Nathan Drake confirmed for pc

Nathan Drake confirmed for pc

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Other urls found in this thread: Furukawa/

Ok this is all bullshit at this point

soo guys, can't anyone just post listings on amazon?

Why do you FAGGOTS keep posting this retards twitter?

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lol who gives a shit about uncharted?
it's a boring game anyway lol

What's next?
NHL for PC?

Nibel's not a leaker, he just posts news. He's basically just a one man news aggregate which is why everyone screencaps him.

you can keep it, thanks

Amazon France has been having random listings of exclusives for years as PC games and retards still fall for it. What's the deal with Amazon France, anyway?

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I hate this ironic weeaboo faggot. Can he change his prof picture already?

Wow same "leak" for bloodborne in 2017. Nintendo fags are retarded sensationalists and make this board shit.

Imagine believing this shit, they also listed days gone and gran Turismo

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uhh Sonybros.....what's happening?!

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Fuck off, we don't need your soapy movies

I got them the last time they were on PSplus and they're really mediocre games, don't really understand the hype but I hope they get ported so people without ps3/4 can know they aren't all that good

>ANOTHER twitter sceen cap trannyera thread Furukawa/

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i wish

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Words cannot express how much I hate France right now!

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I hate niggers and Arabs too bro

>some wagie accidentally types in the wrong platform

Amazon France can't keep getting away with it

just give me bloodborn ffs

this is getting out of hand

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i fucking wish

It's most likely false but I'd love every laugh if every Sony exclusive came to the PC. Saves me from bothering with the next gen, the most I'd have to buy is the DS5

but Its already on PC

Why though? His tweets always include his source(s).
So if you've seen his tweet then there is no reason to post his tweet instead of his source.

It's really just Nibel shilling his own twitter.

stage 1: denial

already watched uc 4 on youtube idc


he's the one posting these, shilling his twatter.