What JRPGs have you been playing lately?
What JRPGs have you been playing lately?
I finally started my second run through berseria to finish the leftover stuff out
FFXIII, regret waiting so long to play it
Alternating between P3P and Nocturne, and hopefully RS3 at some point. Still got a way's to go before I consider playing yet another one.
I beat FFX yesterday. I quite liked the ending and will definitely finish the side content sometime
was gonna post about it in the jrpg thread but it got deleted by fag mods
I'm debating whether I should play DQ8 or DDS next. or neither cause I'm feeling a vidya burnout coming on
DQ8 is another one of this stupidly long kinda games the only the maddest of men is going to finish within the same year of starting, DDS is way shorter even if you include both halves
I've been playing Nias game
i'm marathoning all 16 mothership tales games
Still mad that I got tricked into playing this by the BLOODY HELL posting. The combat system could have been cool if it didnt become a single path flowchart as soon as you understand it
This piece of crap does NOT have 10889 HP - I fled from battle after doing 12K (hoping it would be the same as the Spriggan) and then I did 21396 damage (stunlocked him for some 8 turns in a row) and it still did not die, what the hell? Can it even be disposed of at this point in the game?
How playable is the vita port?
I'm playing DQ11.
It's okay. Feels very basic, I don't know how else to put it. The characters and story are pretty uninspired. The gameplay is nothing to write home about either. Music is mediocre.
To be fair, most combat in any genre is a single path flowchart, problem with XB2 is that it's far too slow for its own good and it could have used some extra depth at times.
>Can it even be disposed of at this point in the game?
>Game is nonlinear
You really need to be more specific because you can get to the frozen ruins barely two hours into the game.
Does demon souls count as a jrpg? Cause I’m playing that
the one in the ruins? I feinted the fucker to death, such a cheap move when it works holy shit.
I'm about halfway through FF6, and then I want to play some of the Glory of Heracles games
Looks like Maplestory 2 characters
I'm not concerned with the length, I wonder what gave you that impression
Load times are a huge annoyance but otherwise fine
DQ11's gameplay doesnt show well on the normal difficulty that lets you mash your face against the controller for several dozens of hours before it cranks up the challenge. Hard monsters helps its battle system really shine since it forces you to be character swapping and debuffing even in normal mob fights if you want to survive
Of course it does.
I'm almost 20 hours into the game and the only clues I have - or better put, the only areas that can be explored right now are
>Gelid ruins next to the Mu clan
>maybe something in the Steppes because I'm not sure if I'm missing anything, that ship can not be entered
>Danced with the mermaid (I guess it's a mermaid) and it disappeared
That dude in the castle that gathers information doesn't say anything and that should be about it.
I managed to get that 21k damage by stunning him with Entangle and Knee Stop but then he said "no u" on the 9th or 10th turn and I just fled, no idea if I should try again or just never return to this place
Can't believe Tifa's fucking dead
Finished the first King's Field and now I'm playing the second one. It's funny, because it sort of feels like the jump from Demon's Souls to Dark Souls.
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
Playtime means little to nothing, you have to post your party composition, HP average and equipment/techs to give people an idea of what you can or cannot do.
You also can't say you went to Eirunep and leave it at that, what did you do there?
Have you fought the the termites in the savannah?
Have you found the eastern kingdoms?
What about Nuono?
The game's open and has a lot of variable factors, if you want people to help you you must give some info that let others more or less gauge what you're able to do at the point you're in, this isn't FF where you just go through a series or linear checkpoints with fixed handouts.
Still playing Final Fantasy 13
Nothing to report, since I work from home and am technically "on the clock"
You arent using an easy mode team are you user?
I pray to god you're playing the Switch version.
I don't think I am far enough to be able to pick a team yet, I'm only at the part where Sazh and Vanille go to Disneyland (I think it's Chapter 8).
What is an "easy mode team"?
Why is there a nazi simbol?
>playing without glorious 60fps
Even after beating the game he could still kill me.
>Not playing in 2D mode
>wake up
>see this
What do
Fair enough, sorry.
Pic related is my current party. I'll go over them one by one.
>453 HP, 17LP, 71SP, 86MP. Martial artist and mage, strongest ability in general is Quadrastrike, does about 930 damage to the Giant.
>450HP, 1LP, 60SP, 0MP. Used to be a tank but moved him back in Imperial Cross due to his 1LP and uses Whirlwind to inflict some 400 damage to the Giant. Equipped with a sword but is slow as all hell so stunning him at the very last turn isn't effective or needed.
>473HP, 12LP, 44MP, 60SP. Swordsman equipped with Splasher, his Whirlwind does 800 damage, sometimes I try to stun the Giant with him when I don't believe in luck
>492HP, 6LP, 0MP, 58SP. New tank with a Sweatsuit ever since Tortoise's LP dropped. Seismic strike damages for 300 and sometimes stuns the Giant. Sometimes shields the Slice the Giant does and gets damaged for 200HP instead of immediately dying.
>406HP, 2LP, 29MP, 43SP
Fastest (shares the first spot with Dynamite), ranger with Earth magic - in the best attempt I had, Entangle stunned 8 times in a row. As of recently equipped with the Death Bow but it doesn't seem to do much against the Giant.
I only know where Eirunep is and someone in the adjacent village told me that one of the Heroes is down there, I haven't actually been there yet.
I killed the Hive Queen using pretty much the same strategy I'm trying now, Imperial Cross with Harfagre/Tortoise up front, stunning and slashing away, but I didn't have Quadrastrike back then so the most damage I could do was around the 500 mark.
No idea what the Eastern kingdoms are.
Nuono doesn't ring a bell by name but I did visit two or three locations that aren't on the map and I can't access anymore (for instance, I turned down an "alliance with pirates" a long time ago) and I can't go back to that pirate anymore.
Hope this clears things up, sorry once again for being too vague earlier
I'd like to ask you too for future reference if I ever get to FF13; What is an easy mode team and why is it easy mode?