
So what the fuck was Sega thinking when they designed this character? Did they really just sit down and say "yeah, we want to turn a whole generation into coomers"

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Bless Sega for this character

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Sex appeal in a kids game about animals

Pretty much yeah. Grown ups call it the femme fatale archetype.

Ok, this is actually fucking cute.

It's more likely than you think

All I know is that, thanks to Rouge, I've fapped to Sonic stuff way, way more than I thought I ever would
There's never enough Rouge x Human content btw

It is

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definitely has a human boyfriend

they knew furfag pockets were deep


I can actually see this happening.

Built for human cock

People were going nuts about Amy in Rouge's clothes, but I thought reverse was way more fun of a setup, especially with rest of Team Dark also being featured.

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Yeah I know 90's and early 00's were a better time for kids games to have this kind of shit

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Rouge x Tails kino pairing

Is knuckles black?

>not Rouge x Amy

He's red.

>mentally ill sonicfags are "an entire generation"

This guy gets it.

No, he's a nerdy white boy who spills spaghetti around girls.

>we want all furry audience

>Not Rouge hot steamy night in chao garden

Rouge is for human men


>not Wave x Tails

sonicanon is that you?
can you say as shadow "damn i'm shit"

This right here. Hot Girl x Cute Guy always makes best pairing.


Real talk, how long until this cancer subsides?

this is fuckin cute

There's gotta be some kind of documentation on this. Also, blue eyelids look like trash, change the color to something more complementary.

When you go to facebook or any other site that is PG.

>not tails x cosmo

>When you go to facebook

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Cosmo is non canon shit and she died like a bitch.

Aight then continue going to fap threads and complain about it.

Cringe soijack “/ss/“ meme shit

>hot girl x beta nerd I self insert into

>having a canon
Haha no


Archiefag detected

So, RougexKnuckles?

So is she fucking Knuckles or Shadow? Seems like she gets shipped with both.

>beta nerd
He's literally never been that.

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He's not really beta, but unless he's hunting for treasure or threatening to kick Sonic's ass again, he's a total dork.

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She goes for the BBC
Big Barbed Cocks

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Shadow is taken

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>look mom I posted it again!

Rouge loves milk shakes.

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I...what? Why? How?

she's the number 1 babe in all of hot chick heaven (which is the sonic universe)

if anybody denies it, how dare you. she can fly, she's as strong as knuckles, and she's a feme fatal seducing other characters into getting what she wants.

theres basically 3 reasons why rogue the bat is the hottest female sonic character.

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Knuckles is the hatefuck rival
Shadow is the "like family" coworker
I prefer the former

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>beta nerd I self insert into
Nice projection there pal. I just like seeing attractive couples.

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