Could we have a serious non meme non "ITS GFX" discision on Valorant vs CSGO long term apeal

which is better to invest time in learning RIGHT NOW in 6months in 12months etc.

wtf is this game discission maybe some what useful but mostly what im asking.

Attached: VvsCS.png (540x396, 414.52K)

I admit I caved and bought a key for $8, what am I in for?

Since you bought a key, you have low IQ. Necessarily, you're in for getting owned for a few games and quitting.

>what is better to invest time in learning

whatever one you enjoy more ffs

an overwatch csgo hybrid made by a chinese company

CSGO is an actual good game while Valorant is a cheap clone made to cash in on CSGO’s success. You decide but this kind of stuff has happened many times before in the business world and the results never differ so you should be able to see what choice answers your question best.

My time is more valuable than sitting around watching eceleb twitch streamers in hope for a key, the game is chink shit anyway.

I don't see it outlasting cs over the long term unless valve does something needlessly drastic

Again, low IQ. You do not need to watch any stream at any time whatsoever.

one game is a competitive esport, the other one is a literal botnet for china

You payed 8$ to put a rootkit on your PC.

Valorant will be CSGO's first real competition, and I don't think Valve values "esports" enough to keep up with the resources that Riot will be throwing down. I'm betting that CSGO will continue, but Valorant will have much bigger players/viewers/prize pools and is the obvious choice for new players to learn.

Then how is buying a key for $8 low iq then, I wanted to try out the game to see how shit it was and this was the easiest method of doing so.

CSGO will still be giant.
The only reason Counter Strike is even big is because it's based on spending time learning maps and arbitrary spray patterns that don't transfer to any other game. That's why grebs are still playing Dust 20 years later, they'll never move onto other games

>investing time to learn how to play a video game

Unless you're 15 or younger it's not worth it anymore. Invest your time in learning how to do something that people will pay you for. Coding's a good one. Unity Learn Premium is free right now due to corona and you can learn a lot of C# directed to gaming if that's your thing.

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>paid $8 for a tencent rootkit and a mobile game

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You could have left a tab with a stream on it muted in and in a different window. No watching or money needed.

I'm familiar with Java but want to start doing game dev, should I use Unity or GameMaker? Also heard Godot is good.

>Valorant will be CSGO's first real competition
But this isn't the first time a game tried to sell on that, most were at least slightly less blatant and had some unique core appeal. Even R6S got that comparison. Just copying wholesale doesn't work in an established genre unless the front runners have started to bleed players. Notice how little Valorant shilling is on gameplay, it is all talking about CS, the online or anti-cheat. The game has got fuck all to actually attract new players.

>to keep up with the resources that Riot will be throwing down
And everyone was saying the exact same shit before the card game flopped. It is all well and good to say well riot will do this and that but it doesn't really materialise.

Thanks for beta testing

I read the blog post about the way drops work, you can't mute the site and even if you were to leave the tab open 24/7 the drop rate is entirely random and very low. Not really even worth doing unless you actually like watching the game.

that shits boring cunt and makes me want to blow my brains out

It's slightly easier CSGO with an easier learning curve. I think it'll be to CSGO what LoL is to Dota.

>kernal level anti cheat driver
>owned by tencent
Wew lad

i already make 70k a year contracting, fuck off cunt I’ll do what I want in my free time.

Unity is useful for more than games, so you should start there. VR, AR and all kinds of apps use it. You'll have a much wider range of job opportunities.

How the fuck is Valorant gonna take players from CS:GO? If anything, Overwatch is gonna keep bleeding players. CS:GO literally has more players than its ever had. My guess though is that Valorant will be forgotten when this beta shill campaign is done.

That's why I said "if you're 15 or younger", friend. You can do whatever you want in your free time, I just think younger people should focus on getting a skill before being good at vidya.

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theyre both ass. play something else.

Half of Overwatch's playerbase is tank/support mains with 0 mechanical ability and no transferrable skills and who are never, ever going to quit the game.

>If anything, Overwatch is gonna keep bleeding players
OW will but I doubt they will be pulled here. The characters designed are shittier and they've done an extremely bad job at selling their personalities. On top of that the abilities are more a mix of support and reworked grenades. There are some offensive ones but the game is clearly a bit more focused on good aim. Which is completely opposite to OW's very casual focus.

what ever game you enjoy

You're a decade too late to be taken seriously in CS anyway

why you want so much money?

OW to CSGO is a hard sell.

You can reach top 10% of the ladder in OW with trash aim on most characters, even dps characters. Top 1% if you're on a no-aim character.

Even people who are really, really good at OW would probably look completely lost in this game unless they're specifically a McCree main, let alone the bottom 90% who will look lost regardless

You can mute the site. I did that and got a key.

>LeArN tO CoDe
Literally some people are too dumb to learn it. Not everyone can learn it. Stop suggesting this shit.

glad you flyovers are starting to admit what you are

CS has had real competition for two decades, which is probably longer than you've been alive. The only time the game was on brink of death was when Valve themselves were retarded enough to almost kill off the game in early 2010s.

>invest time in learning

Jesus Christ, I hope you're getting paid to play with that attitude. If a game isn't bringing you joy go do something else that will.

if pajeet on with 1000 people on a room can learn, most of the population can, it will just be boring as hell.

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I've been watching streamfaggots for the past week, still no fucking drop.

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Nigger I live in Iowa and earn 80k doing software engineering. Saying "learn to code" to a retard is as retarded as saying "learn to swim" to a nigger.