Whenever something is praised on Yas Forums, it's because of shills...

Whenever something is praised on Yas Forums, it's because of shills. No organic discussion of video games ever occurs here. It's all shills posting advertisement for money. Several months after the release, the shilling suddenly stops, because the money are no longer being paid.

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>No organic discussion of video games ever occurs here

That's where you're wrong bucko.

The thread directly below yours is for Bloodborne, a 2015 game.

Just opened to post this lol and the Nitro team racing threads

I've seen countless coomer threads evolve into organic and healthy videogame discussions and recomendations, I think you're exaggerating.

>all discussion is shilling

It's definitely a mix, but regular anons would be stupid to not assume that they are being played by marketers. They know shitposting and stirring up controversy only gets them free advertising.


Even this one?

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Yes it does. It's made harder by bandwagon contrarianism and tin foil shill paranoia. Are there shills here? Yes. Can you discuss a new release positively without being called one? No. Fuck this board and fuck you.

Organic discussion of video games is discouraged because of all the shill talk and tortanic autism. Several months after release, players have either moved onto something else or have moved their discussion somewhere else.

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wow you really are clever. IQ of a gajillion

>shills posting ads
For like all 10 people here?

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Given how recommendations are inherently shilling, OP is right.

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Both are games commercially available on Sony platforms; those are just shills trying to convince people into buying those games.

It's true; you're presenting a game to a potential customer and trying to convince him into buying / playing it. The only difference is that you're doing it for free.

That's why recommendations are immoral.

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The funny thing is it's not even recommendations, it's "play this game and have something relevant to say about it but it can't be negative"

Allow me to play devil's avocado. If there's paid shills on Yas Forums how come I never see paid advertisements on Yas Forums? Buying a shitty billboard slot is way cheaper and easier than paying some bozo to post.

When I phonepost I just see garbage like THE NON FAMILY or HOLD YOUR POKE', I dont think the bar is very high either

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>devil's avocado.

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- A cold billboard advertisement is usually ignored or in the case of this board blocked by a third party software
- Direct shilling is way more effective because interacting directly with the mark allows you to manipulate it into buying the product.

this just seems like your average normalfag or consolewar fag. why not just have an xbox ad instead of having some shitposter who gets 1-3 (you) at best

I remember the daily shill threads for that Atelier shit. Every single day, for months.

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Anybody that brings up digital foundry is a shill, ironically or not.

There's still rainworld threads pretty often. I'm impressed they still have enough money to be paying shills three years later.
By the way, Yas Forums was able to identify the shilling companies that were shilling on there and were even able to get internal documents from them. Has Yas Forums ever been able to do that? Here it just seems like the same FUD for 10 years without anything to back it up.

and code vein
and that other soulsclone

>blocked by adblock
not for phoneposters, the majority of this board
>direct shilling more effective
and also a lot more expensive

>It's all shills posting advertisement for money
>Several months after the release, the shilling suddenly stops
So there's no discussions of games released more than few month ago or what? Seems like a contradiction to me.
OP is a faggot as usual.

>Several months after the release, the shilling suddenly stops
because if you want to talk about a months-old game without an enormous playerbase (ie not smash) your thread will fall off the board in minutes

It's more expensive but unlike ads it's actually efective.
Also, the shill doesn't dedicate its entire work hours to Yas Forums; said shill does its job on the rest of internet communities at the same time.

There is a difference between aggressive launch date shilling and constant reminder shilling.
The aggressive shilling (constant threads day after day near release and the first month after release) stops.
More subtle shilling (not as frequent but still there to remind marks of the products AKA most of the threads on Yas Forums) replaces it.

Pretty much.

Companies would be pretty stupid spending money to shill games in a forum were 80% of the users are pirates.

>people talk about GAME until banished to /vg/
Wow who'd have thunk. Maybe the reason you see threads near game releases is because that's the only time Yas Forums mods will fucking let video game threads exist

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Most of the board actually buys their games; pirates are just a low third world minority.
Add to that how Yas Forums as a whole is one of the most influential internet communities right now; the place literally elected the current president of the United States.

There's daily vg threads on Yas Forums and they constantly admit they're vg threads. What the fuck are you talking about?

Yes and all those /vg/ threads will get randomly deleted at 400 posts and then remade and redeleted and then remade because "NO VIDEO GAMES ON Yas Forums" is a retarded rule

You're mad that this board enforces no erp rules?

What are you blabbering about?

Most of the vg threads on v are made by degenerate erpers and coomers

More like people shitting on stuff are angsty shills from pol doing their culture war larp like anyone thinks their twink asses is some epitome of manliness