Anyone actually like the ending?

Anyone actually like the ending?

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Yes. At least it won't be as bland as the original now.

It was over the top but it sets up well for the next parts

I think the Sephiroth fight is fine, it was expected they wanted to end with a bang, just too over the top. But the arbiter of fate looked really generic and out of place, there were better ways of doing it.

I coomed when they did the flash back and forth in the edge of creation but got disappointed when u dont actually fight. Cant wait for the next part tho

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It felt like it came too soon and would have fit as part of the actual final battle instead.

Well you didnt fight in the original. You literally waited for Omnislash to charge up. In this he blocks every single bit

>kill yourself from the future so you can kill fate so you can save Aeris so she can't use the lifestream to stop Meteor

Nah. I also generally hate how the game refused to be dark at all. Dealing with death and trauma is a key theme of FF7 and they really undermined it with this game. There's no meaning at all now, it's just random shit happening.

I kind of liked the references to the original Sephiroth encounter at the end of FF7.

yeah I liked it a lot, I've played FF7 enough that I'm very welcoming of these kinds of shenanigans

Gameplay-wise it was pretty fun. But the story shit the bed in the worst way possible that I still refuse to believe it was written in earnest and not as a parody

>Nah. I also generally hate how the game refused to be dark at all. Dealing with death and trauma is a key theme of FF7 and they really undermined it with this game. There's no meaning at all now, it's just random shit happening.
Why are you implying this wont the the central theme of the remake as a whole? its the first part after all
Also consider that Aerith does a speech about it and how everyone dies no matter what you do

>how everyone dies no matter what you do
Not that we know yet but I don't see the time jannies murdering all the slum escapees or killing off Biggs again. Throwing Wedge out of a window and fading to black last minute isn't an impact, it's a joke

I feel like you're the guy I was talking to about this in the thread I made earlier so I'm probably repeating myself, but Biggs, Marle, Betty, Wyman, Wedge, etc. surviving is not a case of "everyone dies". And it's not a fair point to strip the platefall of its meaning in part 1 because they're going to better address the theme in part 2, especially when part 2 is probably going to be even more of a departure.

Me, I love Naruto Sasuke and Fortnite btw

A bit meta and somewhat vague on what the characters experienced, like did they actually see their entire future with their flashforwards or just random clips that doesn't make much sense? But yeah i'm pretty interested to see where this shit goes, i just hope Zack is still dead and that the scenario where he survives is just an alternate timeline outside the remake, other than that i'm game for whatever shit they try next as long as the characters remain as good as they were in this game

Feels like a fanfic

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The ghosts are gone. How are people still missing this? The cast are now free to change their fate. That was the whole point of the end.

Why have you fight the final boss of the game in the first disc? Why is he even shown straight up in the first hours?
Why did they fuck up this bad

As cool as it was, no. Because then a part of Cloud telling his backstory in Kalm, the one where where he says the Sephiroth is "far stronger than any story you may've heard of him", won't feel as impactful 'cause the group (up to Red) would already have an idea how strong he is from that fight alone.

Not him, but the ghosts being gone and the cast being "Free to chance their fate" not to mention the implications of Zack being alive as well as Biggs really makes me not give a shit about what else the story is going to unceremoniously fuck with in the sequel.
There was no reason for the ghosts, there was no reason to imply that destiny needed janitors to keep it on the right path, the original game felt plenty organic in it's story without them and this rewrite is so fucking forced just because Nomura wanted to make his own fanfic canon that it hurts because he basically decided the story he wants to tell is more important than the story fans actually want to play. It also shows he's fully aware of that given that the coward sold the game as a remake when it's just his fanfiction. They knew we wouldn't want this shit.

yes, this line made me actually excited for what comes next, its characters I like and a new story so I get to wait for the unknown rather than "ok in the next part that'll get about to Aerith dying probably"

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I wish they'd just done things differently without ghosts. Like how Inglorious Bastards dealt with Hitler, you think something is going to happen this whole time and then it just goes completely differently.

Not fucking ghosts popping up to physically drag a character away for telling the main character spoilers.

People that hate FFVII with a passion do.

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I'm pretty indifferent to the ending. It basically put us exactly where the original FF7 does at the same point only with a few insignificant characters still alive.

I like that it's been staying generally true to the heart of FF7 while adding a few things.

they could've just changed the story a bit. it's the fact that they insult the audience with time travel and ghost janitors thats in bad taste


the ending is them going "you don't know what'll come next" though

>they kept Biggs and Wedge alive, but still killed Jessie
scum, pure scum

Why Is Everything Capitalized Like A Six Year Old Wrote It?


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it doesnt mean it will be completely different, the core aspects will still be there while others events related to aerith death or meteor might or might no be different