When did you lose hope in a franchise you loved?

When did you lose hope in a franchise you loved?

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When Sonic started doing the "muh self aware" memes and rehashing green hill zone

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What Colour Splash was revealed.

When Sonic heroes was out


2016 america


Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened

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When SMT5 became vaporware and Atlus started just relying on Persona 5 with no hint of trying to disguise the fact they're going to abandon every franchise that isn't Persona. MegaTen is kill.

I was a huge Rarefag. I posted on Rare Extreme and DKVine. I was in denial about Rare's death until that E3 where they were relegated to developing kinect sports. Then I knew it was over forever. I guess Sea of Thieves is doing ok these days but it's not muh Rare anymore.

>Xehanort's Heartless aka Ansem Seeker of Darkness went back in time to Destiny Islands so he would be able to affect the outcome of the Mastery Exam when Riku and Sora went back in time themselves

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KH1 was the only good/pure game.

Dungeon keeper 2 when they showed a teaser for 3 which was in shitty 3D
and then the mobile game came out

>Resistance 2
>Resident Evil 5 through 6
>Bioshock Infinite

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That episode with Sideshow Bob's son. Honestly the show became bad a few seasons before but that episode made me drop it completely


When I saw my first Baldur's Gate 3 screenshot

around the same time chuck sold the business off to sneed


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Halo 4. I even enjoyed Reach

When Oddworld added a crafting mechanic to their new game and a health bar instead of insta death. May aswell give me god mode, floaties and a win game button too.

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When the Lets Go games came out. I saw the signs but swsh was the final blow.

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I lost hope in WoW with Warlords of Draenor. After the slog that was the last patch of Pandaria, I genuinely thought we were going to see a return to the older aspects of WoW while heralding in the "housing" aspect people have been hoping for.
But then the Apexis grind and the literal Twitter patch happened.
Ever since, it's been a gradual decline in quality, and Blizzard by that point had been fully hollowed out by Activision and was nothing more than a puppet.
Everything from then on was just insult after fucking insult.

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stranger's wrath was good though

fucking this.
Let's go proved that pokemon was dead because of how they showed they would cater to the most retarded fans of this franchise. And SW/SH just confirmed that they can do it while putting absolutely no effort. Fuck GameFreak I can't believe people like Sword and Shield

Marvel VS Capcom Infinite.

I realize the real reason why I care about the games in the first place. Because they always looked cool, and Infinite looked ugly, so I didn't bother with it.

> Sonic
After Forces was released.

I want Nintendo to pick up their old extreme sports games.
I want a new Waverace and 1080.

when I watched early battle footage of FFXV. It just didn't look good to me at all.

Weirdly, the gameplay itself looked fun but they dropped the ball with everything else

battlefield 3 once the DLCs started being spammed out. already had a bitter taste after badcompany 2 had no modsupport which is what made all previons titles great in the first place.
felt good when i abandoned ship and the series went down the shitter right after :3