Biggest piracy site is closing because nobody has the money to pay server costs

>biggest piracy site is closing because nobody has the money to pay server costs

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fake and gay

>scene groups will stop existing because of a forum going down
cope buyfag

>steam drones are mentally ill neets confirmed

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Denuvobros, we won.

A site for those who don't want to spend money is closing because nobody has money to keep it running.

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>you can only donate via crypto
well it was a good run.

This site is mostly for posting raw steam data, none of the big groups actually use it.

Its over for you

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Piracy isn't meant to be huge and centralized and exclusive, jew puppet.

Alright if I lose my piracy I'll buy games from sites like g2a just cause that directly hurts the industry


>biggest piracy site
lolwat? What kinda loser actually uses that piece of shit website when tons of other good sites exist?

>Look Ma i posted the same exact thread again!
>These Janitors, they just let you do it!

Bruh, big groups are still here, those guys dont crack shit and I don't even use it, piracy isn't going anywhere

People are acting like this a big deal because firgirl made a post about it.

Makes sense, most of the shit ain't even worth pirating these days.

never heard about them

OP, tried not being a subhuman retard?

Glad to hear that.

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cs.rin was only really useful for finding game updates and if you were too lazy to write your own creamapi file for a game. Plus the mods there are power tripping faggots

Also for cracked Kaldaien game fixes.

And it's not like it's going anywhere.

There are no honor among thieves.
Servers them right.

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Based, I'll pirate a few games to celebrate

>implying I didnt donate

There is literally nothing wrong with piracy

>I want to give money to hurt the industry

>too lazy to write your own creamapi file for a game.
I'm too stupid to know how they even work so it's really useful to me.

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>paying money to not pay money

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Tried not being a lazy spic?

>donate 10€
>download games worth hundreds if not thousands

We will keep pirating and you will keep paying for it in the form of more intrusive drm and the actual price of the game going up.

So sad.

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>>biggest piracy site is closing
Never even heard of the site.

Gonna show me how?

>never even heard of it

Read the readme.

>server costs
>for p2p torrents

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it got too big for its own good. 95% of posts were begging for shit and too stupid to read the thread. good riddance.

Glad to hear that.

It's a huge forum.