Who do you main?
Who do you main?
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Uninstall wizard.
I play the highest winrate champion for any given week and if I don't have a skin for that champion I buy the most expensive one. I also roleplay as that champion. Although I'm not good at all and after 1000 hours I'm still stuck in the bottom 25% of players. I also spend $150 a week on lootcrates
I stopped playing this game after China bought it out. However the new worlds skins look nice, until i found out that they are a chinese team.
Pre-rework Shen top and pre-rework Viktor mid (back when he was ignored) and then just go back like 4 reworks on Ryze and that's the one I play mid or top as backup.
I fucking hate Riot.
Used to main Talon waaaaaaaaaaay back
Old Poppy
Old Sion
Old Galio
Old Fiddlesticks
Ugly grouch Poppy was best Poppy.
Bard and Lee Sin are the only fun characters as far as I'm aware.
The only fun champ in the game
old Galio ult was so fucking satisfying, sad times
New Fiddlesticks is so much fun
Your team hates you for picking him.
The enemy team hates you when you play him.
Your opponents all think he's braindead easy to play.
You know he's actually the hardest champ to play effectively.
Everybody seethes.
He's the patrician choice.
Cute brown girl
Best VA in the game by a fucking mile. Such a fun kit as well
Sniper, Zeus, and Razor
t. just started yesterday
so you stopped playing in 2011?
>we're a group of free thinkers and not a hivemind with preprogrammed responses for every stimuli like red-
Warwick, the most based jungler
Fuck off back to the general schizo
Been playing tahm kench a bunch. It's amazing how neutered he is compared to a few years ago. His movespeed while consuming someone, his W CD, Q damage and level 1 R range are all significantly worse now, all thanks to competitive play. Despite all that, he's still fun and does his job.
I just wish they would buff his lvl 1 R so it could go a little further because at this point it's completely worthless before lvl 11.
Old viktor was OP in mid lane, only some people knew it and play him, after rework was ok and riot fuck it up again and killed him. I fucking hate riot, such a garbage company, fuck up almost every rework, pander to chinks and weebs, Jesus.
Communist Darius aka the father of my twenty children.
Did they retcon the lore again?
Darius hates monarchs now so he started a revolution.
Wasn't he a yesman to a monarch?
Sett and Renekton.
no one anymore
used to play a lot of trundle tho
Im a Poppyfag and I try to play her in every lane I'm allowed to (top, jungle, support). Otherwise I mostly jungle Warwick and Nunu, their remakes were pretty good.
Want to try Morgana jungle, heard she is good atm. Just gotta find a game were people don't think Im trolling.