who do you think has a high chance of being the next smash DLC now that ARMS has come and surprised everyone?
He's in?
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nope sorry sweetie i'm in
i'm the next smash character okay you can stop making these threads
take a shower
I really wish we could have him or Heavy in the game, but the time for TF2 to get in was far gone well before Soldiers VA died
listen up you fucking retards, and I mean all of you.
if you think, for a fucking second that valve would add a character to ANY 3rd party medium that isn't from portal, you're living in a fucking daydream.
no one outside of furries, traders and faggots plays tf2 anymore and its effectively dead, why the fuck do you think a single class from a 10 year old fucking game would make it into a party fighting game with EXTREME amounts of selection on Nintendo's part.
no, but that is a fucking sweet render
They’re in
what about banjo
I play TF2 every day and I’m none of those things. The game isn’t dead. Cope.
It wouldn't be just one character.
>idle visible character is Heavy
>he does the jabs, smash attacks with GRU, default special attack is the minigun
>down-special is Demoman leaving sticky bombs, which can be detonated like Snake C4
>forward special is Pyro's airblast which reflects projectiles
>up-special is Soldier's rocket jump; high mobility when near a surface or used on the ground
>grabs are Spy's backstabs and grapple shenanigans (think what he did to the Medic in Meet the Spy)
>double jump and aerials are Scout with his scattergun
>final smash is the entire team attacking, with Medic ubercharging Heavy, punctuated by Sniper landing a headshot
Engineer is an assist trophy, tending to his sentry gun.
I feel like it’s all or nothing. I don’t see them just leaving out one or two mercs. The only way they do multiple but not use them all is if they do something like pic related
that's not Half Life
Honestly you can have nearly all 9 classes appear in attacks. Just have the old team select door serve as a visual for when the TF team is about to change characters and perform a move.
I mean, TF2 literally never had the possibility of getting a rep in Smash.
I actually had a Soldier moveset all done and ready to make an image for, but just never got around to doing it. The whole script for it was done though.
A neat touch. Could go well with . I’m not too sure that having them all change for specific attacks is a good idea though, as that’s be hell to balance, being a character that changes weights and heights back and fourth.
Never say never, a few years ago Halo wasn't feasible on PC or Steam for instance. If Valve ever got off their ass and properly ported TF2 to Source 2 a Switch version isn't out of the question. It's not like people wouldn't play it or support crossplay options.
post it, user.
Imagine playing a Mario kart map on switch
imagine playing as engineer with the mario hat on switch
Imagine Nintendo releasing exclusive skins for each class based on their ips
I guess I will. It’ll be like four posts long. There’s a reason I make them into images:
- [ ] Properties: The Soldier has the unique ability to use his Market Gardener to attack an opponent while bunny Hopping. If he has landed on their head, he can press the A Button, instead of the Jump Button, to perform the attack. It is incredibly powerful and has the ability to spike past 100% damage.
- [ ] Playstyle: Air Fighter and Heavy Zoner. A pure gunner who loves to rocket jump all around the stage.
- [ ] Gameplay Mechanic: Loadouts. The Soldier has the ability to switch between three different Loadouts, with differing weapons that have altered stats. The Loadouts are:
* Loadout A: Rocket Launcher, Shovel and Buff Banner. The Rocket Launcher and Shovel are the default weapons of which the other two sets are based on, but are the main means of dealing damage and a good “all around” set.
* Loadout B: Black Box, Equalizer, Battalion’s Backup. The most tank-like loadout of the three, due to the fact that the Black Box is a bit slower than the other two launchers, but recovers 2% health every time one of its rockets hits the opponent, as well as the fact that the equalizer’s damage output increases the lower the Soldier is on health, yet is also the slowest melee weapon, meaning that this loadout is used for when you’re desperate, with a high damage percentage and need to recover some health, while also leveling the battlefield for the opponent in terms of damage.
>We get to play Heavy in Smash
>Heavy oficially in a Mario Kart stage
>While Banjo-Kazooie music plays
Loadout C: the Direct Hit, Escape Plan and Concheror. This loadout is used for when you need to overwhelm the opponent with speed, as the Direct Hit is a rocket launcher that fires rockets that travel twice as fast and deals 150% of the damage that the regular Rocket Launcher does, however the blast radius for these rockets is much smaller, meaning you’ll need to have better aim. The Escape plan is a weapon that, while not as strong as the other two melee weapons, gains in speed as you take more damage.
- [ ] Additional Gameplay Mechanic: Rage Meter. The Soldier has a meter that is filled up the more he gets damaged, similar to Joker. Once it is full, he can use one of three secondary weapons that all last for 10 seconds, granting varying properties. The three weapons are:
* Buff Banner: At 100% charge, using it grants player and nearby teammates 10 seconds of guaranteed Mini-Crits, which will translate into your damage output being 150% of what it usually is.
* Battalion’s Backup: At 100% charge, using it grants player and nearby teammates 10 seconds of: Immunity to Critical damage. Raises resistance to damage by 35%. Passively heals 20% over time.
* Concheror: While the buff is active, for 10 seconds the user and nearby teammates: Have their movement speed boosted. Are healed for 35% of the damage they deal. Passively grants a health regeneration depending on recent damage taken; max is +4%.
- [ ] Standard Special: Cow Mangler 5000. This move does not deal an incredible amount of damage, however it has the ability to hit the opponent with a lasting fire effect. It can also be charged, with the shot being larger, faster, stronger and have a longer burning time the longer it is charged. This charge, however, cannot be stored, but instead this move can be aimed in a full 360 degrees.
Sauce for the render?
- [ ] Side Special: Reserve Shot. This is a simple shotgun blast that deals 150% of it’s normal damage when the opponent is in the air. Can be angled slightly.
- [ ] Up Special: Rocket Jump. The Soldier uses his rocket launcher to perform a rocket jump, which can damage the opponent if caught in the blast at his feet. If the input is held, the soldier will switch out to the Rocket Jumper, where he can jump much higher, but deal no damage at his feet with the initial blast. You may use the BASE jumper out of Up Special by pressing the A Button, meaning you cannot jump.
- [ ] Down Special: Loadout Switch. Simply open a menu to switch between the three loadouts.
- [ ] Final Smash: Payload. Soldier charges forward, which sends whoever is hit onto the payload of Badwater. Then it pans up on all nine mercenaries gathering together, with them saying varying versions of their “battle cry” voice-lines from TF2, before charging toward the cart all at once. They then push the cart into the final cap pit. the opponent explodes with the paylod and flies into the background, while the mercenaries all congratulate each other.
- [ ] Jab + Dash Attack: Jab is a single shot of his rocket launcher. Like Megaman, only he can shoot one at a time, instead of three at a time, due to being much stronger and having the ability to deal knockback. If the opponent is right in front of the soldier, he will perform a quick punch instead. Dash attack is a simply shoulder bash.
Imagine up B being a rocket jump that allows you to time them along walls and platforms. Fuck, my dream will never come true
>ARMS has come and surprised everyone?
- [ ] Smash Attacks: Fsmash and Usmash use the Panic Attack. The longer you charge it, the longer the attack lasts, as you load it with more and more bullets while charging. Dsmash has the Soldier spin around with his melee weapon pointed down at the ground.
- [ ] Aerials: Nair is a simple swing of his shovel forward, the same way the Soldier would in TF2. Fair is a single rocket fire, which can be angled like Simon’s whip. Bair is a backwards swipe of the shovel. Uair is an upward arching swing of the shovel. Dair is a fire of the Air Strike, which can be rapid-fired for up to four shots if using the BASE Jumper.
- [ ] Tilts: Ftilt has the Soldier swing his melee weapon down, at an arch, hitting the ground. Utilt has the soldier perform a jumping uppercut punch. Dtilt has him swing his melee weapon across his feet, similar to Marth.
There, done. It’s a lot, which is why I make them into images lol.
yoooooo that's a neat looking render
>Banjo-Kazooie music
>Not muting the game and playing Psalm 69's Jesus Built My Hotrod yourself
Well I think almost everyone figured that ARMS' time had come and gone, plus with the main characters being an AT and Mii costumes