ITT: Terrible character designs

Hard Mode: No anime-looking characters

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His rayman 3 design is S tier

>dude what if we made it impossible to make merch for our mascot!
Honestly what the fuck were they thinking?

What's wrong with Rayman's design? The colors complement each other nicely and the developers clearly put in effort when working around the limitation of him not having limbs by having his abilities correspond with that and still look good. His design from 3 and onward is further improved as it looks cooler but still funny and even a bit cute as well. Dude looks like a Wallace and Gromit character. Who could not love that?

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What is Raymond's magic that he can control all of his limbs without it being directly connected to his body?

Ok, you start

why did you post the total opposite, then

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Every single anime-looking character ever

>Unironically liking Gayman's design
He has a big nose and no arms and legs, meaning that it's impossible to make merchandise for him.

It's clear you have a seething hatred for Rayman and his games because you're autistic, so i can't take your input seriously. Sorry fag.

Are you 12?

Based consumerist retard

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Cool pic

We are still waiting.

>OP when his thread backfired

Fucking retarded faggot. Rayman is an absolute top-tier design.
He's not a furry, he's not gross, he's not anime, he's not capeshit, he's just an all-round whacky cartoon character and there needs to be more like him in vydia.

you first, faggot

>wojak poster
not surprised

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All of the 90's Cereal box mascot rejects.

Canonically he was created by the nymphs using bags filed with lums, but one of them dropped a bag, so they didn’t have enough to make arms and legs.

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I cant believe they got away with this. She even spoke like a stereotypical movie indian. "Big heap" "how" etc. It was a different time i guess

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fuck gaymanfags

I can see both you and him are either high as fuck, baiting, or absolutely and objectively retarded

It was a different time

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1 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 6

It's not impossible just connect his limbs with small string

>waaaaaa this character is unique and not marketable
i bet you're mad that the calvin and hobbs guy doesn't go to cons nor does he want a movie based off his creation

A lot of rayman merch is pretty fucking funny

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That's the pont of mascots retards, why make such a weird design if you aren't going to bother with merchandise?

because some creators don't want to?

to make a videogame character with lots of possibilities with less restricting animation you jewish faggot

The "no labeling anime characters as badly designed" rule, "gayman", wojak, "cereal box mascot". Did your dWEEBcel ass get BTFO'd in a smash thread OP?

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>Give him a hoodie in the 3rd game onwards
>Don't actually mass produce it as merch aside from one site doing it years ago

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this shit is fucking magic, do you even realize how nostalgic this character makes me? one of the earliest memories i can recall is watching my brother play rayman 2 on this small tv as a 5 year old dude. The sounds effects, graphics style, that forest.. him running into the open wild, pure fucking magic mate, it fucking kept me up at night on how cool his character was and how i would have wanted it if i wanted to pick wich of my limbs were invisible, the other memory is watching my brother play resident evil 2