About to start Pic Related for the first time. Do I go base game for my first playthrough, or WotC? Also, given that I just beat Classic-Ironman-Marathon Enemy Within last night, what difficulty's good for me here?

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do WoTC
id probably avoid ironman for your first run though

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Do whichever difficulty you like.

WotC is just superior, though by virtue of coming out later there's marginally less mod support.

WotC, just remember though that in this game a lot of missions are timed so you can't just dig in and Overwatch for 100+ turns like a turtling faggot

WotC, it's not tgat different to warrant two different playthroughs. Do Commander without ironman

Ironman is non-negotiable here. Reloading my save in a game like this just feels like cheating. Where's the challenge when I can reroll the numbers to get the best outcome?


You arent a military force with goverment support in 2, be ready to act like a militia. lotta gurrilla tactics and rushed missions because of time limits.

timed failure was a stupid addition and can easily by mitigated by one of the second wave modifiers, effectively doubling all turn timers to the point where they become trivial

Not OP, but I started it up while traveling and I couldn't tell if it was my laptop or the game, but it felt pretty clunky. And mildly worse than Enemy Unknown. Basically from what I've seen above, should I just restart on home PC with WotC?

RNG dominance is overrated in XCOM. Much more important is aggro management, and disabling aliens before they can react
There's a lot of shit you can't be prepared for without knowing in advance, that'll make the game that much harder and might cause you to lose campaigns

you can savescum on ironman by alt+f4ing


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You are like little baby.

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Alright, last call before I start. Do I want Veteran Ironman or Commando Ironman here if I want a game that's less brutal than early Classic EW Marathon, but that won't cheat in my favour?

Everything but the highest difficulty (i recall not what it's called) slightly cheats in your favor. In the highest difficulty what you see is what you get.

Just buy Chimera Squad. it's goingto be based and cool.

Canon titsnek wives and hookers.

should i play long war of the chosen?

I wish the actual game really committed to this. LW2 is a huge improvement on this especially compared to the bulletsponge wankery of LW1. It really makes you feel like you're managing a resistance, with strategic decisions about deployment and resource management that directly impact the tactical layer.

And hey! LWotC is in beta now!

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Wait what the fuck. I googled this and it's real.
Guess I'll mod it out and pick Veteran difficulty. Thanks everyone.

There's bugs in the game that can soft lock you, that's the only reason I'd recommend not going with Ironman.


maybe on a vanilla game. I would not recommend it on a modded playthrough and just go with an honor system.

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Alrightr, very final post before I start: All aim assists removed, Veteran Ironman, Dev console enabled so I can skip the AI's turn if it softlocks. Sound good?

If you're playing on WotC
Disable "lost and abandoned" (my opinion)
Enable Start with Reaper, Templar or Skirmisher, your pick.

At this point pretty much any mod worth a damn have a WotC version, like the one big exception i can think off is the Barafag mod, you know the one.

LW2 did lack one but i think it gotten one by now, possibly unofficial though.

start with the chad templar

the virgin templar vs the chad skirmisher

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Are Skirmishers still absolute bugged?

Let's not kid ourselves, the Chads are Reapers because they have no superpowers or genemods and are STILL the most broken Hero Class.

And they definitely ate Snekpussy.

Lost and abandoned is worth at least once

I just started my playthrough on ps4, kinda wish I was playing on PC already. I want to mod in better soldier customization.