Welp any plans for Sonic in 2020 have been cancelled until Corona ends
Welp any plans for Sonic in 2020 have been cancelled until Corona ends
Fuck you, Arron
I'm starting to become annoyed with this shitty meme virus. Why does my life have to be disrupted because some fucking boomers are getting sick?
>be me, work food service
>have to keep coming into work despite a state-wide lockdown
>all day every day, it's boomers coming in and buying a shitload of food - we're talking $50 worth of chicken sandwiches at a time
>they then get pissy that we're not using hand sanitizer between every single transaction
>now I can't even go home and enjoy shit because it's all cancelled because the fucking boomers won't just STAY HOME
Yet they're still doing that stupid japanese stream on 22/4.
Ya, Ok
>world wide issue
>wahh it doesnt affect meeee why do I have to deal with anything
>young people die as well
As if the next game was going to be good.
>>young people die as well
No they don't
>make a big deal about having a ton of announcements every month this year
>only one they've actually done so far is the announcement of said announcements
Young people are going to the hospital in alarming numbers from the virus
The only thing that determines who dies and who doesn't is their immune system. My supervisor is in his 40s, he got it, and he's absolutely fine.
>multiple cases of retards not making it because they thought they were invincible
Have fun with damaged lungs retard
>until things have settled
ok, cool. see you in July.
>Have fun with damaged lungs retard
I got it and my lungs are fine...
yeah because fucking retards during spring break were actively touching the stove and trying to be cool anti-vaxxers
>see you in July 2022
>wahh why does a worldwide problem have to affect me
>affects people regardless of age
>but not MEEEEEEE
I get things like shutting down sporting events but the fact that we're at the point where I'd get fucking arrested if I had a family gathering, kicked out if I dared to enter a grocery store with a relative or friend and get treated like some scumbag for going to the dollar store to just buy some chips and not wearing a homemade hazmat suit is ridiculous. this disease is jackshit compared to the mass hysteria surrounding it.
for fucks sake Aaron, you incompetent little shit
how does wuflu stop you uploading your powerpoint and videos
Because you are endangering other people you sperg.
>why am i getting in trouble for willful endangerment of others
>i just dont understand
Fucking retards like you are why its such a problem
>The situation got out of control because retards can't follow simple rules and spread the virus
>Have to increase the severity of rules
>wtf why people hate me for being a massive retard that could get people killed
Thank you for proving that we need those rules to prevent (you) from making everything worse
I do that every day by merely existing. May as well live in fear of getting struck by lightning or getting in a car wreck.
>irrelevant comparisons mean I weeeen
Retards always resort to this without fail everytime.
Thank fucking christ. Any year without another sonic abortion is a goods year.
Meanwhile freedom planet 2 likely will get finished this year and be awesome.
>my existence causes car accidents
So you are actually retarded and cant even drive without killing others then?
Cars are installed with safety features like air bags
You getting struck by lightning does not pose a high risk of harm to others.
I think many people at this point want to fastforward to 2021 so they can get their events again.
Don’t let cowardly autistic sperges on here tell you how to live your life
He probably wants it to be a big presentation like the panel was going to be