ITT Good but obscure games

Chameleon is a PC exclusive 2005 FPS/TPS stealth action game created by Silver Wish Games, the Slovak division of Illusion Softworks (aka 2K Czech, makers of Mafia, Hidden & Dangerous and Vietcong series). It uses the same engine and had the same development director as Mafia 1. Despite being dubbed in English by professional actors, the game never secured a release outside Eastern Europe.

Chameleon PC (2005) review - The best stealth game you've never played!

Levels include Albania, Moldavia, Argentinian submarine, Baltimore, Lebanon. Plenty of cool little features, like being able to holster weapons, and if caught without a gun by the enemy they will try to arrest you instead of blindly opening fire.

The game is effectively abandonware, and surprisingly difficult to download and install without bricking your computer. So here is a nice package that includes the game in English, Spanish, and (partially) in Czech, with Starforce removed, plus DSOAL to restore the EAX audio effects on modern Windows. The game's configuration utility has also been transalated nto English, which I don't believe anyone has done before. Link compiled by a Yas Forumsirgin.!LSYxQAxS!rYRV0WQ6yWFY4T5Ie3BRHA

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Other urls found in this thread:!BXQTUCiD!H2iFQH_bSBPAbWOW8b30PE7cgAo9S5OM6g7t4yZXaGM

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Does anyone remember this gem?

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>The game is effectively abandonware, and surprisingly difficult to download and install without bricking your computer.

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Starforce DRM bricks modern computers, but it's removed from the dl link in the op

Thanks for the link, OP

Bump, op wasn't a faggot today

I loved this game.

Attached: 51XGRMGBNML.jpg (357x500, 53.98K)

>the Slovak...
All that was needed to be said so I can ignore Eurojank

most disappointing game of all time.

Why? I thought it was fun.

Is the stealth really as generous as the reviewer says?

>obscure forgotten Balkan game has old DRM that can brick your system
That’s like the pinnacle of eurojank

The Hunt is a Russian horror game released in 2008 for Microsoft Windows. It is somewhat a clone of Condemned: Criminal Origins with very similar usage of melee weapons and occasional firearms.

The game was released in Russia under the name "Chernaya Metka" and in France as "Traque". The game has english voiceovers, but was never released in english speaking countries.

The game is very easy to find. Through a quick google search you will find the page I uploaded it to along with its English translation.

You can find the game here
And the English translation here!BXQTUCiD!H2iFQH_bSBPAbWOW8b30PE7cgAo9S5OM6g7t4yZXaGM

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>tfw game is actually obscure

Never heard of it. Looks gay.

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what were you expecting ?, game was okay

Not a real country, Hungarian.

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proto-Hostile waters

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proto-Impossible creatures

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this is why I'm against DRMs.

sonic had here

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I'm too scared of bricking my computer to download it, but I've seen you a couple of times before. if it's legit then thank you OP

>refuses to work at all on my Win7 desktop
>works just fine on my Win10 laptop

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Weird. I've played Mafia and Vietcong, but never heard of this one

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I got this in a bundle forever ago and never tried it. Should I?

I always thought of myself of being pretty knowledgeable when it comes to early 2000s EU PC games but I have to admit I NEVER heard of or even seen the cover of the game.

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DRM is removed from this pack user

>Willingly installing Starforce on your system.
No thanks.

>Gorky 17 (released as Odium in North America) is a turn-based tactics tactical role-playing game developed by Polish studio Metropolis Software. Metropolis secured a license to develop a video game based on Andrzej Sapkowski's The Witcher series around 1997.[1] According to Chmielarz, Sapkowski had little interest in the game, only seeing the monetary value of the license, giving Metropolis freedom to develop as they saw fit. The company got as far as completing one playable level, producing press material, and securing a publisher TopWare, but at the time, Metropolis was also working on three other titles. Between these, difficulties with the game, and TopWare's concern that the Slavic nature of the source material may not have international appeal, the project was shelved. Chmielarz said that the project was never officially cancelled, but got lost among the other work they were doing by 1999.[6] Miechowski continued to run Metropolis. In 2008, the studio was bought by CD Projekt,[3]

Try reading next time, retard
>with Starforce removed
