Which Team Fortress 2 character are you?


I got the Spy but I identify with the Medic since i'm gay and feel very attracted to the Heavy Weapons Guy plus I'm like super crazy haha.

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I got Monoculus, what the fuck does that even mean


You're a fucking ghost.


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where do you normalfags come from
PLEASE go back to school

Is there a single state with their school still open at this point?

They are closed because of Quarantine.

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>linking to Buzzfeed

Shit thread. OP is a fag.

I got Pyro. Hot and ready to trot

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Alright, guys. I've got Medic. So, who want some medicine?

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I don't even know how considering all I play is either Soldier or Pyro memes

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They know about the pee bottles user.

same, based medfags

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holy fuck kill yourself

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Only nazis don't like buzzfeed

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sign me the fuck up, SEIG HEIL
fuck buzzfeed and all modern journalism

wtf im nazi now

>which marvel character are you
fuck you

>what marvel character are you
I'm supposed to take a test I order to take this test?
Fuck that.

>buzzfeed quizzes
Holy shit middle school can't get back in session soon enough

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The Choices are fucking transparent.

Make us.

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>willfully admitting your an underagedb&


t. Humanities major

Actually 18 but ok

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You are monoculus

>He's actually underage.
Enjoy your ban.

You are the living definition of based

I play Engineer and Soldier and was also given Sniper for some reason

NazCaps and NazBols also