Hey dweeb, that's a nice game console you got there, why don't you give it to me?

Hey dweeb, that's a nice game console you got there, why don't you give it to me?

Attached: 1586957434534.png (1374x1591, 1.2M)

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why did I bring my ps4 to school?

No. It costed me $300 and there isn't a blowjob worth $300


>do a leg sweep
>bitch falls over
>run away

Attached: 1556510688508.jpg (854x1063, 270.75K)

i don't think shes offering a blowjob user

How about you bent over, whore.

What? You want a Wii-U?

Uhm ahktually it's not a console it's a PC and its far superior to those graphically limited devices.

What are you gonna do? Hit me?

easily rapeable

stay away from my dog



go back to the kitchen bitch

>i'll scream

what does she want with dogs? is she trying to be white?

Well then she can get the fuck out

>grown """adult""" playing bing bing in public while walking around
Deserved to walk into a tree and to drop the toy in a puddle.

Dumb Shinka poster.

Attached: xz.jpg (620x777, 90.2K)

Fine i guess you can look for a minute

Attached: 1437091028272.jpg (1000x1199, 398.26K)

I can teach you how to play if you want

Never have I wanted to hurt an anime loli so much

Attached: grab-her-waist-pul-her-close-lift-her-up-batista-bomb-her-nL62t.jpg (640x739, 51.42K)

Reminder that Shinka's punch strength surpasses 50 yottatons, don't even trying fighting her.

>50 yottatons
Is that all?

Attached: 1515364391494.gif (407x227, 1.52M)

Bros I fucking NEED Shinka to beat the shit out of me help

Attached: 1455777530664.webm (806x1062, 1.62M)


No way, fag.

Sir, you are not Broly. You will die.

prepare to die

*fuks ur mom*
nothing personelll kid..... it waso nly business........................

If Op is Shinka because she posted her then im Broly and I'll break her

Attached: Broly_8.png (1280x720, 975.01K)
