What's the most petty reason you've stopped playing a game?

What's the most petty reason you've stopped playing a game?

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Lost my progress because I crashed. It's only 5 minutes

Someone I don't like started to play it

Yas Forums told me trannies liked it

Own Witcher 1 and 2. Played Witcher 1, found the graphics and gameplay too dated for my liking, but never went on to even try 2 because of the inter-connectivity between games and my autism keeps me from playing them out of order

Stopped playing System Shock 1 because the music sucked.

Yas Forumseditors are the only fanbase for it

Is there a video that goes with this meme?

i rage uninstalled dark souls 3 after i get fed up with all the horsecockery in the archives, plus all the shit before it

Pillars of Eternity, had way too much dialogue and bored me to death reading

I love crpgs but it was somehow too much for me

Petty? Hmmm....I stopped and uninstalled Crackdown 3 because it felt like an indie game. I stopped and uninstalled Rage 2 because of a save bug. I stopped and uninstalled Borderlands 3 because the guns felt like crap to me. I uninstalled Gals RePanic because it was boring. I stopped playing Gal Gun 2 because it got old. I uninstalled the Neptunia games because I felt like I was playing 3 of the same game. I stopped playing Senran Kagura Burst Renewal because it felt like I played it before.

This is fair because you never know when it'll do it again and potentially worse

I stopped Xenoblade 1 because it gave me some gay fetchquest to get 3 items to open a door and I just didn't feel like it.

Also stopped playing FFX because the random normal enemies in Zanarkand were 1 shotting me and I couldn't backtrack to grind because that game is linear as shit and locks doors behind you.

I guess i just wasnt having fun with either if shit that simple could make me stop.

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I played witcher 2 at release without playing 1, got my ass absolutely smashed in by the first enemy, and quit forever.

the intro to Tales of Symphonia sounded really generic

I've quit playing several games because of power outages/crashes and the prospect of redoing all that progress I had lost was too much.

This is a perfectly good reason. You're there to play a game, not read some shitty novel.

It's not really petty but there's a lot of games I started, played for a long time, more than half, stopped for whatever reason with the intent of playing it again and then forgot about it and started another game. Sometimes I pick up again one of them.

Fallout 4 Survival mode, the true way to play FO in my opinion.
>Once cleared Mass Fusion Building by the 5th times in a row because of 2-shoted by raiders
>at last compled the building, got out and entered in Boston Library, cleaned it out
>got back to Hangman's Alley for my settlements bed and junk drop-off.
>game froze right before I could save.
>lost 2h of gameplay.

I couldn't figure out where to go and was too lazy to search for it or google it

Shit, now that I'm thinking about it, there's even more games than I thought. I really need to finish them all. There's even games I really like in that list.

Did this with Sekiro and Hollow Knight, I think they are great games but I just couldn't bring myself to finish them, maybe I am just getting older

I stopped playing Cyber Sleuth because when I got UlforceVeedramon I realized stacking his passive was the ultimate strategy and didn't feel like doing it, nor playing suboptimally.

It was ported to switch.

Happened to me with condemned just before the last level. I checked the last level on youtube and I'm glad I stopped there. It was easy and I could have found how to finish the level but I was bored of the game so I took that as an excuse. I really liked the game at the start, for the first levels but then it became less enjoyable.

>music too loud
>can't change volume

It's not even that for me, it's just that I for example go in vacation without a computer or something or I start working a lot for a while and stop playing video games for a while and when I start playing again it's because I start a new game.

I quit WoW Classic because they used the barren 1.11 version of AV.

>because it gave me some gay fetchquest to get 3 items to open a door
I feel like that's fairly early in the game.

I'm a patient man but randomly squatting in a pot to progress the game as well as causing massive damage just for experimenting with puzzles was too much for me.
Got hit by one too many lightning strikes just for trying to figure out an obscure room and uninstalled.

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it was. the voices were getting to me, too, but that seems less petty.

I fucking hate aussie voices in vidya. borderlands pre sequel also offends me.

ive stopped playing alot of games that ive gotten 1 hour in because i stopped playing for a week and forget where/what i was doing in it


I stopped playing Horizon Zero Dawn after about 4 hours of playing it because the main character was a girl and ugly as fuck. I had bought the game somewhat near release, returned it for all my money back.


>no fov adjustment in fps
I've refunded like 3 games because of this

>because the main character was a girl and ugly as fuck
It's not like that was any surprise, did you buy the game without watching any trailer or even pictures of it ?

I closed, uninstalled and pretend Dead Rising 4 doesn't exist as soon as I had to see this character for more than 5 seconds.

Sorry not sorry, no nigger dyke lesbian black trans feminist empowered women in my game, please rot in hell Dead Rising 4, #NotMyFrank

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Rising Storm 2

Was a VC SL and wanted to put down a spawn tunnel and ran around for 5 minutes trying to find a spot that would actually work to get killed by napalm as I started digging. Dropped the game right there.

I stopped to play some Dota 2. Never went back.

i wasnt having fun. i hated the characters and story compared to XC1. I also didnt like the gacha-like recruitment system for Blades.

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I gave up on a second hardcore playthrough of kingdom come like 30 hours in because it crashed and I lost around 45 mins of progress. Aint nobody got time for this shit.

yeah, correct.


They're British you deaf jackass.

>I fucking hate aussie voices in vidya
What does that have to do with Xenoblade?

far cry 2 mosin