Which next gen controllers do you anons prefer at the moment?

The refinement of the Xbox controller by Microsoft or the innovation by Playstation?

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>the innovation by Playstation

Fuck hell dude, I am a Playstation player and even I can admit the whole reason for why they went with the white and black bra design is because they wanted to take attention away from just how much the Dualsense looks like an Xbox controller.

One second while I dislocate both of my thumbs again

The Xbox one looks like a downgrade, while the PS one looks like overdesigned bullshit to increase the price, both are dumb.

Xbox easily. The DualSense looks like Mad Catz shit.

Given how neither adds anything onto the previous gen in terms of button count / input count, i absolutely don't give a flying shit about either.

what's worse about this revision of the Xbox controller?
far as I know they've tweaked bumpers slightly

Which controller is supposed to have the haptic feedback?
I'm putting the edge on that one.

this is such a brainlet take. rounded surfaces doesn't make it an xbox controller. the joysticks are still in the superior position and the dpad is infinitely better

Xbox won't have gyro so this goes to Playstation by default.

Don't forget the variable resistance triggers. How the fuck have I lived this long without feeling a trigger getting a bit stiffer? THANK YOU SONY FUCK ME FUCK ME I'M YOURS

The Xbone remote is a downgrad from the 360 but PS4 was worse with the flimsy chargers, the dualsense looks the same as a ds4 but more tacky, if they remove the light and give the option for batteries or give a non-flimsy charger then yeah i'm for it. but i prefer the 360 remote and the Dualshock 2 with extension cords.

>The Xbone remote is a downgrad from the 360

Should I get this thing now or just wait for next-gen controllers?
this thing looks so fucking sexy but the stock is slowly decreasing in my country and importing is hella expensive...
I really need new controllers because my DS4 keep disconnecting all the time and most of the time i press left or right on the D-Pad it presses up instead which is very very very annoying.

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Xbox. I like the controller and actually want the share button since I'm always taking screenshots and clips.
They also changed d pad, i dont play fighter games so i didnt care to begin with.
I'm glad I can still use my rechargeable eneloops and current controller as well.

PS5 controller has haptic feedback, adaptive triggers and gyro aiming

Just get it. It's not like it's gonna become obsolete. Its gonna get a firmware update to have the same latency as new controllers. So use it still on your pc assuming that's why you have

>always-on microphone

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b...but it wont listen to be till I say a magic phrase right guys

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lesser comfy shape, cheaper analogs

Only thing better about the bone is the dpad not being as bad as the 360 one, but that's a minor setback compared to a better shape.

The 360 remote basically takes the aspects that made the DS2 and the GC remote good and removed most of the flaws.

Xbone is a wannabe DS3

If you're gonna spend alot of money on a controller might as well spend a little more and get a high end controller

It's the same thing if you don't care about USB C or the new Dpad

both shine an LED straight at your face so neither

I still prefer the Wii U pro controller over all the current stuff. The Xbone controller is a close second. Playstation controllers have always been at the bottom. Except the Vita D-pad which was beyond good.

that;s one big fuck NO to sony and their fanboys who will defend that garbage.

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>the innovation
What? What does the DualSense have that the DS4 doesn't?
Outside of improvements like better battery. Or well an audio jack, but that's already something the xbox controllers had.


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my one issue with the ds4 was the triggers and they did everything but change the triggers for the ds5. my favourite thing about the xbox one controller was the triggers and it seems they're keeping a similar design so i'd go xbox.

Both gonna look fantastic on my coffee table.

>dat xbox dpad
Are we back to that bullshit 360 dpad again?

I didn't like the shape at first either but it grew on me and i like it more now,mostly subjective

>cheaper analogs
Literally 360 analogs with better rubber that doesn't wear out after 3 months

>Xbone is a wannabe DS3
So you've never used a xbone controller got it

Whats different with the Xbox one

Switch pro than sexbox than dual sense.

Apparently this time its "really clicky" rather than soft unresponsiveness of previous versions, although I never use the dpad so I dont care much about it

No i have, i do think it's better than DS3 at least, but most of it's flaws come from trying to emulate it's flaws such as the blocky design

The xbox

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>really clicky
Oh okay, I thought we are back to that old garbage again. I bought an xbone controller becuase playing DMC5 Dante with a 360 controller is suffering.

If the dumb TouchPad could just be removed PS would have the better controller

I want the newest baddest MadCatz controller

What is the touch pad even used for, I haven't owned a PS since the PS2

I own a playstation 4 and I don't even fucking know

>the same old 360 design
>the same old 360 design on steroid
Yeah, I'll take the ps5.

>when Sony wants to install surveillance everyone is okay with it

Why? Thanks to it and the gyro the DS4 is the perfect all-in-one emulation controller for every gimmick imaginable.

I still don't get why everyone is losing their heads over the Dualsense. The only thing striking about it is the color scheme, otherwise it's a slightly off-shaped DS4. What's actually potentially interesting is haptics but nobody is talking about that, just the design.