I've never played an Assassin's Creed game.
Which ones are worth checking out?
I've never played an Assassin's Creed game
Literally none. Only boomers like these movies. Play Bloodborne instead.
I’d say 2 and brotherhood but they’re all probably dated as hell by now.
Black Flag is a soft reboot of the franchise.
Origins and Odyssey are another soft reboot and you can’t go wrong with either although I felt Odyssey was a more flushed out Origins. At this point, they’re more adventure RPGs than assassin games.
I started with 1, enjoyed it more than 2 even though 2 was also a good game.
play the first one
After playing Origins, it ruins AC1-Syndicate. Those games are literally unplayable trash I wouldn't even bother redeeming them for free. They've aged worse than milk.
And this is coming from someone who's a huge AC fan. I love every aspect of the series, including the modern day bits. So I'm not hating just to hate, those games are genuinely awful now.
Do yourself a favor and just play Origins and if you love it, Odyssey. Ignore everything else it just isn't good.
ac2 is free on uplay right now
1, 2 and 4. Thats it.
*fleshed out
2 is currently free on uplay
give it a try
1, 2, 2.5, revelations was ok
1, 2, 4, Unity, Origins
All of them have innovated the gameplay more than the rest of the games.
don't trust these dated retards
if you never played any, you will have a blast with the first game
All the ACs before Origins/Odyssey are very samey aside from the story and location. Most recommend Black Flag because it has a boat minigame that's more fun than the main game.
>you will have a blast with the first game
As you said, don't trust this dated retard
this desu
best AAA of 2007 and made by pic related
Nice bait, reddittard. Origins and Odyssey are bloated game with no story and nothing to do.
Black flag.
Naval combat is top tier
1, 2, 2:Brotherhood, 4.
The rest are not worth it.
Just start from the first one and go from that, since they have a connected story. It's also nice seeing new features / improvements every game. Also, don't try to do 100% synchronization for AC1, it gets boring fast. I basically just rushed through it to see the story and get to the later games.
1, 2 (Brotherhood & Revelations only if you like Ezio), 3 (one of the highest rated in the series that Yas Forums shits on for some reason)
4 is just the menial boat combat from 3 but stretched out into an entire game along with eavesdrop missions. That's it.
The entire series was meant to only be a trilogy or maybe 5 games at most. But when they started making money Ubisoft milked it dry.
The first one. Just go in and be ready for an attempt at an immersive, cinematic, and atmospheric game that is also thoughtful and a serious and subdued historical recreation of XII century Middle East (with some liberties) and has revolutionary tech and presentation. Turn off the entire HUD after you finish the tutorial in Solomon's Temple and Masyaf- it's the way it was designed to be played. There's written letters that you can access in the menu when you acquire them that add flavor to the game.Be prepared to spend a few minutes listening to unskippable dialogue on a regular basis. The "side tasks" that you need to perform before main missions are also really boring and repetitive, even in the improved PC version (it's also fine if you enable the mini-map for some of these). Highly experimental and flawed game that had a really amazing concept. Probably a modern vidya classic. You might not love it, but it's monumental.
Second one is alright. The historical setting and the aesthetics are still great. A few tweaks made in playability from the first game that many would consider to be "improvements", and in many ways are, but there isn't, however, a defined a vision for what the game really wants to be. If you finish the first, might as well play this- and it'll likely be more fun, if dumber fun. It's a Hollywood-ish game.
Brotherhood and Revelations are just expansions to II.
III has a few good gameplay ideas but is really fucking boring 90% of the time.
IV: Black Flag is great. You don't really need to know the prior story or anything- it works great as a standalone game. The way the modern-day narrative is presented with its themes and how its woven into the historical period is amazing.
Never played Rogue.
AC: Unity is mediocre. Some really great presentation, aesthetics, animations, and even some thoughtful design ideas, but just fucking janky as hell. The grindy aspects are cancer.
Haven't played Syndicate, Origins or Odyssey, but I'd stay away.
4 and that's about it. A lot of people love 2 but I find the protagonist really annoying.
>Also, don't try to do 100% synchronization for AC1
The only thing I didn't do was collect all the flags and my playthrough was only 20 hours long. It's like you don't want to play the game, the mandatory progression isn't even half of it.
1. Ezio Trilogy and 4. You can play China Chronicles if you really loved Ezio.
My playthrough was also 20 hours long, and I gave up trying to do all the viewpoints/investigations/peasant saving around halfway through the game because it was just so fucking boring.
>play 1 on 360 at release
>wtf is this shit
>press X when the game says so to one-shot counter an enemy
>repetitive stuff like towers
>never touch AC again
I'd say play the 1st because its the og. Then play AC 2 since its the best out of the first AC era. Then play 4, the best out of the 2nd era and finally play Odyssey since its the best of the current era. They are so different from one another you will not feel that your playing the same shit all over again while at the same time experiencing the series.
>things that never happened
>because I say so
I think the one shot counter was in the game, you could even kill the final boss with it kek