Now that Animal Crossing is out and PS5 news is starting to pick up...

Now that Animal Crossing is out and PS5 news is starting to pick up, can we expect the momentum for the Switch to slow down?

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>PS5 news is starting to pick up
Hasn't it been almost entirely negative?

I think the audience and the games that the Switch provides won't let the console sales slow down much.

PS5 is not even out, what are you talking about? Zoomers live in a truly abstract world, wow.

The last major flagship just came out and Switches are struggling to meet demand per corona. We're only barely into year 4 and most of the big Nintendo teams like Zelda, 3D Mario in Tokyo, etc. are quietly working on stuff. I think there's time for a big new wave of heavy hitters smattered with some D-list stuff like Metroid or whatever, before transitioning to the Super Switch Entertainment System or Switch 2 or whatever the next Nintendo platform will be.

No, but it's been lukewarm.

if Yas Forums is your only contact with the world outside of your basement, yes

Why would the PS5 (which has almost zero hype anyway) have any effect on the Switch's sales? Sony and Nintendo now have completely different audiences, Sony fans are into movie games and Nintendo fans are into bing bing wahoo and weeb games.

If BotW2 actually happens this holiday and all those Mario things also happen, then maybe not.

Why do faggots believe you can only buy one console and one console alone?

Is the PS5 portable? No? Then the switch will outsell it.

>Now that Breath of the Wild is out can we expect the momentum for the Switch to slow down?
>Now that Mario Kart is out can we expect the momentum for the Switch to slow down?
>Now that Mario Odyssey is out can we expect the momentum for the Switch to slow down?
>Now that Smash is out can we expect the momentum for the Switch to slow down?
>Now that Pokemon is out can we expect the momentum for the Switch to slow down?
>Now that Animal Crossing is out can we expect the momentum for the Switch to slow down?
>Now that Breath of the Wild 2 is out can we expect the momentum for the Switch to slow down?

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Why do people insist on comparing Nintendo to the other consoles on the market? The main appeal of Nintendo is the exclusives. Believe it or not, people buy Nintendo to play Nintendo

Aren't Switches sold out everywhere right now?

How have you not realized a long time ago that the average poster on Yas Forums is in junior high?

The console shortages will

Switch is dead. There are no good games for it.
Animal crossing? Who fucking cares?
Pokemon is for children
Mario is for cucks.
Botw isnt even a real Zelda title.
Still no Metroid

Why did the Witcher 3 sell a million on the Switch

It’s time to move on, the 3DS is dead. Time to accept it and buy a lite

Sales are going to be close to zero for the next few weeks because they ran out

I don't believe you.

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Sold 730k in the first month and a half of release last year

*2 months and a half

so it didnt sell a million

>I only listen to tendies on Yas Forums

It more than likely sold 250k since December, yes

Because not matter what Yas Forums tells you people like the fact that games are portable and are willing to put up with downgrades to have them.

You've been making this thread for three years now.

The novelty of having one of the most critically acclaimed games the past decade on a handheld without serious fps dips (unlike Borderlands 2 on Vita)

Because console war faggots and graphics is king faggots live to cry about nintendo then play victim when btfoed.

>thread about nintendo
>thread about playstation
You must pick one and choose one, Yas Forums.

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