Barret Tribute Thread

For the best non-white character role in the recent memory. Post quotes, screenshots, videos and thoughts about the baddest of the bad in FFVII Remake.

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>Westcuck developers endlessly pandering with their obnoxious, try-too-hard representation of black people in their games. Giving women afros and trying to make them 'cool' but they always end up being unbearable shoehorned shit characters
>Japan gives it a go and just perfects it without trying
Fucking embarrassing, Westcuck studios should all be burned down

fucking IMAGINE

> that comment he made in the Shinra bathroom about how he wants to show off his dick to Shinra employees to show them who's boss

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I want Barret to sit on my face!

Black characters in Japanese games are generally based.

>gets on a train and immediately starts chimping out at middle class white folks
I love it

meanwhile the middle class white folk have the most braindead wageslave corporate bootlicker takes

it was pure kino

Of course loud black man would be the only black character not to trigger Yas Forums.

black characters don't trigger me (I'm not white) but Barret is particularly based, he's a very faithful adaptation of FF7's Barret with some additional environmental philosophy thrown in here and there.

They did an excellent job of illustrating his relationship with Marlene and also including some great subtle references to Dyne

Well, his character, at worst, feels like a stereotypical leftist who blames right-wing for everything wrong in the world. At best though - which is the case more often than not - he's like my old gym colleague, who looked like Barret and acted like Barret, and was the most fun colleague I ever had I think, but we lost contact and now he's gone and I'm sad.

Fpbp as always.

>the best non-white character role in the recent memory
He has been around for longer than you have, zoomie.

Barret is probably the most faithful to the original in the goddamn main cast
also Aerith is cheating and reading the script, even in OG 7

I would rather have a straight up nigger thug than Barret. I can't believe people actually like this character. It's like a 5 year old's interpretation of a likeable tough guy.

Guess you never played FFXIII

Debra Wilson was fine in Jedi Fallen Order though.

Because he was done BEFORE pandering to a demographic was a thing. They wanted a cool black character, and that's exactly what he is. No shitty agendas involved( which is funny since his character is political as fuck ).

I think the thing that triggers me most is that Barret is completely useless in the new game.

barrett is literally a Japanese imitation of mister T just more retarded

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>op pic
That's the blackest thing Barret has ever said.


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I did, but people mostly like Sazh because he's the only bearable member in the cast and rarely due to his character or personality.

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I like when he called cloud a mutt

>make a black character for muh representation
>make said black character ugly as fuck
I don't get it, do they like black people or not?

does he swear in the game? like **$@() @)#*(&$@ )$*(@!$?

>secret Jedi that's stronger than Darth Vader in his prime
>character is fine
Fuck outta here.

We need to push inbred Klan members OFF a Japanese culture website.

Kill yourself anti white cuck, no one cares what you say any more

>BEFORE pandering to a demographic was a thing
Pandering to demographics have always been a thing, you were just younger then and didn't care.

Back to Resetera you degenerate roastie

when you put it that way it's actually really strange how the population has changed here. Like do they even watch anime?

Pray tell what exactly is your idea of a likable tough guy for mature audiences such as yourself?

Black user here
They fucking hate black people but try to patronize them to virtue signal.
It's a circle jerk to see who can help out the coloreds more to be more woke and virtuous.

Barret is based. This is the greatest scene in the whole game

"Y'alls masters"

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She isn't. Darth Vader scares the ever loving shit out of her and he Jason Voorhees his way through her bullshit.

>It's a circle jerk to see who can help out the coloreds more to be more woke and virtuous.
dont you mean who can use the blacks to their advantage without actually helping them?
pretty sure those token black in recent games have done more damage than help.
it was an unwritten rule that blacks use to die first in movies, not he rule is blacks in games means it will suck, sadly.

hes way over the top its annoying. I expected him to be more like Sig from Jak II

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Woke blacks are among the best people on the planet
>sick of liberal media bullshit patronizing masked behind pandering and virtue signaling
>absolutely hate niggers that have ruined their species/race/whatever you want to classify it as

>hes way over the top
so just like he was in the original?
pick a side. You pieces of shit hate the stuff they changed in the remake, but don't want them to be faithful to the original. There's literally no pleasing you.