Wont be able to fuck with chinese guilds anymore

>wont be able to fuck with chinese guilds anymore.


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Other urls found in this thread:


this is going to destroy mmo populations


>it's real
holy shit this is amazing, based pooh. where were you guys when china saved video games?

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Oh fuck yes
Get wrecked chinks

china's laws don't mean shit

If you play the kind of games chinese play you should be banned from online gaming too

More like fix part of the MMO problems.

This is good news isnt it? Fuck chinks.

I cant wait for Amerifats to talk shit about this despite isolationism literally being the reason they became a superpower (and why becoming globalist has made them third world.)

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Wait? Are Chinese allowed to play on line?

>Chinks do this
>Brazil wont

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game devs are now running on such low margins this could ruin several studios.

>but America


Say goodbye to cheaters and bots baby!

When the time comes to shuffle the commies off this mortal coil, I'll respectfully request he gets hung last.

puck yes no more chinks botter

>chink pandering studios get bankrupted
More good news I guess.


They were actively ruining foxhole. Based comrade Xi desu.

>isolationism literally being the reason they became a superpower
You literally could not be more wrong

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So WoW is going to become the barrens now?

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Isolationism was "we don't fuck with your shit if you don't fuck with our shit" not "gotta censor everything negative to the state."

>implying they dont already use vpns to even play the games
this changes nothing

What are the odds that we will suddenly stop seeing pro-EGS posts on Yas Forums?

>isolationism literally being the reason they became a superpower
actually it was because of their open market and production facilities.

Nah, korea will pick up the slack.

0% They already outsource that shit to pajeets.

Dropping The Bomb and winning WW2 singlehandedly made America a super power.

Fuck China. Build an Internet Wall around them to separate them from the rest of the world.

Chinese man here.

Save us. lockdown still in effect. we can't leave

This will decrease cheating by a shitload. But can't they just use a VPN or something?

holy based

>90% less cheaters

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America became a superpower when it stepped into the void left by a shattered Europe after WWII. The country had the economic muscle necessary all along, but avoided entanglements due to isolationist policies until WWII sold average Americans on the importance of global involvement to stop Communism. Now that we finally have a proper superpower enemy again, and a Communist one to boot, you're probably going to see increasing appetite for pushing back on China across the board in America.

Some VPN work, some don't. China is cracking down on VPN use hard as well. Won't expect it to keep working forever.


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>Had one friend in China who was a cool dude that helped me out constantly with stuff in WoW (legitimately, not gold farming or hacks or that bullshit)
>He stopped logging in yesterday, despite being a hardcore nolifer in WoW
Great, now I don't know if he got offed by the WuFlu or if it's just China's Great Firewall that got him. Hang in there, Dongboy. Hope you're still alive buddy.

>isolationism literally being the reason they became a superpower
How does someone become this retarded


Blizzard are you okay?

>Glorious Peoples Republic of China government learns you are using VPN to ignore ban.
>-200 Social Score and sentenced to 3 months of re-education

This will get rid of cheaters, nice.

>getting rid of the chinese menace

Now if only the phillipines, Brazil and Russia would follow suit we would be back in gaming utopia.

where is the source?

Jesus Christ, finally. Anyone who thinks this is a bad development is a a batfucking chink itself.

How am I gonna get nuclear angry replies to TAIWAN NUMBER 1 now?

face it, you're fucking obsessed. this thread is about china lmao

Kys retard, too pussy to reply too cause you know you're a fuckin mong

The fact that this gets deleted every time is proof the mods are in someone's pocket.

>b-b-b-but spam

It's one fucking post.

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will the chinks ever try to rise up or do you think they're straight? seems like almost a complete 1984 situation at this point where it's just not possible

Based pooh saving online multiplayer

did the 'free tibet'-type chat spam actually work?

>It's one fucking post
How new are you?

All over the internet. Just do a google search

Kill yourself you faggot

>Blizzard trying to go balls deep in China
>This happens

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Thank god. Getting rid of these fucking lice is like finally getting rid of a pest problem in your house. Wonderful.

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holy shit i can't wait for the entire bot population of ffxiv to finally disappear
i'll have instant queues for wanderer's palace again

Does this mean Rust will finally be playable again now that the giant Chinese clan bases are going away?

Problem is that that's 100% human rights violation but the chinks are disgusting and no one will miss them. I'm not sure what to think

There has been no reason for Chinese people to want to rock the boat - the country has reached unprecedented levels of prosperity since the CCP took its boot off industry's neck. The only thing that could bring down the CCP is a prolonged economic crisis where Chinese people no longer feel that CCP rule is increasing their quality of life. It's possible, especially in the wake of COVID, but very unlikely. A serious internecine power struggle in the CCP following Xi's death since he's accrued far too much power to himself is much likelier.

Human rights only apply to humans.

>Also, the new law will not allow for zombies and plagues, map editing, roleplaying, as well as organizing a union in games — regulations which are believed to be inspired by the sensitive content made by Joshua Wong.
>map editing, roleplaying

Animal Crossing dabbed on the CCP.

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Blizzard will just dip its stocks so hard that Tencent purchases it

fucking great.

Just use a VPN, shixiong.

It's spam no matter what. Stop tlakinf shirt abour china you idiot american

Now that china is completely sealed drop the gas bombs and find something to do for 24 hours

Now if only Brazil would do the same.

People use to get the shit kicked out of them for doing shit like this. Now Americans have 0 pride in their country so I can see that spic sitting there all day doing this shit.

Nothing will happen. Chinese all use VPNs already.

Not happening.
It will only effect those who don't use a VPN, and since bot farming has money at stake, they'll pay out for VPN access to get around it. You'll just have slightly less Chinese on online games, its mostly a nothing burger because most chinese use VPNs

Human rights violations have never stopped China before and it won't stop them now. China is that edgy kid in class who says "Laws only work when everyone agrees to be bound by them... we don't."

Do you live under a rock?

>I like russians, they are fun to play with, thought I have ever only played fps with them, not sure how they fare in other kind of games

>People use to get the shit kicked out of them for doing shit like this

What? The only people who do any shit kicking in America are the police. Everyone else is a fat pasty baby.

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nintendo isn't allowed in china anyway

>comes to my country to leech off others
>fuck this country!
I wish people like this would get the fuck out

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Explain how this is a violation of human rights? The only thing I could see is if you were a foreigner living in China and couldn't speak to your family.

Enjoy your virus, chink.

They never signed that.

>he takes rights for granted (in china if all places)
Are you 12?

>No more Chinkfags to ruin online gaming
If we can get this same thing to happen with the Turks and South Americans we will enter a new golden age of online games.

>Implying this doesn't fix gaming at night

Does Joshua Wong realize he's the reason the CCP is getting stricter, thus making the situation for HK even worse? Does he think probing HK protests into video games will actually help anyone?

The last time we went through the 20s we had a massive element of society agitating to overthrow democratic government here in a literal communist revolution. Anyone who thinks that Americans in the past universally loved and respected America is kidding themselves.

I love CCP now?!

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HK is fucked anyways, their only chance is international attention.

Exactly the opposite, economical influence, milytary roaming the world and soft power is how the US dominated, and how by closing down china extended its hands on the entire planet

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based Chinese dictatorship, Im actually happy

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>People use to get the shit kicked out of them for doing shit like this. Now Americans have 0 pride in their country so I can see that spic sitting there all day doing this shit.

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US servers are brazilian clay

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Chinese use VPN. All of them. Even CCP officials use it.

If Joshua Wong and everybody who ever posted the Tienanmen square pasta is to thank for getting all of China removed from online gaming, I would gladly build a statue in commemoration.

In anything other than FPS they are scum.

does that mean PUBG and Apex becomes playable again?

This. Insectoids being banned from everything is a good thing, no matter what industry it is


This but unironically. Superpower do macacos by 2025!

Fuck MMOs and fuck the Chinese.


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fuck you gweilo

War on Terror 9/11 Larry Silverstein Mikhail Gorbachev The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Operation Condor Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Chronicles Waco Siege Kinder Egg Surprise The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia Kandahar massacre War on Terror Patriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden The Guantanamo Bay Illegal Occupation CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack by IDF Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Iran Contra Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii the Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands the Economic Embargo on Mexico haole invasion the rape of Okinawa Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages Russian puppet president Kinder surprise

>no more Chinese gold spammers

>International attention
That's a pretty wild assumption that anyone will do anything for them. I mean, the media stopped reporting on HK last December because it got old.

>China region-locks itself

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Yknow that shit doesnt work on anyone but the chinese right?

I know you just want to spam amerifat memes and I'm not saying our obesity levels aren't off the charts. But I'm saying back in the 80s and 90s this shit would not stand here. I work in the fire service where there still is country pride and sucks seeing our country like this. But go ahead and shit talk knowing damn well you live in some 3rd world shit hole.

holy shit pubg is fixed?

whatever gives the chinese less control over my experience in gaming is good

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Yknow that shit doesnt work right?

>absolutely not one goddamn person:


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>people won't have to deal with insectoid shenanigans online
finally some good news

>no more chinks to yell TIANNAMEN SQUARE MASSACRE at
it hurts bros

Only amerimutts gets triggered if they play with other countries.

>violating an imaginary concept

China is actually a deserted wasteland because 99% of the population is fucking dead and this is just a cover story so people don't go around asking why there aren't any chinks in their games anymore.

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>Animal Crossing caused this

>isolationism literally being the reason they became a superpower
It's because we had like 50 years of illiterate polish/italian/irish immigrants filling up factories with conditions that would make china blush

>Great firewall of china


This will only amount to a small reduction in their online presence, VPN usage will increase and you'll still be dealing with conniving bugmen on a regular enough basis.

It doesn't work on the Chinese either. It's a myth.

please please PLEASE be real.
goddamn this would be so amazing if China actually gatekept its own playerbase

>hacking in vidya dies overnight
>some other games die overninght too probably the ones that spent the last several years pandering to the chinese (I hope Riot games and Blizzard shit gets it bad)
>all MMO's and Diablolikes are saved from BUY GOLD NOW all chatters

chances are nothing will change and this is the same as that Japan law about 1 hour video game curfew but fuck me if this isnt a magical thing.

>implying game companies wont bribe tooth and nail to prevent this though.

Chinks being 100 IQ is a meme, they're probably closer to 85 IQ

>Chinksects lecturing others on human rights

Is there a bigger fucking irony in this world?!

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I think only chinks get banned from the internet for discussing history and nobody else.

>drop the gas bombs
Why bother? They're all gonna Corona themselves to death while pretending everything is fine and they've beaten the pandemic anyway.

>Pooh so buttbothered he's getting rid of the worst parts of online
Absolutely based hong Kong bros

china isnt really communist they have private buisness (that opperates in the states interests)
same economic model as nazi germany

not that communism is a good thing, natsoc works better but its not communism, they're just still using the same party name from when they were trying to be communists

communism also is anti nationalism
whereas china is very nationalistic

I'd take chinks, slavs, pinoys and BR over mutts any day of the week.

Cope. They took out the US and are one step closer to global hegemony.

>tfw they will get away with literally everything because the west is chockfull of cucks.

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>based chink gov
Don't forget that china in general encourages lying, cheating and stealing as a means to an end. It's sort of like illuminati belief that the brightest one would eventually come to power. This move will only mean that chinese botters and cheaters will simply stop admitting they're chinese and will bot and cheat twice as hard.
Also, this is done to shit on HK just a bit more, by denying them speaking out in games as unofficial channels. Think of a way to talk to a chink for any reason without guv'ment having their nose in it. Y'remember how al-quaida recruited people through online games?

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