XCOM: Chimera Squad

what do they sell in this fine City 31 establishment?

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>diversity doesn't mean erasing white people

snek wives

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3rd left looks like a bogdanoff.

god damn this is fucking retarded, nobody complained when they put a faction evil humans who are all white men conviniently, did you miss the memo that Xcom's soldiers have always been international or?

you were warned the first designer babies would be bogdanoff babies

the ethereals bow to the bogs

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But user they don't look international at all. They looks like americans
Also, nice damage control, shill

Ah, so diverse. Everyone looks the same = diversity.

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>your name is Joe Perez
>you served under the commander during the initial invasion
>see most of your squad, family, and friends die in the chaos
>spend the next 20 years seething under ayy rule
>your gf gets turned to geneglue
>mom gets CHRYSSALIDED.com
>dad won't stop fucking sneks
>advent breaks into your house weekly to perform mandatory rectal examinations to check for psionic potential
>finally commander comes back
>had enough, finally join back with xcom
>see horrors beyond imagination as you breach alien installations
>see more of your squad, family, and friends die
>finally achieve victory through great sacrifice, both from yourself and humanity
>come back into xcom office next day
>introduced to Vivian I. Perez, the snek your dad married and new head of human-xeno relations in Xcom
>apparently you posted something problematic on AdventNet 5 years ago about "legless-lizard fucking shitheads"
>Vivian tells you Xcom appreciates your service but behavior like that is not conducive to a safe work environment
>"Unfortunately, we will have to let go you. Don't worry sweetie, Dad's in the parking lot to take you home."
>he makes you sit in the backs because he took Vivian's hatchlings along and they have to stay upfront since the A/C doesn't work in the back

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Snake "oil".

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how about you stop being a bitch and fuck your snek mommy, fag

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Chimera Squad? More like Resetera Squad, amirite?

>Calls someone a fag

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They forgot to put humans in this squad

>Lacks any form of bodyhair
Who's the furry now?

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>Who's the furry now?
Someone who wants to fuck anthropomorphic animals?
Now back to your sub-reddit, shill

>faction of evil humans

I'm so tired of evil ideologies like SJWism being promoted in video games.

I hope we get extra lore bits of the outside world like there being a new Yugoslavian civil war but instead of Albanian, Bosnians,Croatians and Serbs killing each other they cooperate to kill the aliens.

seething femoids

Who are you quoting, tranny?


sweet scunny


The snakes are all lesbians so your waifu dream is over xeno sympathizers.

I'll just get fucked by the gay snake kings instead then

Now that is based


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The male snake is straight and doesn´t species-mix

So he's an eternal virgin then since all the females are lesbians?
You can have one gotcha moment but you can't turn every single fantasy someone has into a gotcha moment.

But they aren't humans.


The Imperium of Mankind would be disgusted if they saw how XCOM went from a pro-humanity anti-xeno organization to a degenerate pro-diversity organization.

I doubt this B-team even knows the existence of Eggsalt.

You guys are so predictable.

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he rapes them

But they aren't evil

Hope they spam grenades like in EW

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It's just some 10 dollar throwaway thingy to tide us over and probably lead into a real XCOM3. Don't get so upset over trivial shit.


>we're making a shitty game as a joke, guys
You have to be retarded if you think that there is a single studio out there who thinks that way.

Its been 5 years since War of the Chosen and there is no indication that X-com3 has started production.

Avengers team

Calling it now. Your right hand man will be changed from Bradford to a black female.

Its based on numbers and not how it looks like you brainlet.

he couldn't bring himself to harm such beauty

>It's shit because I said so
>Have I played it? No

They’re not back. It’s just an example of evil humans in XCOM.

>its perfect because i said so
>have i played it? no

Who are you quoting?

How about we play the game first and see if it's good or not?

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>retard is also a hypocrite
Nice. No wonder you fanatically defend 10 dollar games online.

>Watch the gameplay footage
>None of the characters are any of these shades
>The Asian woman with the headset is as white as me, not yellow like in this image
>The human on the far right is pretty white too

Feels like these images were made by a third party and don't represent the game at all.

Let's not kid ourselves, there is a pretty high chance that EXALT gonna be (behind) one of the Enemy Factions because some people really wanted EXALT in 2 (EXALT shit was one of the earliest mods IIRC, and that is not going into MOCX and the like), just like how some people wanted playable AYYs.

Are you an ESL? How am I a hypocrite? Because I'm NOT making a premature judgement about the game and being neutral? It could be good, it could be shit, you decide that when you fucking PLAY IT.

>n-n-no i am not making a premature judgement regarding the game
You've bending over backwards to defend a game you haven't played. The trailer, gameplay, and art all look shit, so anyone thinking that the game is shit is absolutely in the right, while you are simping over a game you haven't played.

Its practically the same as Xcom2. If you played Xcom2 with mods then you already played the fucking game.

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Calling you a retard for making a premature judgement is not the same as defending the game.

>The trailer, gameplay, and art all look shit
Okay, but have you played it? If you haven't actually played it, your opinion is worthless.

But then the game is good because XCOM 2 is.

Not at all, it's just very VERY likely that the coloring in the drawing wasn't done by the same person who textured them. Which makes it funnier to me that when people here complain WHERE THE HWYTE PEOPLE AT means that they haven't seen a single fucking second of footage of the team