Why do people like this game so much?

What so good about an open world, when the only things that can be done in it are kill things, do mediocre physic puzzles or bad fetch quests?
Have Nintendo fans just never played an open world game before? Why would anyone pick this instead of Kingdom Come, or Fallout?

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Other urls found in this thread:


three years

since what?

It's a solid 7/10.

Why do people dislike this game so much?

of spergs like you posting the same braindead threads over and over and over again

Nintendo Bonus + AssCreed towers. Otherwise, it's a solid 7.5/10

It's a chill game with a lot of atmosphere.

>Why would anyone pick this instead of Kingdom Come, or Fallout?
That's an extremely weird comparison, user. Why can't you play all three, anyway?

3 years

Because Nintendo garbage gets too much praise in this shit board despite Yas Forums being naturally contrarian.

>AssCreed towers
Please stop repeating this lie. The towers don't work like AC's towers at all.


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I really really loved it when I played it, but don't really feel any desire to go back to it. That has never happened with OoT or MM

What's the point of getting engrossed in a game world when the game world is so shallow and boring as Zelda?
In Fallout or the Witcher you get these world with interesting characters, developed locations, interesting quests that make the world feel alive.
BoTW is just a game where you roam around killing goblins where's the appeal?

Why do you idiots think the only problem with Ubisoft towers is the icons?

What problem with AC's towers is also in BOTW?

Do you guys think that people talking about a game that's over 3 years old is unique?
People still bitch about Fallout 3 and NV and those games are 10 to 12 years old.

>Why do people like this game so much?
They don't. Normalfags don't care and move on to the next casual trash like Animal Crossing this year. Regular gamers compare this to Skyrim all the time and nincels who don't play games other than Wagglin homosexual manchild garbage praise it out of ignorance. So what you end up with is a loud vocal minority of nincels who cry and whine about people shitting on their Skyrim copy by posting "X days since Yas Forums got mad" because they desperately want their shit game to be GOAT to hide the fact that they play no games on the Switch.

There is zero discussion about this game on Yas Forums other than these threads and waifufagging virgins in the drawthreads and when it's talked about in the Zelda series threads, most of the Zelda fans there barely have it in their top 3s.

The core idea of them is bad.
It's just copy and pasted boring 'content' that's spread throughout an entire map instead of filling the map with unique locations

since your ass was obliterated by nintendo completely

Yes but not every single day.
BOTW gets 5+ thread daily full of nothing but seethe and cope.

BOTW's world isn't shallow or boring though. I genuinely really enjoyed roaming around, finding out what had happened to Hyrule over the past century, and finding all the memories and unraveling the story in a retroactive sense. I think the story was done especially well. The so-called "emptiness" of the world is part of the atmosphere, when in reality there's plenty of things to uncover, it's just all done in a very subtle fashion.

>muh contrarian board culture

lmao go back to redd*t any time

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You have to be delusional to think Yas Forums isn't a contrarian board.

What core idea, though? What's the problem? The towers in BOTW aren't something you have to do at all.

>instead of filling the map with unique locations
The map IS full of unique locations. Did you even play the game?

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Your affection for it is that baffling.

it's time to have sex

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I unironically spent hours in the beginning of the game just climbing around the great plateau. I'm sure there plenty Open World games where you can just free fly everywhere but I doubt i would have as much fun with it as the traversal options you have in BotW. Feel free to call me a nintendocuck but open world games like GTA, Skyrim and Fallout do not at all appeal to me.

BotW's map has a fuckton of unique locations, though.

Where the fuck are you seeing these threads, I go on the catalog regularly and I haven't seen one in fucking months.

And it is literally the same with Fallout. Every day there is a new thread about how fallout 4 isn't good. (that game isn't good, so checks out)

BoTW isn't unique

Witcher is shallow as shit bamham combat lmao

BOTW at least has survival and actual exploration mechanics ontop of the novel physics system and fun gameplay

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now i want to play it again. I guess ill throw another 50 hours at the game. Going to go get my cartridge right now.

this game is WAY better than kingdom come or fall out. the problem with open world games is that they are very boring to traverse but breath of the wild has a very interesting map with a lot of altitude, it makes traveling interesting.

wrong, Ubi is great at coming up with ideas and terrible at executing them. You just have shit taste. Also that's not how towers work in BOTW and it shows that you haven't even played it lol.

>BOTW's world isn't shallow or boring though
It is considering how much copypaste goes on and how little meaningful content there actually is. Dark Souls 1 had a smaller overworld with distinct locations like BOTW but was actually fun and exciting to explore because of the vast variety of enemies and the rewards. And part of the reason BOTW sucks so bad is because the weapon system and reward system are so fucking terrible. The game hands you weapons like nothing and their damage outputs scale terribly. The devs had to do this because they insisted on a retarded sandbox world where you can do anything from the beginning but as a result it severely diminishes the rewards you get in the game.

All that is is geometry. Without quests, characters, or the world building to give these 'locations' life they're all just pieces of Geometry.
Compare that to Fallout 3 with a host of fun and interesting, unique locations like Bigtown the Republic of Dave, Oasis, Andale etc.

>there's plenty of things to uncover
Stop lying. There's next to nothing in this game. I played for 50 hours waiting for the game to change, but I just did the same easy and boring stuff over and over in different admittedly nice environments.

you have to be delusional to think you aren't a gigantic faggot

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>going to get my cartridge now
Don't bother honestly, It's not worth it. the only true knock i have on this game is the shitty performace, until you've played it on cemu emulator for pc it isn't worth a replay. just my opinion.

>Witcher is shallow as shit bamham combat lmao
what were you trying to say?

>Yas Forums is still seething over botw
lol never change losers

almost as baffling as your adverse reaction to it

sounds like a (You) problem


your opinion is retarded, sorry.

typical retarded witcherbro, why did you ever leave the sub?

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Do what you want but you can't get the most out of the game playing on the switch or wii u.

Fallout 3 is terrible though, you cant just point at something and say "that doesn't count" and call that an argument, sperg.

Nobody even talks about those games anymore except for redditors name dropping NV in their 3X3 threads. BoTW gets salt threads every single day for three years straight and OP just kept the streak going for another day.

This will never not be relevant. Bethesda, Fromsoft and Rockstar all said that BoTW is the pinnacle of open world design. No tasteless child from Yas Forums will override that.

hey ESL faggot, I literally just couldn't parse the nonsense that you wrote

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I still regularly play this game and it is still fun. Keep seething bitchboys.

You're obviously a normie. There was like 6 threads just yesterday faggot. Here's two
Retard, don't @ me ever again.

whatever helps you cope. You can go back to jacking off over FRAPS any time ;)

Not my fault you're slow

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That's because your a newfag retard who doesn't know what bamham means.

>nooooooooo don't have fun with video games
Go watch a movie snoy.

Cope with what?

neither are you yet you feel the need to make these threads every day?

Not him, and not a shitch fan, but you're wrong. This game is posted every single day.

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I don't come here everyday praising BOTW


I literally don't even own a sony product. Im advocating for the same game as you dumbass.

I see at least 3 BOTW seething threads a day. Lurk moar.

your crippling inceldom lmao

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>it's not real content
There's really no way to argue this point. If you don't think it has real content, that's just how you feel about it. It's not that there isn't content, you just don't care about it. You all obviously didn't care about the game's story.

>seething nincel wastes his time shitposting in these threads instead of playing their AC towers copy


>Nobody even talks about those games anymore
Do you even look at Yas Forumss catalog? Fallout and the Elder Scrolls are talked about all the fucking time you moron.
Get outside of your nintendofag hugbox

>61 replies
>17 posters

lmao you lost. Get BTFO faggot. You said something doesn't happen without proof and then you got completely fucked with the cold hard truth and now youre salty.

this image has changed Yas Forums

Fallout 3 is amazing, but of course a person with no taste, like yourself, wouldn't understand that
What the fuck did you mean by 'bamham combat'?

I get you. I think BotW is trying to give you a feeling of discovery in a way that tells you that only you have been there in God knows how long. Feels very quiet and solemn to me. Kind of like the first time you see a dragon. Even the music seems to reflect this, with a very minimalist, non-involved attitude.

I really loved that about BotW, but you may be on to something: because I've seen most (if not all) of this game's Hyrule, I don't feel a lot of motivation to go back to it. Maybe that'd be different with some sidequests.

>proven wrong
>gets mad and resorts to name-calling
every time

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>fallout and the elder scrolls get talked about all the time

no they don't. There's nothing to talk about anymore. Post the last thread about either of those games that hit thread limit. Was it yesterday like the last BoTW thread? No? Then shut the fuck up and lurk moar before posting.

>yeah a conversation should happen with as many posters as messages
Fucking retard

the fuck is bamham?
This is the first time I've made a thread about Zelda
Must just gloss over it then, because I never really see them

just stop

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>what the fuck do you mean by bamham combat

oh noooo he's retarded

>it's literally 3-4 retards flinging shit at eat other
It's like watching monkeys in a cage lmao fucking retards.

You keep track of these threads because you cannot handle any shitposting regarding this game. I rest my case, nincel. You are obsessed

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no, we've had this thread before

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What annoyed me about it is how good it COULD have been, there is so much potential but it falls short in almost everything it tries to accomplish.
Seeing people defend it like it's the best thing ever and call it a 10/10 is sad because I want Zelda games to be the best they can be.

If I took a shit on a plate and handed it to you, sure it would be caloric 'content' But would you eat it

there are tons of sidequests lmao did you even play it or are you just here from discord to spam

Literally yesterday there was a thread about Fallout New Vegas, a ten year old game, which went well above 500 replies

You keep posting these threads because you cannot handle any niceposting regarding this game. I rest my case, incel. You are obsessed

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Everyone universally dislikes healing in BoTW, it destroys any difficulty in combat.

Has there ever been a console that more thoroughly fucked this board up? Will Yas Forums every recover for this lil nigga?

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Yes, by people who enjoy the game, not by one whiny incel who won't stop crying about his problems and showing off his terrible taste in games everyday

>n-no u
>anime post
Howling with laughter

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I was talking about more sidequests related to all these cool locations. Maybe I'm not remembering it properly, because it's been a while since I played BotW, but I do have this idea that you'd discover cool places, gawk at them, maybe find some korok seeds, and leave. It's not the case for every location in the game, but a lot of them don't really have much more to tell apart from what you see.

>anime tranny posts about getting hard
What happens when a mutilated cock gets hard?

No, that thread pretty much immediately turned into a shit fight between whether Fallout 3 or NV was better

wrong, enemies can instantly beat you to within an inch of your life and there's no delay between blows when you're fighting more than one of them

>I didn't like the food at that restaurant so it's objectively shit instead of food

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whatever helps you cope

lol everybody who isn't from reddit knows FO3 is shit

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It's a huge map but empty in some places, and discovering things for the sake of discovering things is cool but gets old at some point.

>download Cemu to test my 2070
>download game and enable 4k to play around with it
>interesting in the great plateau
>falls off the cliff for the main story where I have to go to the giant animal machines and talk to ghost champions who I couldn't give two fucks about
>beat the big bad in one easy go and his giant pig form is literally joke
>"10/10 game, open world done right, innovative despite coping Bethesda trash like Shitrim, GOTYAY"
At least I had fun with the mods but I would rather go back to modding Shitrim than play this walking simulator again.

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