>ywn be over 8 meters (26 feet) tall
Ywn be over 8 meters (26 feet) tall
Manlets. All of them.
How am I suppoused to compete
>8 meters is tall
>Lost Souls are human sized
what the fuck
>ywn be 52.8 billion light years tall
Good, lanklets should be killed
8 meter? Like a parking meter?
Oh you meant metre, dumbo ESL nigger
"meter" has been recognized officially from nearly 20 years in the US and more than half a century in other EU countries.
Time to close the tab, baboon.
This show was just a shitty zoomer version of getter.
Okay, but we distinguish between metres and meters in English speaking countries ESL nigger
>calling one of the essential anime of classic Yas Forums "zoomer"
Fuck off, and don't you dare drag Getter into this you god damn hipster.
At this point they're pretty much interchangeable, retard.
No they aren’t, that’s not how English works. Either learn our language properly or go to Yas Forums.Europe
Wait, doomguy is mere 6 feet guy with all the armor on?
I now understand all that rage
I'm right and you know. GL is literally an obnoxious kiddie waifushit version of Getter, it doesn't even try to be original.
>ywn hold all of reality in your palm
hes 6 foot out of armor
6'3 in armor
It's actually the opposite.
it's a homage you tard, it references far more than getter
>6 foot in armor
>6'3 out of armor
>say something is a homage
>now I'm free to copy paste it's plot and fan boys will defend me
Okay retard
Now I get the anger issues.
>tfw mom wont stop showing you her masturbation videos during quarantine
Is the new doom worth playing? I need an excuse to skip tonight.
Post her mega folder
They have to force him in to manlet status to draw that rage out of him.
Gets it
lmao is Doom guy THAT weak?
>that’s not how English works
That's how every language works. It evolves.
I guess I can ask her to email me one if you really care. I was just wondering if the new doom is worth the time.
doomguy confirmed for angry manlet?
be honest. you just don't like it because it's newer than 20 years old. it's okay to admit you're old and crotchety.
Shut the fuck up ESL homo
Amerifat here I've never seen metre used faggot.