Boss hp: ???

>boss hp: ???

Attached: 65498.jpg (445x503, 36.45K)

>boss has no health meter
>no phases or indication of how far along you are
>not even sure if you're dealing damage

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>not even sure if you're dealing damage
This one is shit 9 times out of 10, desu.

>boss' health bar is reversed

Attached: 196465456456.jpg (1920x1080, 445.52K)

>boss has got a lot of eye balls
>atk def hp ???

Attached: 1570542142281.png (547x549, 409.37K)

>hp bars have different colors depending on which bar they're on
>boss hp bar goes up to a color not present throughout the rest of the game

Attached: 1583867197853.gif (192x192, 1.3M)

>boss name: ???

>Boss and playable MC share the same HP
>Hitting the boss damages them and raises your health AND VICE-VERSA

Attached: hollow scared.jpg (240x334, 16.14K)

>fakeout boss who's immediately replaced by a different boss before you can fight them
>you eventually get to fight the fakeout boss for real later on

>boss hp: 3

Attached: 1458182117224.png (480x360, 266.64K)

>boss hp: MAX

Attached: 1563930223074.jpg (1659x1080, 469.86K)

>boss technically only has to be hit once
>fight still just as long and difficult as any other fight

>boss is an optional fight that is easily missable
>is a recolor of another story boss that was piss easy
>has the most health out of any boss in the game with multiple health bars of different colors
>can avoid taking excessive damage by sacrificing each head you fight and replace with new ones
>can 1 hit kill you with a single attack regardless of your equipment and level

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>boss gets healed from your attacks

Attached: 1525716959640.jpg (1327x1536, 267.65K)

>boss has no stats
>not sure if you're supposed to win or lose

>oh this is one of those "you're supposed to lose" boss fights
>it isn't, you're just bad

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>oh this is one of those "you're supposed to lose" boss fights
>didn't realize you were supposed to lose until you beat it and complained about it being really tough on the internet later

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>boss has a hidden second health bar

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>Boss fires two shots
>First one breaks your entire weapon's energy meter from blocking it, second one busts your HP down to 1

Shit myself when it happened in NMH2 vs margaret desu

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>it actually is a boss fight you're supposed to lose
>if you lose before you arbitraily deal enough damage for the boss to use their insta-kill move, you get a game over

>it's a boss fight you're supposed to lose
>you never get to actually defeat them
>it's the final boss

>Boss name: Mysterious Man

Attached: 1584562385334.jpg (420x500, 46.03K)

>game is based on a strict set of rules
>every single fucking enemy, and you, abides by these rules, making the game beatable but hard
>boss ignores rules

Attached: anger.jpg (692x478, 84.17K)

>boss' health bar fills back up again after being defeated

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Attached: disgust.gif (213x199, 341.25K)

>Boss music starts
>The choir kicks in

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>boss is just QTEs

Attached: 1576434901022.jpg (250x250, 3.5K)

>boss music kicks in
>fight boss for a bit
>game suddenly cuts to another character fighting another boss

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Attached: two health bars.gif (320x240, 1.84M)

>Objective: Survive

Attached: waitwhat.gif (307x325, 3.95M)

>boss is actually QT

Attached: THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM.gif (287x212, 2.71M)

>boss is actually a forced lose event
>it's a normal boss battle but it's really tough
>even if you manage to last long enough the boss brings out a bullshit attack that makes you lose no matter what
>you use consumables, MP, or other resources to try and kill boss
>don't get them back
>there's another fight soon after
>you don't even get a heal

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>never ending bosses with no end in sight
I'm looking at you Nioh submission

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>boss fight as time limit

progress has been made, last boss with time limit i had was ff13 with the death curse limiting you to a certain number of turns

Attached: 1574446708549.gif (220x165, 2.08M)

>boss can taunt your party members

Attached: 1546690474135.gif (360x203, 1.1M)

>boss can't kill you
>boss even provides you with instant res status

Attached: hurrr.png (585x633, 337.66K)

>boss can steal your items
>you never get them back unless you steal them back

Attached: 1392947256797.gif (320x240, 1.1M)

>boss has multiple healthbars

Attached: 8FDC30AB-0962-4EAE-99E3-35A50CE6E8DA.jpg (206x241, 13.35K)

>boss stop mid fight for a long winded cutscene

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>boss phase change means they stop taking damage at an exact HP so phase 2 begins at exactly 15000 HP
>any other damage is nullified until gameplay cutscene completes but you have no way of knowing this
>boss has multiple phase changes and the same shit happens

>game uses layered HP bars of different colors for larger health pools
>boss's hp bar is a color you've never seen before
>hit him
>the color underneath that bar is foreign to you as well
FUCK kid buu.

>boss hp: 0
>still standing
>cutscene shows him beating you.

Attached: Vergil_Monster.jpg (1000x563, 77.74K)

>one shot boss for max damage
>final cutscene shows you barely beating him

>boss has multiple body parts
>all but one are immune to damage until cutscene plays
>if you didn't figure out and kill that one then the second phase is insanely difficult

Attached: 1579676180765~01.png (108x101, 8.99K)

>Beat the fuck out of the boss with lasers and magic and mystical swords
>aren't injured at all in the following cutscene and act as if you just had a light sparring match with them

>game is based on a strict set of rules
>every single fucking enemy, and you, abides by these rules, making the game beatable but hard
>boss ignores rules
thank fuck some of these bosses can be omega-cheesed in multiplayer, fuck atera in particular

>final boss is a little girl
>not only does this come mostly out of nowhere, but they're the only child character in the game

>boss have 99 HP bars

>boss has a full bar and a litttle nugget
>bring him to zero
>the nugget was another healthbar

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