These are your Jessie, Aerith and Tifa voices. Say something nice about them

these are your Jessie, Aerith and Tifa voices. Say something nice about them.

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What the fuck is that thing on the left?

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left mogs me

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>eng dub
do americans really?

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that's charlotte clymer isn't it

Hottest one

the absolute frame on the left

finna nut on the qt brown's forehead

the linebacker for the new york jets

3, 2, 1

Aeris wins again.

You don't have to look good to have a good voice.

WWE's newest superstar

The one on the left would give you an absolute monster Chad of a son.

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True, little is left to the imagination on the look good part.

Why is this bored so autistically obsessed with any women who is even remotely related to a game's development? What type of mental illness do you all have that causes every thread about women to reach it's post limit?

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erica would actually be a giga chad if those chromosomes didn't betray her

most dudes would kill for a jawline like that

Would give Erica a whole +1 if she just got rid of that gross nose ring.

Aerith is best girl in game and IRL too

Tifa cute.

I don't know but it's pretty annoying. The worst are Clairefags who think this skeleton is sexy just because she was in a game.

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That Tifa voice actress looks so meh here but she's an absolute cutie in Glow.

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Holy shit Jessie fags on suicide watch

It's full of men in their 20s who's never had sex user, what did you expect?

I honestly didn't realize they were the same person till I saw the name

Fat lesbians coming out to cope

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they all have big greasy foreheads.

Holy shit absolutely miring the one on the left. God damn, what a powerful build, I would kill to have a jaw and frame like that

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Yas Forums does this shit too. Won't be surprised if people start rating janitors are the studios cause they're women.

Don't pay attention to her, she's mine

Fuck middle marry right kill left

fridge mode

japanese voice acting is shit, and you think it sounds good because it feels exotic


just give me a 2 litre of vodka and i'm ready TO GO