I am making a game

Need some ideas for a game that will be made in the unity engine and with the c# language. I just started learning how to code, but I will give my best to make it happen, so just say what you think might be cool and if it sounds good it could become a game!

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Self bump

I'm only a Java and Python developer so take this with a grain of salt but I found GameMaker and Godot to be much better game engines than Unity. C# is a good language to learn but I wouldn't use Unity unless you really want to make a 3D game and if you just started learning how to code that will be really difficult to do.

make your own ideas, retard, you'll give up on it anyway

If you just started learning how to code and you don't know what loops, ifs, arrays and classes are, I don't suggest making games yet.
If you know these things, then start by making simple things. Remake minesweeper, snake or pong. That will be good for your first game.
Don't ask for ideas from people if this is your first game, unless they are extremely simple. I'm currently making a game with decent programming knowledge and I'm struggling to remake some modern minesweeper features, led alone creative ideas.

Can you try creating something similiar to FTL: Faster Than Light? Maybe with pirate theme?
It's really simple and was made by only 2 guys (IIRC one guy did the art, the other coded shit), though reached critical acclaim.

Start by making something very, very small.

Nothing like this yet.

Im also just starting to learn how to code to eventually make games.

One thing I've come to realize is that my good ideas should be put on the backburner until I know what the fuck I'm doing. Burnout sounds like the ultimate game killer so I'm going to stick with easy shovel ware mobile game tier concepts until I know what I'm doing. Maybe just remake simple retro games first annon. From what I've gathered, your first couple dozen games are going to be incomprehensible shit so don't bother trying to implement a groundbreaking idea without the skills to make it happen.

yeah and I fucking guarantee you FTL was far from their first game.

Keep it simple. Start with making copies of other existing, simple games. That's how you learn. Diving straight into the deep end will only result in tears. Also watch out for feature bloat, it's easy to turn a simple little project into a never ever completely on accident.

For starters, try making a roguelike and a megaman clone. Both will teach you very different things that vidya need.

Thank you all for the advice, I will do as most of you said and try to recreate classic games first, I will be back on /v once I know how to properly code, and I will do my best to not lose motivation like many people do. Cheers, OP.

Yas Forums faggots should make an actual game and put it on git. Anyone up for it?
Can start with design discussion and base engine off the needs. After that, we could have monthly threads that discuss current state and plans, assign anons tasks and shit.

What kind of game do you have in mind?

No kind, really. Deciding that would be the first thing to discuss, I suppose.

Working with a team is fucking shit. Personally every artist I've worked with have been lazy ass bums.

I am an ideas guy, $300k starting pls.

Well, the "team" would be dynamic. People can just leave if they want to. I think deadlines will only hurt the development in this case. Someone got lazy? Not a problem. As long as the design isn't ever evolving/iterating, the game should finish some day. If anyone wants to join, they can discuss about it.

Though, the game doesn't have to ever be finished. Just being playable but evolving works, too.

>Yas Forums
lmao this board can't agree on anything, how would they collaborate on an actual game?

You play as a girl(male)
You suck dicks in the game
The more dicks sucked the higher your highscore.
Score points could be spent on "transition" where you buy various cosmetics improving your appearance.

Skyrim with guns

Make a game where you have sex with anime girls

Attached: 1583310288896.png (724x1023, 433.28K)

Could try for once.

No, no, no. Last time this was tried we ended up with Katawa Shoujo. Stop this.

katawa shoujo started on Yas Forums, not Yas Forums

OP here, sounds actually like a decent ideaa, as long as we don't end up like yandere dev lmao

2d sidescrolling pvp shooter, like metal slug or unreal flash/raze/strike force heroes if it was built around pvp. You could try building around a large server size on a large map like .io games, or make it a battle royale.

It wouldn't be significantly more complex to make than most .io games, most of which are developed by a single person.

Even if the code is inefficient, it can always be iterated and improved. Since the project will be open source, anyone can look at the project- at least the code. They can improve it and send a pull request, too. YanDev is insistent on being solo, but a dynamic team wouldn't be-- if someone comes up with a solution that improves existing features by important metrics, then it'd be accepted.

Also, to add to that, no one would be obliged to do anything, everything will be voluntary.

If there are people who'd actually care to join us maybe we could create a discord and organize everything there

Start simple as fuck because you will be lucky to finish a game unless you are disciplined as fuck

Development could be kept public, on this site. It'll be more accessible to people that way, if they want to contribute directly or provide feedback. After all, there isn't much to discuss once plans are discussed and tasks are assigned. Plan tasks, assign tasks, report progress, discuss issues, upload to repo. That's more or less it, I believe.