Why did the zombie game genre die? Is it just too hard to do with modern art styles...

Why did the zombie game genre die? Is it just too hard to do with modern art styles, which are more colorful than the PS3/360/Wii generation?

Attached: hdfdsfg.jpg (2048x1365, 387.58K)

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Probably chose the wrong OP pic, damn.

Americans looks like THAT!?

Attached: 1561366353474.webm (1080x1080, 1.11M)

Based granny with the Guy Fawkes mask

Attached: checkem.jpg (238x212, 6.42K)

Zombies are the most boring, soulless cashgrab people can do.

Attached: file.png (995x498, 1.03M)

Did you miss the REmakes, OP the famous cock sucker?

post her blowjob WEBM

Those aren't new. They're remakes.

>post her blowjob WEBM
Deepfakes are for incels


it wasn't a deepfake...

Is this from Michigan? I'd hate it if they killed politicians.

Ohio, but there's one in Michigan too.

Huh. I need proof. Someone should post it so we can study it.

Attached: 1569475298724.webm (1920x1080, 503.63K)


Zombies need a comeback bros. Fuck all this multiplayer survival shit where zombies are just an obstacle to killing players.

nice dubs efg

I'd like to see a full-fledged Zombie Panic style game. Boarding up houses and taking pot shots at Zombies was really fun and comfy.

I don't know how to make zombies fun to play while also having them feel like punishment.

>Mmmmm....you're looking tasty user.
>I bet you'd like to sit on my tongue wouldn't?
>Ahh, OOPS! I accidentally swallowed you whole!
>Hope you don't mind my stomach acid!
Uh-oh, stinky!

Attached: original (4).jpg (720x1280, 339.32K)


thank me later

>why did a genre that oversaturated the market die
Gee, I wonder why a genre that had way too many games in a short span of time tapered off in popularity.

One of the great things about Dead Island was how colorful it is, user.

Based. I don't think it's actually her though. Just a look alike. I think she's a lesbian

>the real monster is man

Attached: 1586662919058.png (640x480, 176.44K)

I just want a co-op cataclysm dda...

...so why exactly do people care about Eilish?
Her music doesn't sound any different than anything else out there
Is it just because she's the living embodiment of "Uhhhh, okay boomer"?

She's attractive.

she has a great voice that is wasted on her shitty pop music, listen to some of her live covers

It got milked to death, everyone and their grandmother made a zombie game and movie, so people got burnt out on it.

No idea. It really is a mystery

Attached: UnequaledOccasionalEkaltadeta-small.gif (510x510, 1.21M)

>tfw I'll never play the perfect zombie game unless I form a dev team of my own.

Most zombie games that are good always have some pretty good mechanics and ideas, and if they were all combined together, it would make the perfect zombie game.

Her music is okay. Nothing extraordinary, but she really should get more into actual singing. When she sang at the Oscars I had to leave the room because it was making me cry.


>Zombies are never a threat
>There's just one or 2 waddling around in the open
>"Swarms" are at max, 10-20 zombies
>Other players are a bigger threat to the point that Zombies are a nuances

like this one for example

>onions trump face

The Walking Dead.

Because Cataclysm DDA was already the top

Because every fucking retarded cunt game developer started making zombie games, movies, TV shows, radio novels, etc. It was oversaturation on the market.
What kind of moron are you? R3make literally just came out a week ago.

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