
Who's hyped for Definitive Edition? Also, Xeno thread.

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Gears>>>>>>Saga>>>>>>>>>>>>literal frozen dog shit>>>>>>>being stabbed with a dirty needle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Blade.

>random encounters that kill your momentum mid-jump in a platformer-heavy game
Gears' gameplay is irredeemable garbage.

I just started XC2, and holy shit the animations and voice acting performances are terrible. Not even XC1 was this bad. What is this dog shit?

So did Pyra/Mythra for real lose their memories in the end? I guess it would explain the title for the final chapter being named Boy Meets Girl, and Rex's depressed face in the end. I don't think he'd have made that expression if they didn't lose their memories.
In terms of actual gameplay, Gears is easily the worst. In terms of story/characters, it's probably the best.

I wish I owned a Switch to play these games, I fucking loved X on Cemu and really wanted to try the rest of the series, they all look amazing
First one looks kinda weird and it would take a while for me to get used to the character models if I played it on Dolphin

Switch to subbed. The dubbed voice acting is truthfully abysmal until the ending, and even then you have awkward lines. Some people would recommend playing the dub anyway for certain characters like Malos, or Jin, but it's not worth it. I think the VA's for the dub even came out and stated that the voice direction was incredibly lacking when they recorded lines, so it's a flop. Subbed all the way. As for the animations, I didn't have that problem. I always played docked on my HDTV.

I'd rather have a Xenoblade 3

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I did it guys. I'm free !

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It's likely next after XB1D anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it. Future Connected might just be sequel bait to tie us over until then

Congrats, I never made it and never will


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Affinity Charts had to be one of the worst things about XB2. A lot of the quests, and requirements to fill out nodes, were honestly either time consuming, or just downright padding. I wish they just let you fight unique monsters for some form of Affinity Coin equivalent, so you could fill out nodes. The only nodes I really liked filling out, was Zenobia's. That was mainly because all you did was beat up unique monsters.

looks very shitty compared to XC2

>So did Pyra/Mythra for real lose their memories in the end?
No. At the end, when it zooms in on her mouth but there's no sound, she's actually saying she remembers. You can find that in the game's files for unused subtitles.

I'm gonna need you to provide a source on that, or screenshots or something, because this is the first time I'm hearing about it.

>She's actually saying she remembers
It's ambiguous as fuck. Nobody knows what she said outside of making interpretations. In the grand scheme of things, Rex's face upon hearing her speak, and the overall fact that Pneuma sacrificed herself, and likely lost her memories in the process, makes a lot of sense.

Pretty sure she says something along the lines of "I remember" or "I love you, Rex" - and retention of memories can easily just amount to "she's the Aegis and operates differently than a normal Blade"

Oh for fuck sake, not this shit again, fuck you, bittersweet ending fags.

I wish they would redub it or something. Malos is so fucking good, and I thought the actual voices were fine for most but the direction was garbage.

The ending is a huge copout. I get the tone of the ending is supposed to reward the optimism but it undermines all the drama of the previous sequence.

Oh boo hoo boo, user wants realism, there is real life for that.

It is a copout, but having them lose their memories is a copout in itself
>look they sacrificed themselves to save their friends/the world
>world is saved, aegis is gone
>oh hey look they're back
>haha they forgot everything get fucked

Are the Blade quests worth doing? I finished the game last week and did Poppi QT π which was a fucking chore.

Should I pack it away until XC:DE comes out? (I've finished Torna).

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Can someone spoonfeed me on the new medieval IP someone mentioned last Xeno thread? I haven’t heard anything about it before

Is with SMT V.

>it undermines all the drama of the previous sequence
The previous sequence came largely out of nowhere. The final conflict is created and resolved entirely after the final boss.

Killing her off at the last second was only done so that you would feel happier in the ending, when it turns out she lived.

Some Blade quests are pretty good, others kind of suck

Only do quests for blades you have your heart set on using, either for postgame or NG+

It's based on some concept art for job listing and the witcher 3 interview

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>Never played any of the games

disc 2

Monolith posted they were hiring for a nondescript video game job on their webpage and the page had a piece of concept art of some medieval fantasy-looking game featuring a female knight and some dragon as a visual aid of what kind of game they were hiring for. So basically we know nothing. For all we know the game might have just been Breath of the Wild 2.

You mean weeb edition?
Definitive edition is emulated with Dolphin in 4k, HD textures and 60fps patch

>the witcher 3 interview
First I've heard of that, got a link?

He played a bit of witcher 3 and wants to make a game in similar tone.

lol cool

How does Pyra/Mythra not having their memories make the game any less lighthearted than it is?
>World saved
>Girls returned
>Gang is together
It hardly changes anything in the grand scheme of things. Imagine sperging this hard.

You could just send them out on Merc missions and the nodes would fill out eventually with a few exceptions.

>Bittersweet ending fags
I honestly don't know what the big deal is, or why you're so upset about people questioning the ending. Whether they have their memories or not, the circumstances surrounding the ending are still lighthearted as a whole. Saying "baaaw why isn't the ending 100% lighthearted!", makes you sound whipped as fuck.

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So in other words we're getting The Witcher with mecha