I can understand punishing China, but what did Germany do wrong

I can understand punishing China, but what did Germany do wrong

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They lost two world wars

Knack 2 is better value, those are literally PS3 games

There's a whole chapter in uncharted where you go rooting around a nazi submarine.

Invaded poland

Yeah, but that was never censored

China because there's a bunch of skeletons and that's illegal in china.
Germany because there's a bunch of nazi references and germany doesn't acknowledge the holocaust happened.

A coupon for a free neutering would be a better value than Knack 2.

Uncharted has never been censored in Germany and that Collection is freely available

>germany doesn't acknowledge the holocaust happened
Either my English is worse then I though or you mixed something up.

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PSN Store for Germany has been always fucked.
For example you had to have Plus if you wanted to get the FF7R demo (and some others like REmake 2).

I never said it's censored. It doesn't have to be censored, it just has to be a sore enough subject.
Like imagine a game in the states that references transgenderism as a mental disorder. It's not illegal, but good luck getting most places to have it.
You have to take context into consideration. A theme in a game is one thing, a theme in a game that's being given to people for free when everyone is shut in at home it's a bit, you know. Reminders and all that shit.
Bro come the fuck on, I've lived in Germany for 10 years, they like to bring up nazi shit as much as americans like to bring up trannies being a mental disorder.

Knack 2 is unironically better than all of the uncharted games.

It’s probably against the law to give out violent video games for free.
The German government doesn’t view Video games as a legitimate entertainment medium and just view it as a hobby For kids. For example you can talk about Hitler in movies in Germany all you want but you can’t talk about Hitler in video games.

Not finishing off the kikes mostly.

Plenty of people would want to get that, it's not a fair comparison.

>Sony trying to be "generous" by offering free games
>80% of people who own a PS3 or PS4 have played them all

Literally just trying to get good press and create hype for the next Uncharted. What a joke of a gesture

How much are average germans redpilled?

depends what you mean by "german"

>hurrrr politic shit durrrr
Fuck off Yas Forums

Its changed in germany cause some retard decided that the audience for free shit under the age of 16 shouldnt be excluded

Age restriction is retarded here anyway, free demos like RE3 can only be played with PS subscribtion to check your age

Thanks Hitler for going full retard and leaving everyone with even more restrictions

And Knack 2 is mediocre. Not horrible, but not worth your time either.

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>Knack 2 is better value

They are either basedboy lefties, normalfags who want to be left alone when it comes to politics, or Yas Forums-fags who see a conspiracy behind literally everything and believe Facebook-posts by randoms more than the newspaper

So america is "sex bad" and europe is "violence bad"?

>Knack 2 is mediocre
But it's not a 10 year old game that you've already played.

This. You can buy Uncharted Collection used for $5

Real Europe maybe.
Here in subhuman slavshit lands, it's more like in burgerland. Except that saying anything bad about the most popular religion is 100% haram.

Not anymore. Barely anything gets banned nowadays, even swastikas are ok in most cases, which was an absolute no-go for decades

True, but I havent played it before because I didnt want to play it in the first place. Well I guess its something in the end

Stupide laws, you can't give away media with age restrictions to children for free here.
That is why something like Apex cost 25 Cents or the FF7R demo required PS+.

>swastikas are ok in most cases
Moral decay. Soon openly calling for genocide will be tolerated.

Germans invented communism so they
are to blame for literally fucking everything.

Theres 6 million things germany did wrong. take a guess

You can't give away age rated stuff for free in Germany.
So for example apex legends cost €0.25 there.

I've never been to Yas Forums and it's not political, it's social, it's sad you're so triggered by an imaginary pol boogieman you're too braindead to understand the difference.

Number seems a bit high.

Must be a consolefag-thing. It's perfectly fine on Steam and GOG

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Can anyone confirm what hour we're getting it?

Attached: poland-lowers-official-auschwitz-death-toll.jpg (1075x773, 861.53K)

It's because Uncharted 2 is in Tibet

>what did Germany do wrong
you've been crying about nazis for 80 years and now you're asking what germany did wrong

They've lowered it further several times later
t. Polak who's been there


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exactly 3 hours from now

It's a Sony doesn't want to do any legal work and took the easy route by putting things behind a paywall.

>admits auschwitz death toll was just soviet propaganda
>oh well, we'll revise everything except the bloated jew death toll

Sweet, cheers

When I was there it was like 100,000 or something and they said there were many of them non-jews. Poland and Israel are having many disagreements about the holohoax, like Israel accusing Polish of being responsible and calling them Polish death camps, Poland responded by making it illegal to call them that. Polish hate jews

uncharted is literal dogshit
I'd rather play knack

I got banned from here the other day because somebody was pushing that story of jews finding "mass graves of jews" in belarus. Turns out the site the were at was actually a german soviet POW camp.

Always asking myself, where are youtube.com/watch?v=zTuD8k3JvxQ