Next-gen console poll

Since some of us the majority of this shit board is either underage or a dependent will getting neetbux from the government which consoles are you be buying?

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>buying a console when PC exists
what year is it?

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Neither. The switch is the only game console with exclusives now and I have a pc for everything else.

>VPN user voting is not allowed.
I am not even using it

Playstation 5 of course

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>$500 console about to BTFO $2000 PC
>PCfags in full blown damage control
consoles won

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Playstation fanboys have become desperate to the point of faggotry since their joke console ended up being less powerful than the Series X.

Keep posting, it's entertaining.

If your PC has a single neon light anywhere, then you are not allowed to complain about consoles.

I'm putting the money towards my next Japan trip. Hopefully the Olympics getting delayed doesn't fuck with the walking Gundam event in Yokohama.

>getting a console earlier than 2 years after release
Consoles are always overpriced with no good games for the first year. Plus the storage space on the first models sucks.

How about you put your money toward a football you fucking weeb nerd.

Xbox Series X and Switch DS is all I need.

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Can't play Sony's games on PC

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Was this said before the quarantine of Europe and America since May seems a tad bit unlikely

You can't even play half of Sony's games on a PS4 or Ps5

After it, Jez, Shinobi602, Klobrille, and Timdog all said it lines up with what they know.

>no PC only option

I have zero interest in either of those consoles unlike last gen where the PS4 and Switch at least had some things going for it even if I have one of those consoles sitting there collecting dust

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I don't think either have even a single game (made only for next gen hardware) announced yet other than godfall which is going to be turboshit

>(made only for next gen hardware)
I dont see why they would do that out of the gate considering this time sony are sort of opening up to backwards compat and Xbox want pretty much everything to be backwards compat to the point of allowing original xbox games on the next gen console.

That would be your Chad firewall vs The Virgin data collector.

This is it lads, the Miraclebox has finally returned.

Not saying I disagree but it just means we have to wait until 2021 or 2022 to play an actual next gen game. Until then we are dealing with PS4 Double Pro and Xbox One XX games basically

i wait to see some games faggot, i don't buy anything until then. So that faggot from Sony and PHILL need to show me some games, 4-5 exclusives or i will just remain on PC.

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I could see Halo Infinite being 4k/60 maxed out on SeX, 4k30 medium on 1X, and 900p/30 lowest on bone s

>buying a PC when you'll inevitably spend more time trouble shooting the 10,000 compatibility issues than actually playing anything

This. I gave up on pc and hopped back on consoles with the midgen consoles bcuz its just such a janky shit platform.

[Game that runs at 30fps on console] -> wow runs 60 perfect this is great
[Game that runs at 60fps on console] -> unplayable at sub 720 res


as someone who hasnt had a xbox since the 360, /i want microsoft to actually be able to compete

once they fell off, they fell off HARD

fanboys will be fanboys but at the end of the day its better when both companies are prospering because then they both have to really compete to win us over. Sony can do wahtever they want because theyre ahead by a landslide and they know it

where is "both" or "neither"

Whats this console called?

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OG xbox and 360 are two of my favorite consoles of all time. I want xbox back because it was better than ps4gen sony. Sony won just due to be less shitty but still shit