3x3 Thread

3x3 Thread

Post and rate em.

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3/3 +Mother 3 and Dragon Quest. To be honest I don't know if I really liked Kid Icarus Uprising.

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3/3 +Kid Icarus: Uprising, LISA, Bloodborne

1/1 +Super Mario 3D Land

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2/2, MOTHER 3 and Bloodborne

2/2, Pokemon Platinum and DQ9

1/1, Bloodborne

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Halo 3
Metal Gear Solid 3
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
Doom (1993)
Dark Souls
Mass Effect
Silent Hill 2
Shadow of the Colossus
The Evil Within 2


>Kid Icarus
>Fire Emblem
>Dragon Quest
Holy SHIT could you be more of a Smashfag? You literally didn't care for any of these before Smash, fuck off fake fan.

whats wrong with you

>No argument
Get fucked fake fan.

Everything on here is unbelievably bad except for Warband and Bloodborne. I cannot imagine what an absolute faggot you must be.
Are you 4 year old? How is it possible to be this much of a manchild?
You have dogshit taste in RPGs. Also you're a literal subhuman for liking Danganronpa. Bet you haven't even 1cc'd IN.
Do you even like these games or are you trying to build some sort of personality out of shit vidya no one cares about any more? Out of all the sunsoft games you pick Trip World? What kind of fake ass fuckface are you?

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I wasn't even the guy who posted that 3x3, I just genuinely want to know what's wrong with you

Swap out Earthbound for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, too lazy to change it right now.


How did you manage to pick a mid tier entry for almost every franchise here lol



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>Do you even like these games or are you trying to build some sort of personality out of shit vidya no one cares about any more?

This is by far the worst list I’ve ever seen. Are you autistic? I’m not trying to insult you I’m just curious.

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I'd like to play Lisa someday.
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>Bayo 2
>Link Between Worlds
You're aces in my book, user.
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Top tier too.
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This feels like bait.
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Tons of good taste in this thread.

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What did you swap out for Doom Eternal? I can't bring myself to finish it even though I do enjoy it. Also did you play FF7R yet?

>This is by far the worst list I’ve ever seen
Are you a newfag? MM6 alone has been hosted on a pastebin by Yas Forums for over 10 years going now. It's a highly accurate litmus test for rooting out redditors. That's not even going into everything else. (what kind of moron thinks MoO2, objectively the greatest space 4x of all time, is bad?)

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>This feels like bait.
What makes you day that :(

Red Dead 2. It was a tough decision, but I've pretty much been playing and replaying Eternal at least a little every day since it came out.
I have not played 7R yet, no. I fully intend to, but I decided to get Persona 5 Royal instead, and monies are stretched right now. From what I've seen of 7R so far, I think I made the right choice.

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Do you honestly believe that? Even my autistic nephew isn’t that delusional.

If it's not bait, I'll give you an honest rating, but I do not see how someone could like Invisible War, Agents of Mayhem, or Telltale GoT, let alone consider them all-time favorites.

>This is by far the worst list I’ve ever seen.
>freespace 2
Oh shit nigger, you need to leave.

I usually see a few others who have Metroid Prime 2 in their list, shoutout to you kings.

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This is me btw and since we have a lot of taste in common, I'll tell you know that FF7R is a masterpiece, the best game in the series for me. I would definitely make it your next purchase, you're gonna love it. Just actually downloaded FFX earlier since I haven't played it since I first played it 6 years ago, so excited to replay that.

Also don't remember if I have asked you or not before, but what's your thoughts on Higurashi, if you've played that.

They are comfy favorites buts it’s not the telltale game of thrones. The gameplay is shit but the writing is kino.

1/1 (Uprising); just one of those games that was fantastic and then sort of disappeared. Not forgotten, just not in conscious thought until brought up again. Far and away the best game Sakurai's ever made.
3/4 (+Viewtiful Joe +Dragon's Crown +Bayo 2 -Sinnoh); Bayo 2 is good but I'm still shocked to see people who have it as their favorite Platinum game or even their favorite action game.
2/2 (DMC, Punch-Out!!); I envy people with taste as varied as yours. I've been branching out into FPS for the first time lately though.
3/3 (Project Justice, Wave Race, Trip World); a lot of interesting choices here including a few games I'd like to get around to some day.
2/2 (Doom, SotC)
>Played Doom (1993) and Doom II so I could play Eternal without being that guy who jumps into a series with the new one
>More interested in playing other Doom engine games like Hexen right now, I can get to Doom 2016/Eternal later
I guess things worked out.
3/3 (DMC3, SM, Titanfall 2)

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>the writing is kino
Read a book. (but not GoT, that series is ass)

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1/1 Bloodborne
1/1 Viewtiful Joe
7/7 Bloodborne, P5, Trials and Tribulations, Punch Out, TF2, Nier, Hotline Miami

Forgot pic.

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I need better bait than this

God, the sourceport of this game is fucking incredible.

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Kino for video games. I do read but to expect video games to have the same level as books is absurd.

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What expansion for XIV is your favorite?
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I did really enjoy the demo! As someone that hasn't played the original, I don't know how the stuff at the end would make me feel, but I do think it's a tad shitty to call something a Remake and then not make it a Remake? But don't worry, I'm fairly certain I'll get it this week.
Oh, fuck, the one with the red priest and such?
Okay, okay:
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Biggest props for Dishonored, GoT, and RE5. Did you play Dishonored 2?
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Hey man, more games is more games!
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