What steam tags do you search for when buying a game?
What steam tags do you search for when buying a game?
why the fuck would i search steam tags to buy a game?
i guess i'll search for early access, indie, pixel, survival, crafting, megafaggots all combined
I thought nobody looks at them.
people do this?
tags are there for a reason, they're more useful on sadpanda tho
I can tell you what tags I don't search for.
uhm, based department?
This is a good post.
Anime websitesite go back to your shithole immigrant
You disgust me.
female protagonist, rouge lite, visual novel, battle royale, open world, casual
back to your containment board
Anime as a tag on Steam is usually ironic shit or deviant art garbage, he's not wrong to filter that.
In the off chance something you're interested has that tag you're more likely than not to know that game. Same for visual novel.
Already there
Shut up, ESL.
le cute and funny xD
cute and funny is good, it filters the ironic weebs
Same, I only use tags to filter out games.
le seethe xD
lol look bros pedophilia that's funny hehe xD cute and funny even LMAO
you'll never be a woman
Literally the only tag I can think of that I've ever searched by.
Go home smelly immigrant
your kind is not wanted on this anime website
What do you mean? I have no problem with lolis
Leave then
based and weebpilled
Am I forgetting something?
If it wasn't for me rallying Yas Forums to tag Onirism this never would have happened
thank me later
It's more useful to exclude tags
>anime website
>only 9 anime boards
everyboard has anime posted on it
this website was created to emulate 2chan a japanese website with the purpose of allowing moot to discuss anime with other people
its an anime website and you are an unwanted immigrant
This is a global anime website.