over here.

I'll post there too

OR for this. Apologies for not responding sooner. It's great! Thanks, drawfriend!

Attached: Ibuki in the Changing Room.jpg (1395x1486, 397.22K)

Requesting Micaiah (FE) drawn like an office qt; pencil skirt, pantyhose, glasses etc. reference should give a good idea. (Maybe she's a cute new teacher or something, I think it fits her.)

Preferred in a pose with emphasis put on her stockinged legs.

Attached: Micaiah office qt.jpg (3933x2567, 1.98M)

Requesting drunk Adam Jensen.

Attached: Drunk Jensen.png (1299x449, 860.63K)

You're both annoying but this one was first.

Requesting all Doki Doki girls are infected with Corona... except Monika.

Attached: DDLC-2017-10-01-22-06-31-080-810x454.jpg (810x454, 67.28K)

why do her boots look off

Requesting a Tonberry cook like in the reference.

Attached: Tonberry cook.jpg (3381x2301, 450.52K)

They're kinda just scribbled on

Requesting Naoto as a Jet Set Radio character. Either Hayashi or as a graffiti artist in her own style.

Attached: Naoto Gone Bad.png (1583x702, 1.54M)

Requesting this pose and outfit with Foxhound files.catbox.moe/1s86en.png

Attached: FoxhoundKai.png (912x1024, 1.15M)

Requesting Parasoul from Skullgirls enviously looking at Squigly's much larger ass, possibly groping it while Squigly looks somewhat smug.

Attached: Assenvy.png (1494x1806, 1.57M)

Requesting Vivian from Paper Mario as Aradia from Night of Revenge

Attached: Witch.png (1410x1038, 1.29M)

This but the reverse, gimme cute ghost witch Aradia.

Make your own request fag

Requesting Dark Mage Corrin. Preferred primarily based on either the Fates or Awakening dark mage-design. A straight-forward outfit swap works too.

Changed my mind, doubt anyone was already working on Azura. I like both but odds for Corrin are probably better

Attached: Dark Mage Corrin.jpg (3936x2353, 1.05M)


/r/ Pyra /d/orse

Attached: XC2_Pyra.png (2894x4093, 3.8M)

Requesting total economic collapse in the Animal Crossing world because of Tom Nook's retarded economics.

Attached: Makings of a Shithole.png (1047x666, 1.06M)

Requesting Kyoko and/or Misako from River City Girls in skimpy magical girl/Sailor Moon-style outfits.

Attached: EGDKvgrX0AE__ut.jpg (2190x1254, 566.15K)

requesting massive breasts, lactation, and nipple fuck instead

Requesting Ryo and Joy sparring together.

Attached: Shenmue Sparring.png (831x871, 904.18K)

Requesting Akatsuki from Blitzkampf and BJ Blazkowicz from Wolfenstein fighting off a bunch of SS soldiers and Elektrosoldats together like badasses. And make sure to add a "Mein leiben" joke in there, too

Attached: Akatsuki En Eisenfaust.png (903x1204, 405.06K)

Requesting Luca Stolas lewds!
I guess pinups or a mating press will do.

Attached: lucarefv3.png (2000x936, 1.01M)

Requesting Hammer picking up the Belmont's slack and becoming the protagonist of his own Castlevania adventure.

Attached: Hammer Time.jpg (2243x1601, 656.1K)

Luca is cute! Cute!

Requesting male villager's pov, getting a double blowjob from Flick and CJ.

Attached: flick cj.png (734x628, 786.38K)