Thoughts on Warframe in general?

Thoughts on Warframe in general?
Thoughts on Valkyr specifically?

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nice furshit thread nigger

Valkyr and warframe aren't furshit, faggot.

awful community and current direction, if they dont get back on track in a year or 2 the game will die

fuck valkyr and the dumbasses who bring her to the void just to run into the nullifiers and die

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Good starter-mid game experience, but the endgame is really lacking without repeatable difficult content. We'll probably see some sweeping changes inside DE soon because 2019 was losing profits compared to 2018, and with 2020 being the year all the warframe youtubers have came out and started criticizing DE, I think the chinks are going to order DE to fix the fucking game already and drop Steve's autistic 'vision for the game'.

also, Garuda is best girl, Revenant is best guy

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C'mon user, they're kids. Don't be gross.

>posts saryn
>talks about garuda

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Warframe is the biggest waste of time ever, all you do for the whole game is instakill the same eight enemies on the same four tilesets while waiting an entire day for your next gimmick weapon to finish constructing so you can go grind rep missions to buy mods that make your abilities do something SLIGHTLY different


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>iron skin
>stomp entire rooms flying into the air
what more does one need?

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i like the game and want to fuck every femframe

>We'll probably see some sweeping changes inside DE soon
imagine thinking this will ever happen

Imagine thinking it won't happen if DE continues to lose revenue. DE is owned by a chinese company, and if 2020 is any worse than 2019 the owning company is going to get involved for sure.

your sweeping changes will be
>more aggressively pushed micro transactions
>more "premium" """"""""""""""""content"""""""""""""""""""
>less actual updates
>lower quality updates
this will go on for 5 years before the game dies or an alternative is offered. this is exactly what happened to Runescape.

The game has a ton of potential that will hopefully be actually brought out one day. As of right now it's a fun way to waste time for a few days whenever a big story update comes out but besides that the game is a fucking MESS.

Wasted potential: the game
Feature creep: the game
Autism: the game

grendel is amazing, people talk shit about him but his eating range is crazy and it counts as an insta kill, think about that... you can walljump in meatball mode too
valkyr right now is the worst frame in the fucking game, no range melee with subpar damage and mediocre tanking abillity
wukong among other frames is an example of a frame that does everything she does but better
fix fucking valkyr, also the community is baby and cant handle difficulty anymore they cry about the even when its piss easy so they nerf shit
they cant tell whats good unless their retarded overlord youtuber shows them EXACTLY how to make something work well. FUCK the community

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Boring and repetitive grind.

>Thoughts on Warframe in general?
shit game
>Thoughts on Valkyr specifically?
made for kubrow knot

i played it for like fifteen minutes total so i don't care about the game but show me more qt bodysuit aliens(?)

I want to fuck Valkyr bareback

Really bad game with an awful lot of jank and bugs. Lots of time gating, incredibly shit melee combat, okay movement system, decent gunplay and nice graphics. Whole thing feels like is barely held together with tape.

Top tier customization though.

Nerf Mesa.

I'm more of a Saryn myself.

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shut the fuck up nigger she already got gutted with the focus circle shit

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post that guy with 60000 hours on PS4

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Dying game desu, can't even be bothered to play anymore. I will jack it to the female frames though

my warframe is strong

is it even worth it to start playing this?
From what I can tell it seems one of those games that you have to spend a lot of money just to be on par with everyone that has been playing since launch

The game is a fucking trainwreck right now. Their refusal to fix core design problems has finally bit them in the ass.

I haven't played this game in a while but why is Valkyr bad?
I had a build for her with Warcry+Eternal War. Paired with Umbral Fiber and a whip, you were tanky as fuck while fast as fuck and you could just whip everything to death.
I can't actually think of a "bad" frame. Baruuk is probably the worst one if I had to pick one only because I don't think any of his abilities fills a niche.

Spending plat should only really be used on cosmetics, everything else can be acquired through playing the game.
That being said, new-player experience is absolute ass unless you have some seasoned player guiding you in some way.