I think Danganronpa should have a rep in smash

I think Danganronpa should have a rep in smash

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i think your waifu simulator can suck my nuts

why did she have to die bros.

Because Junko

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>literally who coomerbait
Why does anyone want anymore females added at this point

The rep would be either Monokuma, or Makoto composite with characters from teh other games as alts

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Still literally who's, and therefore not eligible for smash


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You mean like the nameless gacha self-insert we got as DLC?

That never happened though retard

What timeline are you living in

The only nameless character we got was Piranha Plant

It'll never happen, but do you know what could happen? A Danganronpa fighting game for the anniversary.

Who are you going to main?

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If she's not in for some godforsaken reason than Chiaki, or Celeste


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>Is the protag of one of the most revered VNs
>Has been in a fighting game with unique movesets (magic) that will stand out from the rest
I'm thinking he's in bros.

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I wanna fuck Ibuki

why the fuck are you people so obsessed smash and whatever random shit characters get added to it


I want ibuki to bite me

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There's a dedicated group of smash autists out there but you forget how many people play this game
There's more likely than not a cycling amount of groups that post about smash that keeps it going besides just the dedicated autists
Also watching people call characters like Saber, or any FF character that isn't from VIl or Black Mage, literally who is funny

Yes that too!

I want ibuki to hug me

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Any physical affection from Ibuki would be great!

I want to cook Ibuki dinner

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God I want to hate fuck Junko so badly

Yeah me too! What do you think she would like? I wanna make her some enchiladas

I'd make her my families tamales but enchiladas would also sound good
You think she'd like hot sauce?

God why is the fanbase fo DR so autistic
I'm not normally as autistic in any other franchise but this one seems to draw it out of me