Captain, if the Federation is so great why are there no Star Trek RPGs?

Captain, if the Federation is so great why are there no Star Trek RPGs?

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>unique alien race
>it's just a guy in makeup that conveniently speaks English
Wow so this is the revolutionary Star Trek...

You could go watch modern sci-fi where there are no aliens, pleb.

If you were going to have a Star Trek RPG you'd probably want it to be party based, somewhat like the point and click games where each member of the away team had their specified role, so that while you're ostensibly playing Captain Main Character, progressing through the game relies more on who you have with you than the way you've built and customised your character.

Maybe even go the whole hog and not have customisable characters at all and everything comes down to the decisions you make in who you have with you and the way those people can respond to situations, so winning a gunfight isn't about putting points into Phasers, it's taking Security Redshirt instead of Nerdy Yellowshirt. Whereas losing that fight gives Nerdy a time to shine in helping you technobabble a way out of your cell.

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Mostly all reasoning for why English is the chosen language makes sense. If we get to the point of galaxy level travel, as well as aliens doing the same, we will most likely have found the most efficient language along the way. We would speak our 'native' language as well as that efficient one, just like aliens would. In this case the efficient one is mostly always English (or the creators language)

Doesn't make sense that every alien is just a human with one added quirky feature though

how could there be bajoran war crimes if there was no war?

If the Cardassian Union is so great why did you get annexed by the Dominion who later slaughtered hundreds of millions of your people?

I say this with no irony. Mass Effect is the closest you'll ever get to a good modern Star Trek game. It's a series that works as a character based RPG, all it's missing is strategic ship combat with the ability to give orders and dramatically yell red alert. Too bad developers continue to shit out medival DnD clones forever. All we need is a space RPG that focuses on exploring different cultures and not fighting space squids.

Universal translators. Everyone is speaking their own language, it comes up a handful of times in DS9.

Budget constraints followed by an episode of TNG that explained the first sapient species in the galaxy seeded humanoid life across multiple worlds because they were alone and they thought there needed to be more intelligent life around.

Convergent evolution and lifeseeding by a humanoid species.
There's at least good reasons for sentients to be bipedal. Bipedalism is considered the first prerequisite for a larger brain case, via the birth canal.

>why did you get annexed by the Dominion
Dukat was the one who negotiated that

Because the Feddies couldn’t restrain their Klingon buttbuddies

Attached: space dinosaur.webm (960x720, 2.97M)

Have you seen who runs and makes Star Trek recently and the absolute turds they shit out with the Star Trek label on them?

>fighting the Klingons to defend spoonheads

Attached: Romulans arrive.webm (1608x720, 1.2M)

who needs RPGs, when you can make CARDASSIA Great AGAIN

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>implying Cardassia was ever great
>implying that shitty screenshot isn't the perfect metaphor for Cardassia

So, humour us then.
What is YOUR take on this

Looks good from a distance but then you look closely and it all falls apart

>Picard gets tortured by a guy who freely admits a military dictatoship propped up by brutal secret police was the only way to save their civilisation after they let things get so bad people were breaking into museums to sell cultural artifacts to aliens just to be able to afford to eat
>after coming to power they decide that doing things to save their economy themselves is too much effort so they subjugate a bunch of religious pacifists and force them to do all the hard work for 50 years
>they also start, and lose, a fight with the Federation, a much larger galactic power that only held back from pushing their shit in because they're also an inherently peaceful culture
They think they're hot shit but they're just a bunch of spoonheaded bullies who never amounted to anything

>Nebula Class going amok in Cardie space.
>Picard gives them the prefix codes to the ship and can lower their shields.
>Still get btfo.

Attached: USS Phoenix vs Cardassian warship.webm (960x720, 1.99M)

>tfw no video game with some of the FASA ships.

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Fa/tg/uy here still seething that the most “accessible” Trek miniatures game is a knockoff piece of shit from WizKids and their Chinese factory slaves

>Captain it's absorbing our phaser fire
>Light it up like Chinese New Year boys

>mfw Bajoran scum

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>The ferengi are space jews
>also the bajorans, cause death camps
>also this other alien race is space jews

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There are many Jewish stereotypes from many different types of Jew over the last two thousand years, no one alien race could portray them all at the same time. Even Jews can't be all the stereotypes at once.

Being genocided is a stereotype?

TAS was funny like that.

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Dukat, his family lost

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I agree with everything you said but
>bunch of religious pacifists
you mean a bunch of radical religious terrorists that radicalize a federation commander to belive he's some kind of 'emissary' to their 'gods'