Alright fags, you have to make a game based on the last dream you had that you remember. What the fuck is it

Alright fags, you have to make a game based on the last dream you had that you remember. What the fuck is it

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>have to drive to work
>car doesn't turn on
>have to walk
>don't find the way
>ask people
>they tell me direction
>still can't find the way and I keep meeting the same people I just asked
perhaps the gameplay can be like the boardgame labyrinth

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I'm glad that there's a dating simulator dedicated to my waifu, but I'm not releasing it. It's mine!

>bleeding from my right ear
>and screaming for mom
fun game

basically "NEET and Angel and Naughty Family" but with Caucasian characters.

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It's a simulator where Daisy is your loving big sister!

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>in ex's hospital room
>she's smiling but doesn't say anything
>wake up in old best friend's garage
>screaming noises

directed by Swery65

I only remember fragments, but I was in a garden sparring with some dude. At first we were fighting with halberds or something, later it got more into a weird melee thing where he did an Izuna drop on me. We were also fighting in underwear and I was touching his butt a lot

Not too complicated I guess, just your average fighting game, with scantily clad characters using a large variety of different weapons.

it's a game where your teeth fall out and you have to look for them.
sounds fun.

something about wondering a farmstead at night while drunk and you're being stalked by some old dude who just butchered your parents

Demon says I have a year to make a million burgers or my soul is his. So probably a business sim that has a real world timer.

it was literally in a vidya universe
>the year is 2033
>merchant in the metro doing shit around in an open world game
>you somehow pick a fight with the entirety of hansa and you have to run and join the nazis for survival
>you try to complete your new main quest while trying to stay morally correct (or not)

I predict that nobody will actually read anything in this thread

>Need change for the bus
>Don't have change
>Look around for change
>Find a whole lot of change
>Miss the bus and late for work

It's the world's worst collectathon but since I'm a homo I'll just make a walking simulator with some surreal imagery and the bus can be a metaphor for cocks up my ass that is denied to me by cruel bigoted society or something and it'll be 10/10 from the game journos

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Why? I don't care about the videogames but I wanna know what anons are dreaming about.
What was your last dream, user?


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We had just graduated from a language class or something and the class was out on a rooftop celebrating and I was enjoying the sunshine and looked below the roof where I thought the class was but it was likea bunch of angry gypsies standing around a burning barrel so me and the two people I still recognized went into a club next door and it was pretty cool but then water started rising and I went outside and when the water was at my armpits I climbed up on something and when I looked down into a hole in the water it was full of thrashing jaws with razor sharp teeth and I started moving inland and a tsunami was chasing me and as I came out of the water some sort of anymous strike force showed up and the tsunami never came and then I woke up.

You make that shit into a game bro.

Some aliens landed and then took off quickly after dumping some crap and now the planet is affected by tiny orange spider vermin. These spiders explode when they are killed, and its a massive blast radius, theres also some weird alien artifacts.

Its like Death Stranding without the pretentiousness, just avoid killing spiders while you do whatever in a world that has been blown into craters and is replaced with grassland for miles, where people are surviving in highly sanitized and clean pockets of society.

Oh yeah well I read your post take that faggot

A game where you fuck some my 9th grade female classmates

>gonna go to some rave (I've never been to one ever)
>sleeping outside in the woods waiting for the rave to start?
>wooden bridge

Honestly I'm suprised your guys dreams make sense, mine it's more like hey doing this, now I"m here. It just jumps to scene without making sense. Sometimes I can realize I'm in a dream and wake up

my last dream was fucking wild and will sound retarded if I try to explain it but here goes

I was in a farm in the adirondacks woods and this chill but scary lumberjack guy was in charge
he took me under his wing selling illegal trees, his farm was extensive and had hippos and we rode atv's away from the DEC who was shooting at us to smuggle the seeds to other farms who paid us in chainsaws
he was driving and I was on the back with a shotgun
there was a gravity storm happening and shit flying every which way. his silo exploded but because he had propane powered generators in there it took off like a rocket and it crashed into the DEC's zeppelin
also we had to keep all of his a secret from his wife who was constantly asking questions and we had give men in black swamp gas explanations
i didnt have a right arm, for some reason but thats ok because I'm left handed

I woke up at like 7am and was able to get back to sleep and continue this crazy ass dream

My last nightmare was finding out that my uncle died. I had this nightmare twice.

He is still alive btw

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Dream was about biting into a scarab
Probably some puzzle like game set in Egypt.

Rosetta Stone Spanish developed by Asmik Ace Entertainment

I hadn't heard of Asmik Ace but they seem cool thanks for the tip.

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A game about trying to get out of a wedding with a crazy ex that I somehow took back into my life?

Super cool


>I am in a derelict factory
>The sound of fanblades creaking as they still slowly spin and crackling electricity
>I am terrified, the Persian is after me
>He busts through the door
>He's a tall, buff Iranian man with a mustache who's covered in body hair
>The factory echoes with my screams as I run from him
>Over and over, I manage to lose him, but every time he finds me again he has become more of a cyborg
>The Persian always finds me no matter where I hide
>Finally, I have nowhere to run
>His eyes glow red and his jaw drops open revealing a rocket
>"Launching in 3... 2..."
>Everything fades to black

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>What the fuck is it

I was killing invisible spiders the size of my head smashing them with a club, which left half-transparent goo splattered across whatever surface they were on.
So kinda like Killing Floor I guess I dunno.

I just wanted to post this to tell people out there not to take too much melatonin that shit fucks you up I swear.

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I had this dream today that a dude was about to be killed by 3 muggers so I run away but they think i-m the dude's son so they chase me and for some reason I run super slow and they catch me and it's all homoerotic after that but they spank me and I think they kill me because the next thing I know I can press respawn in a minecraft like screen and I appear next to them and mock them for failing to kill me and I run away hehe.

>after that but they spank me
user is there anything you want to tell us?

>Expansive national park with trees, animals and all that good shit
>notable location is the fuck-huge canyon running the length of said park
>embedded in the canyon walls are hundreds of old weathered wooden lodges, bridges and carved out pathways
>massive hunting lodge resting beside the riverbed in a state of disarray but still stable
>trickling stream rapidly becomes wider and louder as you're exploring the lobby
>realize too late floodwaters are steadily but quickly filling the canyon

sounds like some shitty walking simulator or an auto-scrolling race against the clock as you scurry up the floors of abandoned and waterlogged buildings to reach safety.

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>sitting on a bed with my sister
>she smiles, leans over and gives me a kiss on the cheek
>wake up and realize I came in my pants while asleep
>realize that I've never had any wet dreams in my life before this and get a bit scared
I can't think of any gameplay that would go along with something like that, so it'd probably end up being a visual novel or one of those VR "experiences".

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>Surrounded by a bunch of young and pretty girls who apparently did something wrong and were awaiting punishment.
>I was the guy who was supposed to punish them.
>The punishment was cunnilingus and repeated, unprotected vaginal sex.
>Wake up and realized I've watched too much Monty Python.
I guess an eroge? With an Arthurian setting perhaps.

>making a game where you fight by shapeshifting into different monsters
>starts becoming a reoccurring theme in dreams
>effectively can't have nightmares anymore
>the "feeling" of transforming i have during dreams makes my fucking skin crawl to think about
kinda based but also kinda not?

Basically it's MGS1 but you have to find and fuck your wifes hot sister in the middle of family gathering and not get caught.

>drying to make salad dressing
>box is supposed to come with a glass for the dressing
>it's two shot glasses instead
A drunk sim, I guess?

No, they didn't rape me, I wish they had though they were super hot and they were white and the leader was like super duper mega hyper handsome and manly, I got a thing for criminals.