He had the passion, the knowledge, and the status to do it. Why then did he fail to bring back the WRPG?

He had the passion, the knowledge, and the status to do it. Why then did he fail to bring back the WRPG?

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i still have faith in a redemption arc

what a sexy daddy

Because he's an SJW cuck.

Did he? Deadfire is pretty competent game despite all its faults.

He needs to say fuck it and make his dream historical rpg not this half fantasy half realistic shit.

he got btfo by a bunch of goofy belgians

I'm literally still playing through the PS4 version of Pillars of Eternity 2. The game is damn near unplayable due to massive game crashing glitches. Making a game that actually works would be a huge start.

Seriously, just adding new party members causes the game to organize them as ship members. So when you fight in areas, benched party members appear naked half way across the map, and can be perma killed by enemies in those areas. While you are expected to take 100 turns to kill those enemies that should have never been dragged into the fight in the first place.

Fantasy medieval magic, swords, and shield shit is boring. Simple as.

he's a pathetic fucking soiboi lmao what a cuck

Because his intentions for making RPGs are FUCKING BORING, and he seems to lack any creativity or daring that might make for a fun, unique experience (see Disco Elysium, which, while not for everyone, is commonly compared to PS:T at least generates far more discussion than Pillars)

Switch port is gonna be glorious.

Works on my machine though, except for long ass loading screens PC version is pretty good at this point. I've never seen a crash or even a bug past 5.0 patch.

new vegas is great though??

Divinity won the nu-RPG wars, but Pillars was still good.
I feel similarly about Witcher vs Dragon Age rivalry.

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I agree, but Sawyer hasn't innovated at all since NV, if anything he's regressed

He was the lead on Icewind Dale 2 tho, which is a great D&D adventure with a frenetic pace.

Will you stupid fags stop claiming Disco Elysium is an RPG? It's a visual novel in an RPGs skin. Fucking hell, that game has fucking ruined RPG discussion.

The Pillars games are good

>Divinity won the nu-RPG wars
And that's a bad thing. Now all new crpgs will feature le funny larian style writing, co-op and turn based combat because it sells.

He thought he needed to understand the mind of the modern zoomer so he became one, in his 40s...
What resulted was a boring and safe piece of shit aimed at the political sensibilities and the lack of experience in rpg game stories of zoomers.
Of course, young progressives dont give a shit about long winded rpgs with tons of text that take themselves seriously.

The game turned out super autistic but with the story and theme aimed at progressive pc faggots.

meanwhile, divinity just went plebbit tier on all fronts, both in its le funny jokes and dumb plot lines, and down to its simplistic mechanics and flashy gfx.

gay fish

gay fish

Pillars of Eternity was made for Baldur's Gate boomers, not zoomers you schizophrenic idiot

Lads, redpill me on Pathfinder Kingmaker.
I'm downloading it right now.

I've replayed BG and BGII a couple of weeks ago and I needed something more.

Is Pathfinder _____fun_____?

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BG3 looks like it will be a fairly serious story actually

>Is Pathfinder _____fun_____?
hope you like being pushed by time limits

Because he hates fun

>time limits
Ok you need to fucking explain yourself right now.

Larian didn't win with their humor, which you subjectively dislike. They won by actually innovating, and making sure that nu-RPG is actually a somewhat new way to make RPGs, rather than old-RPG-HD. Although its debatable how HD Pillars even was.

t. liked both games

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Kingdom come is the best rpg in the last 10 years, easy.

Pathfinder Kingmaker honestly felt like BG3 to me, you are in for an absolute treat user.

He had none of those things and also had no talent. Yeah. You gotta have all that.

god he's fucking hot

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>They won by actually innovating
Making U7 clones is innovation now?

Of course. its the ultimate pleb filter.
infinite time means an important aspect is taken out of the veneer of the game and its immersion.
time limits focus you and prevent you from collecting everything and doing everything and thereby destroying the pacing of the game.


It's character build porn essentially. You basically spend two hours on the character editor trying to think up your options.
There is a ton of content, but honestly the kingdom management feels like a chore and I don't think you lose any enjoyment if you use cheats or set them off from the difficulty modifier thing.

>Why then did he fail to bring back the WRPG?
pic related hahaha what a fucking cuckold bitch lmao hahahaha cumguzzling faggot lol

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I don't recall that aspect of U7 that let you alter battlefields by using/combining elements.

This, he thought politicizing the game was a good thing. Even after he was allowed to have his based atheist waifu and bitchy negro dominatrix in the first game it wasn't enough.

That's what I wanted to hear.

I'll probably make a bard.
I love bards.

You are trying very, very hard to roleplay as the jaded cynical bitter hater, but you are just plain objectively wrong here. At least make a plausible case next time you try to farm karma on an anonymous anime forum without accounts or permanence. And you know you are.

Fuck off Yas Forumstards

Because hes white.

hol up, did you edit the text? I'm almost certain he was responding to someone complaining about boob armor.

I don't think he has an idea of what sort of new or scarcely used mechanics or formulas would be make an RPG interesting. His design principle for combat is to make everything equally bland and the reputation system for Pillars 2 was a mess.

New Vegas was almost certainly a fluke for Sawyer, largely relying on the classic Fallouts for structure.

Since this is mildly political in nature, it is very likely some autist would actually doctor the image. Do you know the original forum, and can you check?

You can't bring back what was never big to begin with. WRPG was always a niche within a niche.

Looks like Something Awful.

I agree it was a fluke, but in terms of structure it wasn't similar to older Fallouts at all with the two joinable major factions thing. They made the faction stuff work on an open world setting and their writing team was actually competent back then. Sawyer tried similar faction dynamics for Deadfire, but it was more linear and their current writers are awful compared to Avellone or Gonzales.

See this poster? That's his fanbase. Gays. Disgusting ones with the grease and the wet butthole hairs. The nightmare kind. He makes games to cater to them and only them.

Meanwhile, coming from Larian...

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